大直內湖美食懶人包 》Taipei Dazhi Neihu Restaurant Guide
Last Updated on 2025-02-07 by Foodelicious
(2025.2 更新) 台北大直內湖美食餐廳懶人包持續更新中, 有標 “🔥Fire.jpg” 是我推薦的大直美食推薦與內湖美食推薦.
(2025.2 Update ) Taipei Dazhi Neihu Restaurant Guide keep updating. The one with “🔥Fire jpg ” are the ones that I recommend.
UPDATED: 2025.2
♛ The Newest Review Link 最新文章連結: Poetry 如詩 》關於這一間台北餐酒館的三個重點 (內有菜單 )
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目錄 / Table of Contents
前言 Preface – Must Read
對許多人來說, 內湖大直區域如截圖 , 若是以捷運站來分類, 此篇文章裡的餐廳包括從「 大直捷運站 」到「 東湖捷運站 」. 在南港軟體園區附近工作的人也可以參考這一篇文章. 請注意有些餐廳菜單價格與項目會因時間而有改變.
For many people, the Dazhi Neihu area is shown at the picture down below. This guide includes the restaurant from Dash MRT station to Donghu MRT station. If you work at Nangang Software Park, you can also consider this article as well. Please note that the menu and price may vary due to the time.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Miramar Mall Ferris Wheel
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文
NOKE 忠泰樂生活
NOKE Department Store
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文
大直內湖美食 – 中式
Dazhi Neihu Restaurant – Chinese
Hei Mei Lin Delicacies Restaurant
黑美林餐廳是台北熱炒推薦餐廳 , 是內湖美食推薦之一. 也是內湖科學園區上班族的西湖捷運站美食.
Hei Mei Lin Delicacies Restaurant is Taipei Stir-Fried Restaurant recommendation. It is also one of the Neihu Restaurants which is near Xihu Metro Station.
Xi Xiang Feng
喜相逢採熟客預約制, 不接受 Walk-In ,並無電話聯繫方式.
Xi Xiang Feng Restaurant is for loyal and returned customers reservation-only. They do not accept walk-in. But, they don’t have telephone number.
朧粵中餐廳 Longyue 是大直美食餐廳, 朧粵餐廳菜單裡有米其林主廚與其團隊的經典粵菜與港式點心, 成為頂級台北粵菜餐廳之一.
There are several Michelin chefs at Longyue Cantonese Restaurant. You can taste classic Cantonese cuisines and Dim sum at Longyue menu.
大直內湖美食 – 韓式
Dazhi Neihu Restaurant – Korean
Samwon Garden
台北內湖韓國餐廳非常多, 雖然 三元韓式花園餐廳菜單 價格偏高, 依舊深受內湖科技業的喜愛, 不適合要求高CP 值的人.
There are many Korean Restaurants at Neihu district. Even though Samwon Garden menu price is high, it is still one of nearby tech workers’ favorite restaurants. It is not suitable for people who care about the price.
大直內湖美食 – 日式
Dazhi Neihu Restaurant – Japanese
Ji Jijun Ramen Restaurant
雞吉君拉麵店在我的台北拉麵推薦名單裡, 與台北勝王拉麵一樣是排隊名店,雞吉君菜單簡單明暸, 偶而會有限定版拉麵.
Ji Jijun Ramen Restaurant, which is located at Neihu District, is on my Taipei Ramen Recommendation List. Their menu is simply and sometimes has limited edition Ramen.
大直內湖美食 – 春大直
Dazhi Neihu Restaurant – Chun Place
Chun Place
2022 新開幕 主廚市場 CHEF MARKET 位於春大直, 讓 春大直餐廳美食 名單多了和牛研究室 , 瞞著爹立吞 , POKE Lee , Woolloomooloo Yakka 與其他知名店家.
At 2022, CHEF MARKET is opened at Chun Place 1F at Dazhi area . There are several new brands – Wagyu Lab, POKE Lee , Woolloomooloo Yakka and other famous brands.
大直內湖美食 – 米其林星級
Dazhi Neihu Restaurant – Michelin Starred
Taïrroir 態芮
Taïrroir 態芮是台北法國餐廳之一, 經過主廚何順凱和餐廳團隊的努力後, 也獲得 2019 台北米其林二星餐廳的榮耀.
Taïrroir is one of the Taipei French Restaurants. With Chef Kai and all the restaurant staff’s hard work, they also receive 2019 Taipei Michelin 2 stars.
Logy Taipei 榮獲 台北米其林二星餐廳之榮耀
Logy Taipei is one of the Michelin Two Star Restaurants at Taipei City. It becomes quite difficult to reserve Logy Taipei seats via online.
大直內湖美食 – 米其林入選
Dazhi Neihu Restaurant – Michelin Selected
許多饕客都稱 FRASSI 餐廳 為台北義大利 Fine Dining 餐廳. 文章裡會提到義籍主廚 Iacopo Frassi 準備的套餐菜單, 訂位, 價格, 包廂與評價.
Many foodies considered FRASSI Restaurant is a Taipei Fine Dining Italian Restaurant. The article will include Chef Iacopo Frassi’s set menu, reservation, set price, private dining room and review.
頁小館 🔥
Restaurant Page
頁小館 (Restaurant Page) 是大直捷運站餐廳美食, 也在台北米其林餐盤餐廳名單上, 記憶點除了土耳其藍色牆壁裝潢外, 中西融合料理也是頁小館的特色.
Restaurant Page is one of the Taipei Bistros at Neihu Area. It is also one of the Michelin Plate Taipei Restaurants. Besides the blue color wall, its Fusion Cuisine is also famous.
La Vie by Thomas Bühner
La Vie by Thomas Bühner
La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 是 台北大直 NOKE 忠泰樂生活餐廳之一 , 也是 米其林入選的台北 Fine Dining 美食 , 這次與朋友品嚐 La Vie 短版菜單.
La Vie by Thomas Bühner is a Taipei Michelin Selected Fine Dining Restaurant , which is located at NOKE Shopping Mall. My friend and I tasted La Vie short version menu.
大直內湖美食 – 西式
Dazhi Neihu Restaurant – Western
Taipei Seafood & Meat Market
Seafood & Meat 波波海鮮市集是內湖美食餐廳之一, 也是少數有水族箱的台北西式海鮮餐廳. 波波海鮮市集菜單的龍蝦系列菜餚最受歡迎.
Taipei Seafood & Meat Market is one of the Neihu Restaurants. Surprisingly, this western restaurant has small aquariums. The lobsters are the most popular dishes on the menu.
Poetry 如詩 🔥
Poetry Restaurant
Poetry 如詩是一間有包廂且有戶外座位的台北餐酒館, 也是一間內湖大直早午餐. 文章裡有Poetry 如詩菜單, 訂位與低消.
Poetry Restaurant is a Taipei Bistro with private dining room and outdoor seating area. Poetry Restaurant is also a Neihu Brunch place. This article will state Poetry menu, reservation and minimum charge.
Fogant 法式餐廳
Fogant Restaurant
Fogant 餐廳 是 2022 新開幕的台北法式餐廳 , 主廚 Xavier Wang 提供的法國料理歸類於 Casual Dining , Fogant 午餐與晚餐價位頗合理.
Fogant restaurant is a 2022 Taipei New Restaurant. Chef Xavier Wang offers Casual Dining French cuisine. And, the lunch and dinner set prices are quite reasonable.
台北 LOPFAIT 樂斐法式餐廳 是 “ MiraWan “ 創造的新品牌, LOPFAIT 樂斐菜單 提供正統法式料理套餐, 成為 2021新開幕的台北 Fine Dining 餐廳之一.
MiraWan Restaurant created a new brand – LOPFAIT French Restaurant. LOPFAIT menu offers French Cuisine Set. It becomes one of the 2021 new Taipei Fine Dining Restaurants.
The Roman
很多人都知道內湖大直 The Roman 維多利亞式玻璃屋適合辦台北戶外婚宴與派對.
The Roman Restaurant at Dazhi is known for Taipei Outdoor Wedding and Party location.
Little Sprout
小初芽內湖 ( Little Sprout Taipei) 是美國在台協會附近咖啡早午餐店, 也在我的台北早午餐推薦名單上.
Little Sprout Neihu is one of the coffee & brunch restaurants near AIT. It is also at my Taipei Brunch Recommendation List.
INGE’S Bar & Grill
台北萬豪 INGE’S Bar & Grill 餐廳和酒吧是不僅是台北景觀餐廳, 也是許多饕客大直高級餐廳的首選之一.
INGE’S Bar & Grill is located at Taipei Marriott Hotel 20F. It is one of the restaurants that can see Taipei View. It is also one of the high-end restaurants at Neihu / Dazhi Area.
♛ 台灣飯店餐廳酒吧 Taipei Hotel Restaurant and Bar
連結 (Link)👉 台北飯店餐廳酒吧懶人包 》Taipei Hotel Restaurant and Bar Guide
連結 (Link) 👉 台北飯店列表 》 Taipei Hotel List
連結 (Link) 👉 台中飯店列表 》 Taichung Hotel List
連結 (Link) 👉 金門飯店列表 》 Kinmen Hotel List
Lazy Point 餐廳
Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar 是台北港墘捷運站週末早午餐選擇之一, 除了提供週末早午餐與商業午餐外, 三樓則是內湖戶外露天酒吧. Lazy Point Restaurant & Bar is one of the weekend brunch options at the Neihu area. Besides brunch, they also offer business lunch. The third floor is an outdoor bar.
淬義 餐廳
淬義餐廳是內湖上班族熟悉的商業午餐和聚會餐廳之一, 也是公認港墘站平價義大利餐廳.
Most people who work at Neihu District are familiar with Italian Restaurant – Pizzeria & Trattoria Tre. It is considered the price-friendly restaurant near Gang Qian MRT station.