Taipei Buffet 》關於饗食天堂吃到飽的五個重點 (內有訂位方式 )

Last Updated on 2023-05-28 by Foodelicious

饗食天堂 2023 新北與台北吃到飽推薦, 這次中壢的饗食天堂下午茶訂位意外成功. 這篇文章會提到饗食天堂價格 , 訂位, 菜色等重點.
Eatogether Buffet Restaurant is one of 2023 New Taipei City and Taipei Buffet Recommendation. This time, we successfully reserve seats at Eatogether Buffet Zongli Branch. This article will mention Eatogether Buffet price, reservation, dishes…etc.


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饗食天堂 訂位

Eatogether Buffet Reservation

饗食天堂在台灣有許多分店, 我們去的是饗食天堂中壢 SOGO 分店, 用餐時段是週末的饗食天堂下午茶 ( 2:30pm ~ 4:30pm ). 你需要先到餐廳櫃檯報到 , 再跟其他人一起排隊進場.

饗食天堂 訂位方式
✅ 網路訂位:

✅ 電話訂位 (分店電話) :

✅ 🔥 (推薦 ) APP「 電話 」訂位

SOP 如下
Step 1: 先下載「 iEAT 饗愛吃 」(圖二)
Step 2: 註冊會員
Step 3: 在 APP 頁面搜尋饗食天堂
Step 4: 搜尋你想去的分店
Step 5: 如果 APP 訂位不成功, 請直接打右上角的綠色電話圖示訂位 (圖三)
因為網站永遠沒有空位 , 從 Google 頁面打電話也都是忙線, 所以我們是當天打 APP「 電話 」訂到位, 那時板橋店與中壢店都有位置.

Eatogether Buffet restaurant has many branches in Taiwan. My family and I went to Zongli SOGO Branch during weekend afternoon tea (2:30 pm ~ 4:30pm). You will need to check-in at the restaurant counter, and line up with everyone to be seated.

Eatogether Buffet Reservation
✅ Online Reservation:

✅ Call in Reservation ( Branch phone number) :

✅ 🔥 ( Recommend ) APP「 Call-in 」reservation

SOP as following
Step 1: Download 「 iEAT 饗愛吃 」( Pic 2 )
Step 2: Register Membership
Step 3: Search Eatogether Buffet ( 饗食天堂)
Step 4: Search which branch you want to dine in
Step 5: If the APP reservation is all booked, you can call the green phone icon on the upper right hand corner (Pic 3)
Because the website reservation is always packed without any seat. The phone line is always busy via google page. So, we call the phone icon on the APP. Then, there are seats on Zhongli and Banqiao branch.





饗食天堂 價格

Eatogether Buffet Price

饗食天堂價格在圖一, 我與家人們是選擇週末吃饗食天堂下午茶, 2023.4 月週末下午茶價格為 NTD $868+10% / 人 , 千元有找. 這裡的用餐環是優等, 用餐座位區不會太壅擠, 店員不多, 但是有像 “鼎泰豐”的機器人協助服務.
Eatogether Buffet Price is at Picture 1. My family and I choose to dine at Eatogether Buffet during afternoon tea time ( 2:30pm ~ 4:30pm ). 2023.April weekend afternoon tea price is NTD $868 + 10% / person. The dining environment is quite good. The dining area is not too crowded. There aren’t much staffs, but there is a robot ( similar with “Din Tai Fung “ robot ) assisting the service.

延伸閱讀: Din Tai Fung 2023 》N 訪到我有自己的鼎泰豐菜單 2023 推薦美食排名


饗食天堂 菜色介紹

Eatogether Buffet Dishes Introduction

饗食天堂 Buffet 區域分得很清楚, 有日式/西式/中式//甜點與飲料區, 只是我不太確定饗食天堂下午茶菜色與其他用餐時段有何差別.
There are several categories , which includes Japanese/Western/Chinese/Dessert and Drink. I am not sure the difference between Afternoon Tea dishes vs Lunch/Dinner dishes.



日式 Buffet 菜色

Japanese Buffet Dishes

我與家人們最喜歡吃的 Buffet 菜色是日式, 饗食天堂下午茶不僅有台灣人最喜歡的鮭魚與鮪魚生魚片, 而且握壽司項目眾多 (例如:旗魚握壽司, 炙燒牛肉握壽司) , 壽司飯口感不會硬, 是多數台灣人會喜歡的口感. 炸蝦天婦羅更是炸得細緻, 手捲的海苔吃起來頗脆, 每道菜餚都非常美味, 我個人最推薦日式菜色區.
My family and I love the Japanese Buffet Dishes. During the afternoon tea, the restaurant has tuna and salmon sashimi. Also there are various nigiris ( swordfish nigiri, grilled beef nigiri ..etc). The sushi rice texture is not too hard. The shrimp tempura is also delicate. The hand roll seaweed is cripy too. Every dish is delicious. I will recommend their Japanese Buffet Dishes.

延伸閱讀: 其他台北日式餐廳 》 Other Taipei Japanese Restaurant


西式 Buffet 菜色

Western Buffet Dishes

饗食天堂爐烤現切牛排是全餐期供應, 下午茶時段也有提供, 因為爐烤現切牛排區域與德國豬腳區在餐廳正中間, 永遠都是排隊, 牛排約 5 ~ 6 分熟, 以 Buffet 水準, 饗食天堂爐牛排的嫩度與美味程度都令人滿意, 這裡也有現炒義大利麵區.
Eatogether Buffet offers Oven-Grilled Steak all day, including the afternoon. Because the steak and German pork knuckle ( Schweinshaxe ) area is at the center area of restaurant, there are always people lining up. The steak is medium. Base on Buffet level, their steak tenderness and delicious level are both satisfied. They also have Order-to-Make Stir-Fried Italian pasta area.

延伸閱讀: 其他西式餐廳 》 Other Taipei Western Restaurant


中式/台式/港式 Buffet 菜色

Chinese/Taiwanese/Cantonese Buffet Dishes

台灣 Buffet 餐廳最弱的是中式菜色. 但是饗食天堂的中式菜色區域令人刮目相看. 尤其是烤鴨捲餅與鮮沖牛肉湯. 現煎天使紅蝦和鐵板骰子牛 (美國嫩肩胛小菲力) 也值得一試. 港式點心的種類也很多 (蝦餃與燒賣), 也有少見的奶皇流沙芝麻球與港式奶油玉米酥皮濃湯, 甚至也有台式滷味.
Chinese dishes is probably the weakest dishes in Taiwan Buffet restaurant. Surprisingly, Eatogether Buffet Chinese dishes are impressive, especially the duck roll and raw beef soup. The grilled shrimp and Teppanyaki dice shape beef ( US Beef Petite Tender ) are worth the try. There are also various cantonese dim sum options (shrimp dumpling and siu mai). Surprisingly, they also offer cream corn soup with puff pastry and custard sesame mochi ball. They even have Taiwanese braised foods too.

延伸閱讀: 台北粵菜餐廳 & 港式飲茶 懶人包 》Cantonese Restaurants in Taipei Guide




Dessert & Drink Area

很多人對饗食天堂甜點區印象深刻, 因為巧克力噴泉有視覺感, 從圖片可以看到蛋糕也有很多選擇, 當天的綠茶類型蛋糕比例算高. 饗食天堂招牌甜點是焦糖葡萄柚 , 甜點師傅撒上赤砂糖, 再炙烤成脆皮. 我是吃另一個招牌甜點 Creme Brluee, 微熱脆皮搭配滑嫩內餡, 以吃到飽餐廳標準, 這一道甜點可嘗試. 飲料區選擇也很多.
Many people are impressed by their Dessert & Drink area because of the chocolate fountain. You can also see that there are many cake selections. The green tea cakes percentage are quite high. Their signature dessert is Caramelized Grapefruit. I tried their creme brûlée. In Buffet quality level, I would suggest you to try the creme brûlée with soft creamy flan texture. The beverage area also has various selection as well.


饗食天堂 Buffet Review ⭐

Eatogether Buffet Review

我個人非常推薦饗食天堂, 除了難訂位之外, 幾乎沒有缺點.

✅ 日式 Buffet 菜色選擇多且美味, 而且很多食材來源都會註明來自日本的哪個區域
✅ 西式爐烤手切牛排比預期地好吃且嫩, 也有德國豬腳的選擇

✅ 中式 Buffet 菜色比其他家 Buffet 多, 而且有特別的烤鴨捲餅, 鐵板骰子牛是採用美國嫩肩胛小菲力製作.
✅ 饗食天堂價格可以接受, 2023.4 月下午茶時段價格為 NTD $868+10% / 人 , 千元有找.

I definitely recommend Eatogether Buffet restaurant. Besides it is difficult to reserve, I could not find any flaw about this restaurant.

The reasons that I recommend Eatogether Buffet restaurant
✅ There are lots of Japanese dishes selection.And all foods are quite delicious. The ingredients Japan origin are also announced at the monitor.
✅ The oven grilled steak is more delicious and tender than expected. There are also German Pork knuckle selection as well.

✅ Comparing with other Taiwan buffets , this restaurant offer more Chinese dishes. They also have special duck roll and Teppanyaki dice shape beef ( US Beef Petite Tender ).
✅ Eatogether Buffet price is acceptable. 2023.April price during afternoon tea tea is NTD $868+10% / per person.


饗食天堂 餐廳資訊

Eatogether Buffet Information

餐廳店名: 饗食天堂吃到飽餐廳
Branch Information 分店資訊
Restaurant: Eatogether Buffet Restaurant



