EN 和食 》台北復興 SOGO 11F 日本料理 | Taipei Japanese Restaurant

Last Updated on 2019-01-29 by Foodelicious

EN 和食。酒 (えん)忠孝復興捷運站日本料理餐廳之一, 除了在SOGO復興館 BR4 11樓有餐廳店面外, 在板橋大遠百也有分店.
EN Japanese Cuisine Restaurant is one of the Japanese restaurants near Zhongxiao Fushing MRT station. Besides the SOGO Fuxing branch, EN also has another branch at Banqiao District.

菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of Article


很多人都對百貨公司裡的餐廳有兩種想法, 貴與不好吃通常是先入為主的偏見, 佔地頗大的餐廳有著高貴距離感, 從玻璃落地窗外可看到開放式廚房, 充滿日本風的餐廳入口左邊是散客座位, 我進入餐廳後被帶進右邊的非踏踏米包廂, 一個包廂大約可坐6位. 我跟朋友們點了相當多餐點, 我就從最美味的菜餚開始寫.
Many Taiwanese always think that Department Store restaurants are always expensive with horrible dishes. From outside of the restaurant, you can see the open kitchen and private dining room. I was seated at the private dining room. Since my friends and I ordered a whole lot, I would start writing from my favorite to the least favorite.

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炭烤土雞牛蒡土鍋飯 (2 ~ 3 people)

English Name: Free Range Chicken and Burdock in Rice Pot (for 2 ~ 3 people)
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

土鍋飯是 EN 和食餐廳最著名的料理, 而非台灣人所熟悉的生魚片或是握壽司, 製作一道土鍋飯需要 40 分鐘, 建議入座後馬上點這一道料理. 當服務生掀開鍋蓋時, 雞肉與牛蒡散發出迷人香氣,拌飯時, 立刻嗅到濃郁炭燒肉香, 迫不及待地先咬了一口雞肉切塊, 除了軟嫩口感外, 味蕾也察覺到高湯與台灣土雞肉油脂精華.來自日本的米飯相當鬆軟, 濕潤有黏性的口感是我意想不到, 每一口都相當不錯, 皆帶有微鹹風味, 且每人都會附一碗味噌湯, 我相當推薦這一道料理.
Rice Pot is one of EN’s signature dish, instead of sashimi or nigiri. Since this dish would take 40 minutes to cook, it would be better to order right after seating. After the staff opens the rice pot, the burdock and grilled chicken aroma appear. When stirring the rice as instructed, the grilled chicken flavor dominates. The moist and sticky rice has fair amount of saltness. Every customer would also have one small bowl of miso soup. I strongly recommend this dish.




English Name: Motsuni (Japanese Miso Tripe Stew)
Price: NTD $330
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

餐廳採用的是澳洲和牛,在辣椒與青蔥切絲提味下, 濃稠橘紅色燉汁散發出味噌香氣, 肉香反而是配角, 牛筋膠質讓湯頭帶有黏性, 大腸與牛筋皆相當軟嫩, 但吸收精華的豆腐才是我的最愛, 我會建議點這道菜來搭配土鍋飯.
The restaurant uses Australian wagyu beef. With green onion and hot pepper’s enhancement, the orange-red stew offers familiar miso aroma. The meaty aroma suddenly isn’t important anymore. The collagen from from the beef tendon makes the stew thicker. Both tripe and collagen are very tender. However, the tofu is my favorite since it absorbs fair amount of the stew essence. I would suggest to order this to pair with the rice pot.




English Name: Shrimp and Mushroom Ball
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

香菇向來是我愛的食材, 很難得遇到除了酥脆外層, 也有多汁口感, 建議佐一旁的抹茶鹽, 但並不會蓋住最顯著的鮮蝦風味, 是一道口感與風味極佳的料理.
Mushroom is always my favorite ingredient. Besides the crispy appearance, the mushroom is always juicy. I would suggest to pair with the matcha salts. No worries, the green tea matcha salt couldn’t cover the shrimp flavor. This is a great taste dish.




English Name: Spear Squid Ichiyaboshi
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

午仔魚一夜干也是EN 和食。酒 (えん)的招牌料理, 後來還是選透抽一夜干, 經典Q彈口感, 沾著店家特製美奶滋更凸顯出一夜干的濃郁鹹海鮮味.
Fish Ichiyaboshi is also one of EN’s signature dish. However, my friends and I chose the Squid Ichiyaboshi instead. The custom-made sauce enhances the thick and salty seafood flavor from the squid.




English Name: Sandbar and Burdock Fried Fish Paste
Price: NTD $230
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

薩摩揚也就是臺灣人所熟悉的日本甜不辣, 也就是源自日本鹿兒島的油炸魚漿, 紮實蟹肉內餡絲毫不馬虎, 不會過於油膩, 只是以價格換算, 視覺上份量有點少.
This dish is basically fried fish paste. The texture of crab meat is dense but not overly oily. However, with the price, I have to say the quantity is a bit smaller than expected.




English Name: Warabimoti
Price: NTD $110
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

蕨餅在日本料理餐廳很常吃到, 除了比市面上的蕨餅Q彈, 黑糖沾醬更是香氣十足, 雖然是手工製作, 但價格若能壓在台幣一百元以下會更受歡迎.
Warabimoti is a most-seen dessert in Japanese restaurants. This custom-made warabimoti tastes better than others. The brown sugar sauce is always full of aroma. Even though it is hand-made, it would be better if the price is under NTD $100.



蛤蠣味噌湯 (2 人份)

English Name: Clam Miso Soup
Price: NTD $110
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

若沒有點炭烤土雞牛蒡土鍋飯, 則沒有附味噌湯, 建議點這道蛤蠣味噌湯搭配其他料理, 服務生有提到這道湯其實是中型碗, 兩人足夠分享, 不僅有味噌香氣, 也有充足的海鮮氣息.
If you didn’t order the grilled chicken rice pot, there wont be any miso soup. I would suggest to order this soup to pair with other dishes. The soup bowl is actually suitable for 2 people. The soup base has both miso flavor and also fair amount of seafood.



EN 湯葉海鮮

English Name: EN Seafood Salad
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

除了預期的新鮮鮭魚與鮪魚, 也有魚卵, 但份量不多, 青菜與佐醬反而成為主角.
Besides the expected fresh salmon and tuna, it also has roes with small quantity. But sadly, the vegetables and sauce have large amount.




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Restaurant Name 店名: EN 和食 EN Japanese Cuisine Restaurant
Address: 11F, No. 300, 3th section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區忠孝東路三段300號 11F (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/entaipei.com.tw/
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Fushing MRT station 忠孝復興捷運站
電話:02- 7745-0796
營業時間: SOGO Department Store Operation Hour 百貨公司營業時間

Menu: http://www.en-banqiao.com.tw/menu/




