earnestos Taipei 》 關於 earnestos 餐廳 的五個重點

Last Updated on 2024-01-21 by Foodelicious

earnestos 餐廳2024 新開幕台北餐廳之一 , earnestos 菜單由老闆之一, 也是新加坡籍主廚 Ernest Toh 卓均仰所設計.
earnestos restaurant is a 2024 new Taipei restaurant. Singapore Chef Ernest Toh , who is also one of the owners , designs earnestos menu.


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earnestos 餐廳 訂位

earnestos Restaurant Reservation

Earnestos 餐廳地址為台北市大安區瑞安街208巷5號 , 離大安森林公園捷運站與大安捷運站大約 10 分鐘路程. 裝潢低調的 Earnestos 餐廳位於巷弄內. 餐廳空間大, 適合朋友聚餐. 開放式廚房料理台的前方有吧台座位. Earnestos 餐廳訂位採用 inline (Link). 新加坡籍主廚 Ernest Toh 卓均仰 之前是 nku 餐廳的主廚. 我兩次去 nku 餐廳, 菜單都是 Chef Ernest 設計. 這次在 Earnestos 餐廳 , 給饕客們的感覺就如同到大廚朋友家作客, 氛圍與 casual fine dining 類似.
Earnestos restaurant is located at No. 5, Lane 208, Rui’an Street, Da’an District, Taipei City, about a 10-minute walk from Da’an Park MRT Station and Da’an MRT Station. The restaurant space is large, making it suitable for gatherings with friends. There are counter seats in front of the open kitchen. You can use inline (link) to make reservation. Chef Ernest Toh, originally from Singapore, was previously the executive chef at “nku restaurant”. I’ve been to nku restaurant twice, and both times the menu was designed by Chef Ernest. This time at Earnestos restaurant, the experience is like visiting the home of a chef, creating an atmosphere similar to casual fine Dining.

延伸閱讀: nku 餐廳 》二訪台北柴火餐酒館多了些不同的飲食風格

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



Private Dining Room

Earnestos 餐廳包廂位於 B1 , 有獨立洗手間.
The private dining room is located at B1. The private dining room has independent restroom.

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining


earnestos餐廳 價位

earnestos Restaurant Price

套餐 : NTD $3000+10% / 人
✅ Wine Pairing (三杯酒一杯茶): NTD $1300
b.在等候朋友時, 店員端上一盤炸木薯

Set : NTD $3000+10% / person
✅ Wine Pairing (Three wines and one tea): NTD $1300
a.Tea also has non-caffeinated selection.
b.While waiting for friends, the staff brings a plate of fried chips.



earnestos 菜單 評價

earnestos Menu Review

小金杯 / 胭脂蝦

Kueh Pie Tee & ‘Scarlet’ Prawns
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

開胃小點內容不定期更換. 之前在 “ La Vie” 有吃過厚實脆口的小金杯. 這次在 Earnestos 餐廳 吃到的是薄到微透光的小金杯, 搭配胭脂蝦的生鮮甜, 我喜歡品嚐這樣的搭配.
The content may be vary. Previously, at “La Vie,” I had the pleasure of enjoying thick and crispy small golden cups (Kueh Pie Tee) . This time at Earnestos restaurant, what I experienced was Kush Pie Tee that was thin to the point and paired with the freshness and sweetness of scarlet shrimp.  I enjoyed savoring this combination.

延伸閱讀: La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 》品嚐短版菜單


草仔粿 / 巴拉醬

Chao-ah-kueh of Belaccan
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這一季菜單是以東南亞元素為主軸 , 同時也讓客人們更認識新加坡籍主廚 Ernest Toh 卓均仰. 品嚐草仔粿時, 綠色粿皮頗有彈性. 最令人印象深刻的是其內餡, 包括了螺肉和牛蒡, 營造出豐富的鹹香滋味. 整體細緻度比預期地高.
This season’s menu revolves around Southeast Asia elements, providing guests with a deeper understanding of Chef Ernest Toh. When tasting the Chao-ah-kueh, the green rice cake skin exhibited considerable elasticity. The most impressive aspect was its filling, which included escargot and burdock, creating a rich and savory flavor. Overall, the dish exceeded expectations in terms of delicacy.



Atas ‘Popiah’
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

菜餚名稱是薄餅, 類似台灣潤餅. 醃製鵝肝內餡的綿密口感是第一印象. 吃起來並不會有過於獨特的風味. 我比較喜歡之前在 “ nku ” 吃過的潤餅與蒲燒鰻.
It is Popiah, which is similar with Taiwanese “Run Bing”. The first impression is the creamy and crunchy taste of the foie gras filling. It doesn’t have the unique flavor. I would prefer the previous popiah with fried eel dish at “nku restaurant” .

延伸閱讀: nku 餐廳 》二訪台北柴火餐酒館多了些不同的飲食風格



Malay ‘Achar’
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我個人比較少吃辛香類的醃菜, 小份量嚐鮮還可以.
I don’t usually taste pickled vegetable with spicy flavor. But, I can taste small quantity.



Lao Yu Sheng
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

馬來西亞與新加坡華人過年會吃撈魚生 . 習俗是在一大平盤上擺滿各式生魚片及多款食材, 家人和朋友們同時用筷子攪拌食材後一同享用. Earnestos 餐廳呈上一人份的撈魚生. 盤底是由脆烤海苔點綴的酸奶醬汁. 再堆疊起熟成數小時的野生黃雞魚 , 呈現鮮味與奶香並存, 軟嫩口感更是加分. 晶瑩剔透的鹽漬鮭魚卵隨著入口即爆汁. 醃洋蔥與香茅油則是增添了平衡和多層次的風味. 這是當天我最喜歡的菜餚之一.
In Malaysia and among Chinese communities in Singapore, it is a tradition to have “Lao Yu Sheng” during the Lunar New Year. This involves a large platter filled with various raw fish slices and an assortment of ingredients. Family and friends use chopsticks to mix the ingredients together before enjoying the dish collectively. Earnestos restaurant presents an individual serving of “Lao Yu Sheng” . The base of the plate is adorned with crispy roasted seaweed and with yogurt sauce. Stacked on top is aged fish, offering a delightful combination of freshness and creamy flavor and texture. The salmon roe bursts with flavor . Pickled onions and lemongrass oil add balance and multi-layered flavors to the dish. This was one of my favorite dishes of the day.



Fermented Potato ‘Canai’ & Fish Head Curry ‘Shirako’
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

先煎後烤的發酵馬鈴薯麵包像極有厚度的蔥油餅. 手撕入口後 , 仍舊有我喜歡的微脆口感. Earnestos 餐廳的發酵馬鈴薯麵包 如同 “FRASSI “ 全麥酸種鄉村麵包有討喜的酸度. 上次我在 “聚苑 Ju Yuan” 吃到的白子食材也是同樣在熱醬汁裡 , 以同樣概念讓菜餚增加適量鮮度. 品嚐方式就跟在 “Saffron 46“ 吃印度烤餅 (Naan) 一樣, 將麵包沾咖哩. 味蕾感受到濃郁的咖哩風味, 也可以感受到有白子賦予的海鮮風味,  不錯吃且有創意.
The pan-fried and baked canai at Earnestos resembles thick Taiwanese scallion pancakes. Even when torn by hand, it maintains the satisfying crispy texture I enjoy. Similar to the “FRASSI” whole wheat sourdough bread, Earnestos’ Canai has a pleasing level of acidity. The last time I encountered shirako ingredients at “Ju Yuan,” they were also incorporated into the high temperature sauce, following a similar concept to enhance the umami flavor of the dish. The tasting experience of this “Roti Canai “ is akin to eating Indian flatbread (Naan) ,  where the bread is dipped in the curry. The tastebuds are treated to a rich curry flavor along with hints of umami flavor, making it both delicious and innovative.

延伸閱讀: 聚苑 Ju Yuan 》關於這家台北無菜單料理餐廳的五個重點

延伸閱讀: FRASSI 》關於這一家台北大直義大利餐廳的五個重點

延伸閱讀: Saffron 46 Taipei 》這家台北印度料理餐廳除了美食也有調酒





‘Sambal’ Spanish Mackerel
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

馬加魚是土魠魚. 近期土魠魚也逐漸成為餐廳會採用的食材 , 例如在 “季肴酒 駄介 ” 吃到的醋漬土魠魚. 主廚 Ernest Toh 將馬加魚先蒸後微烤成半熟 , 魚肉的嫩度高 . 參巴辣醬與微酸的柚子醬汁提升鮮味. 因為我個人只吃小辣, 參巴辣醬的辣香會覆蓋住旨味.
Recently, Spanish Mackerel has become a featured ingredient in restaurants, as seen in the vinegar-marinated spanish mackerel at “Dasuke by Sakemaru.” Chef Ernest Toh steams and lightly grills the fish to achieve a semi-cooked state, resulting in a tender texture. The addition of sambal chili sauce and slightly tangy yuzu sauce enhances the freshness. As I personally prefer mild spiciness, the pungency of the sambal chili sauce tends to covers the umami flavor.

延伸閱讀: 季肴酒 駄介 Dasuke by Sakemaru 》Omakase 菜單評價


熟成鴨胸 / 清燉掛菜阿山

Aged Duck & Braised Chinese Mustard ‘Assam’
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

開放式廚房可以看到主廚擺盤. 先是將熱陶盤端出, 用深綠色的芥菜(刈菜) 醬汁畫盤. 再推疊起熟成數天的宜蘭豪野鴨胸. 鴨肉熟度是 5 ~ 6 分熟. 脆焦鴨皮搭配嫩鴨肉 , 肉香與野味吃起來不錯. 不同於其他餐廳的莓果醬汁, Earnestos 餐廳則是運用微苦的芥菜(刈菜) 醬汁. 只是我對單一苦味比較敏感, 醬汁比較不是我喜歡的類型.
The open kitchen allows a view of the chef’s plating process. It begins with the presentation of a hot ceramic plate, adorned with a deep green color mustard sauce. Stacked on top is the aged Yilan wild duck breast. The duck meat is cooked to a medium, followed by searing the duck skin. The crispy, charred duck skin complements the tender duck meat, offering a delightful combination of meaty aroma and gamey flavor. In contrast to other restaurants’ berry sauces, Earnestos uses a slightly bitter mustard sauce. However, as I am sensitive to singular bitter taste, this sauce is not my preferred type.


丰宿池上米 / 牛奶魚骨湯

Seasonal Claypot ‘Chi Shang’ Rice&Fish Milk
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

土鍋炊煮的風潮逐漸興盛 . 上次在米其林一星 “Ad Astra” 西式餐廳 , 也曾品嚐過土鍋炊飯. Earnestos 餐廳經理 Seth 端出土鍋與熱碗. 土鍋有兩層保溫. 掀開土鍋的瞬間 , 印度香飯 ( Nasi Briyani ) 裡的許多複合辛香料香氣迎面而來. 令人意想不到的是主廚 Ernest 採用台東丰宿池上米炊煮, 而非印度香米. 將甜豆仁與香菇緩緩拌入飯裡. 手撥的新鮮甜豆仁費時費工, 而且甜且脆. 米粒飽滿 , 香料風味並不會過重. 翻炒香菇的醋味稍微濃烈, 單獨品嚐可能會感受到高酸度. 建議全部食材拌勻一起入口 , 更能一次感受到酸香與香料風味. 搭配熱騰騰且濃郁的牛奶魚骨湯 , 這道飯食充滿 Fushion且美味的南洋風格.
The trend of cooking in clay pots is gradually gaining popularity. I’ve previously experienced clay pot-cooked rice at the Michelin one-star restaurant “Ad Astra”. The manager of Earnestos restaurant, Seth, brought out a clay pot and hot bowls. The clay pot has two layers for insulation. Upon lifting the lid of the clay pot, the aromatic spices from the Indian Biryani rice fill the air. Surprisingly, Chef Ernest opted for Taitung rice instead of Indian rice. He gently mixed in sweet peas and mushrooms. Hand-picking fresh sweet peas is time-consuming, but the result is sweet and crisp. The rice grains are plump, and the spice flavors are not overwhelming. The slightly intense acidity of the vinegar-infused sautéed mushrooms might be noticeable when tasted alone. It is recommended to mix all the ingredients together for a well-rounded experience of acidity and spice flavors. Paired with hot and rich fish bone milk soup, this dish is a fusion of delicious and flavorful Nanyang style.

延伸閱讀: Ad Astra Taipiei 》關於這一家台北米其林一星餐廳的五個重點



Persimmon & ‘Hoshigaki’
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

萬壽菊的點綴讓這道甜點擺盤更有設計感, 甜得迷人的焦糖柿餅有微脆口感. 盤底的英式蛋奶醬與麥茶組合不會過於濃稠. 味蕾可感受到薑餅賦予的微刺激感.
The decoration of Chrysanthemum adds a sense of design to the presentation of this dessert. The caramel persimmon cake is charmingly sweet with a slight crisp texture. The base of ECrème anglaise and barley tea is not overly thick. The tastebuds can perceive the stimulation imparted by the ginger cookies.


斑斕糯米糕 / 栗子椰糖酥

Kueh Salat & Chestnut Puff
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

栗子是秋冬季食材, 西式餐廳都是做成栗子濃湯 ( “BeApe 餐廳” ) 或是栗子蛋糕 ( “侯布雄” ) . 雖然菜單英文翻譯是 Chestnut Puff, 其實口感與類型比較偏中式酥餅. 內餡的堅果風味與點綴的椰糖吃起來很特別. 另外一款甜點 – 馬來斑斕糯米糕也不錯吃.
Chestnut is a seasonal ingredient in autumn and winter, commonly used in Western restaurants to make chestnut soup ( “BeApe Restaurant“) or chestnut cakes ( “L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei“). Although the menu translates it as Chestnut Puff, the texture and type are similar with Chinese pastry. The nutty flavor of the chestnut filling and the coconut sugar decoration make it quite unique. Another dessert, the Malaysian Kueh Salat, is also delicious.

延伸閱讀: BeApe Restaurant 》再訪台北法式餐酒館推薦 ( 內有菜單)

延伸閱讀: L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei 》侯布雄菜單 2021 幾乎全都點


Pairing Menu

Earnestos 餐廳的 Wine Pairing 價格是 NTD $1300 , 內容是三杯酒與一杯茶. Earnestos 餐廳經理 Seth 是侍酒師. 三杯酒符合 Casual Fine Dining 主題. 目前餐廳有販售單杯酒. Pairing Menu 搭配得很不錯, 可考慮點.
Earnestos Restaurant’s wine pairing price is NTD $1300. The pairing menu includes three wines and one tea. Earnestos Restaurant’s manager Seth is also a sommelier. Three glasses of wine fits the casual fine dining concept. Now, they offer single glass wine . Overall, I would suggest to order the pairing menu since it is decent and likable.



NV Brut Selection, Marquis de Pomereuil
Les Riceys, Champagne, France

氣泡細緻. 品酌時 , 有經典 Chardonnay 的特色 , 也同時展現水梨與檸檬風味. 這杯香檳並不會過於奪走菜餚的南洋風格.
The sparkling is thin and not long-lasting. While tasting, the champagne has classic Chardonnay aroma and flavor, which also has pear and lemon flavor. The champagne will not cover the south eastern spices or style of the dishes.


White Wine

2020 SV5182 Chardonnay, Te Whare Ra
Marlborough, New Zealand

Cloudy Bay 在台灣非常受歡迎. 其他國家的葡萄酒愛好者反而比較喜歡紐西蘭的 TWR 太陽之屋. 單喝這一杯 Chardonnay , 有著飽滿酒體 , 明亮酸度, 蜂蜜與杏桃的組合很討喜. 也很適合搭配菜單裡的海鮮菜餚.
Cloudy Bay is very famous in Taiwan. Wine lovers from other countries prefer TWR from New Zealand. The full wine body along with sharp acidity has also honey and apricot flavor. It pairs well with the seafood flavor dishes.


Red Wine

2019 Morellino di Scansano DOCG, Fattoria Le Pupille
Maremma, Tuscany, Italy

Earnestos 餐廳搭配的是 DOCG 等級義大利酒 , 雖然義大利酒的等級只是參考與迷思, 我個人還是會很在意. 此款紅酒很適合搭菜單裡熟成鴨胸 , 單寧不高, 櫻桃風味剛好搭配鴨胸的肉香.
I would prefer the Italian wine in DOCG level (especially in wine pairing menu ) , even though the level is just for reference. The red wine is perfect pairing with the aged duck. The tannin is not too high and cherry flavor can pair with the meaty flavor from the duck.



套餐並沒有包括茶, 而是在 Pairing Menu. 這次Pairing 的茶有兩個選擇- 無咖啡因的雲南紫芽花苞 (左) 或是 來自大吉嶺 Makai Bari 茶園的紅茶 (右). 因為要搭配甜點, 我個人認為茶飲會比甜酒更加適合.
The set doesn’t include tea. The tea selection is at Pairing menu. This time, the pairing menu has two options – Non caffeine Dian Hong Tea (Purple Bud Wild Tea – on the left) or Darjeeling Tea (on the right). Since it pairs with th desserts, I would consider tea is a better selection than sweet wine.


earnestos 餐廳適合誰去? ⭐

Who are suitable to dine at earnestos Restaurant?

earnestos 餐廳適合誰去

✅ 可接受菜餚裡「 可能 」會有南洋香料與食材的人

Earnestos 菜單由老闆之一, 也是新加坡籍主廚 Ernest Toh 卓均仰所設計. 2024 新開幕的第一季菜單先由南洋風格為主導, 同時透過菜餚向客人們介紹自己. 例如這一季菜單有東南亞街頭小吃, 也有撈魚生. 這一季的菜餚都不錯吃, 香料比例部分不會過高.

✅ 可接受 Casual Fine Dining 的人

Casual Fine Dining 不會像 Fine Dining 拘謹與昂貴 , 也不會像餐酒館有吵鬧的氛圍. 可以把 Earnestos 餐廳 想成到大廚家裡作客 , 有著放輕鬆的氛圍.

✅ 喜歡合理價格的人

NTD $3000 +10% / 人 套餐在台灣西式餐廳是非常合理的價格 , 多款菜餚道數與份量皆是對得起價位, 並不會像 “La Vie” 是短版菜單.

Who are suitable to dine at earnestos Restaurant?

✅ Those who are opened to the possibility of South-East Asian spices and ingredients in dishes

The menu at Earnestos is designed by one of the owners and the Singaporean Chef Ernest Toh. The first season menu, starting in 2024, is primarily influenced by Southeast Asia style, introducing the chef through the dishes. For example, this season’s menu includes Southeast Asian street snacks and the traditional dish of Lao Yu Sheng. The dishes this season are enjoyable, and the proportion of spices is not overly high.

✅ Those who appreciate Casual Fine Dining

Casual Fine Dining is not as formal or expensive as Fine Dining, and it doesn’t have the noisy atmosphere of a bistro. You can think of Earnestos as visiting a chef’s home, with a relaxed atmosphere.

✅ Those who prefer reasonable prices

At NTD $3000 +10% per person, the set menu is a very reasonable price for Western-style restaurants in Taiwan. The variety of dishes, the number of courses, and the portion sizes are all well-balanced, unlike shorter menus found in places like “La Vie Restaurant”

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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earnestos 餐廳 資訊

earnestos Taipei Information

店名: earnestos 餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區瑞安街208巷5號 (Map)
捷運站: 大安森林公園捷運站 (R06) 與 大安捷運站 (R05 & BR 09)
電話: N/A

inline link: https://inline.app/booking/-NiDOwRRpDujvn8TdJ5j:inline-live-3/-NiDOwe2c9GrpKJRHYrm?language=zh-tw

Restaurant: earnestos Taipei
Address: No. 5, 208 lane, Rui’an Street, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Da’an Park (R06) and Da’an Station (R05 & BR 09)
Tel: N/A



