台北米其林一星餐廳 》金蓬萊 遵古台菜餐廳 | Taipei Michelin Restaurant

Last Updated on 2023-05-14 by Foodelicious

(2022. 8 更新) 金蓬萊 餐廳成為 2022 台北米其林一星餐廳後, 也成為許多人的天母美食餐廳推薦之一. 文章內包括漲價後的金蓬萊菜單價格,金蓬萊停車資訊和餐廳必點菜色.
(2022. 8 Update ) Golden Formosa Restaurant is one of the 2022 Taipei Michelin One Star restaurants. This restaurant also becomes many foodies’ Tianmu recommended restaurant. This article includes 2018 new menu, parking information and its signature dishes.

金蓬萊 2018 新菜單價格在文末 Golden Formosa Restaurant Menu is at the end of the article



Golden Formosa Restaurant Parking Information

金蓬萊餐廳並沒有像台北”新東南餐廳“有代客泊車服務, 除了天母東路路邊停車格外, 餐廳也提到有兩個地方可以停車. 第一是天母市立大學地下停車場,停車價格比較便宜,位於天母棒球場附近, 地址為台北市忠誠路2段101號 (MAP). 第二個地方是天母新光三越, 距離離餐廳較近,地址為台北市士林區天母東路68號 (MAP).
Golden Formosa restaurant does not have valet parking. Besides the Tianmu East Road side parking, there are also two other locations that have parking space. One is near the Tianmu Baseball Field (Map), which is cheaper. And the other one is at Tianmu Shinkong Mitsukoshi Department Store (MAP) , which is closer to the restaurant.



Golden Formosa Restaurant Reservation

2022.08 訂位請打電話 (02)2871-1517、(02)2871-1580. 這次與朋友用餐恰巧遇到金蓬萊餐廳整修裝潢, 座位被安排到隔壁的火鍋餐廳 (同一位老闆), 因此室內照片其實並不是金蓬萊餐廳本店, 座位意外地舒適與隔音好, 一樣也有二樓包廂, 若是新裝潢能像 台北東區“南村 私廚‧小酒棧” 會更適合宴客, 至於何時裝潢完成就不得而知. 我在等待朋友的時候, 細看菜單價格, 酒席菜單的菜色一樣, 但價格從 NTD $ 6800 漲到 NTD $7500, 這一桌11道菜(包括水果盤) 平均一盤才漲 NTD $63.6, 價格漲幅在接受範圍之內. 至於單點價格, 網路上找不到之前的價格, 無從比較.
You will need to call to reserve seats (02)2871-1517、(02)2871-1580. The restaurant is under remodeling. My friend and I are seated at the hot pot restaurant (same owner) next door. So, the indoor design picture is regarding the hot pot restaurant instead of the Golden Formosa Restaurant itself. I wonder if the after-remodel design would be like “44 SV Bistro” at Taipei East District. While waiting for my friend, I checked the menu details. The 11-courses set price increases to NTD $7500 from $6800. But, the average of each dish only increase NTD $63.6, which is mainly acceptable.

2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

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Golden Formosa Restaurant Dishes


Crispy Fried Spareribs
Price: NTD $250/ 3 Units
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

蓬萊排骨酥是金蓬萊台菜餐廳必點, 店員端上這道料理時, 我才知道只有三個排骨酥, 讓我不禁想起之前在天母餐酒館 “Vicolo Trattoria 微巷“的拿坡里炸麵糰也是以三為單位. 深褐色外表其實不太討喜, 我還在感受外皮的酥脆口感時, 才意識到熱騰騰肉汁快要溢出, 嫩肉與肋骨容易分離且不黏牙縫, 裹粉不厚, 最精彩的莫過於鹹香風味中帶有點甜味和胡椒調味, 關於一道菜的色香味幾乎都有. 但是依舊網路上有人嫌這道排骨酥太貴. 在我們點的這些菜餚裡, 我個人是蠻推這道料理.
Crispy Fried Spareribs is a must-order dish. I noticed that this dish only has three units of spareribs, which is similar with “Vicolo Trattoria Bistro”. The dark brown appearance is obviously not very attractive. But, while I was enjoying the crispy taste from the skin, the hot meaty juice almost fall out of the ribs. It is easy to separate the bones and meats. The most surprising part would be the salty flavor also has hints of sweet and pepper flavor. However, there are still some people think this dish is too expensive. I recommend this dish amount other dishes that we ordered.


白片放山雞 (半隻雞)

Formosa Sliced Boiled Half Chicken
Price: NTD $540
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

半隻雞是 NTD $540 , 全雞是 NTD $1080. 擺盤頗具台式風情, 切片帶骨雞肉放置在類似樸實扁平竹籃的盤中, 咕溜油亮雞皮搭配白嫩雞肉, 夾起一片完整的帶骨雞肉拍照, 雞肉紋路細緻完整, 也同時注意到雞皮與肉之間薄薄一層半透明雞汁凍, 只是並沒有想像中地多汁, 若覺得風味過於簡單, 可沾店家提供的辣椒沾醬. 我會建議將這道料理搭配重口味炒飯一起吃會較適合.
Half chicken is NTD $540 and the whole chicken is NTD $1080. The display plate is quite Asian theme. The bright and oily skin pairs with tender chicken meat. I noticed the transparent chicken fats(?) in between the skin and the meat. But, it is not as juicy as expected. If you consider the flavor is too simple, you can dip into the spicy sauce. I would suggest to pair this dish with stir-fried rice or noodle.



Prime Mullet Roe Fried Rice
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我以前在金蓬萊台菜餐廳有吃過紅蟳粉絲煲, 重口味又美味. 這次跟朋友是點烏魚子炒飯. 這一份飯食應該四人小家庭分享沒問題, 炒飯粒粒分明是基本要素, 切丁烏魚子彷彿亮橘色琥珀埋藏在炒飯小丘裡, 炒飯鹹香風味加上烏魚子海鮮鹹風味, 蛋香就彷彿小清新, 讓這道料理不會只有過於單一鹹味, 我會推薦給帶外國客人來吃金蓬萊的人, 這道烏魚子炒飯可稱作台式炒飯的代表作.
My friend and I order Prime Mullet Roe Fried Rice. The quantity is suitable for small family for 4 people. The diced roes are like bright orange amber hidden at the stir-fried rice. The salty flavor and seafood flavor mixed together well. The egg aroma is more like a balanced object. I would recommend this dish to foreigners because Taiwan prime mullet roe is probably the best representation of Taiwan seafood.



Traditional Marinated Pork intestines
Price: NTD $360
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這道純粹是我跟我朋友想吃的ㄧ道菜, 並沒有在金蓬萊招牌菜名單裡, 後來看了一下價格, 發現非招牌菜價格其實在天母算是可接受程度. 此道料理不浮誇, 滷大腸只有樸素醬油與微香辣椒風味, 油脂之多且品嚐起來相當嫩, 很適合搭配我們的炒飯!
My friend and I are craving for this dish, but, it wasn’t on their signature dishes list. After checking price, their non-signature dish is quite price friendly. The pork intestines only has simply soy sauce flavor with hints of spicy flavor. There are fair amount of fats and tastes very tender. It is great pairing with out stir-fried rice.



  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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Golden Formosa Restaurant Information

店名: 金蓬萊遵古台菜餐廳
地址: 台北市士林區天母東路101號 (Map)
捷運: 芝山捷運站
營業時間: 打電話確認
Website: http://www.goldenformosa.com.tw/bin/home.php
Restaurant Name: Golden Formosa Restaurant
Address: No.101, Tianmu East Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Zhishan MRT Station
Tel: 02-2871-1517
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm


金蓬萊菜單 2018

Golden Formosa Restaurant Menu 2018






