捷克啤酒推薦 》Czech Beer Budvar | 捷克百爺啤酒和美國百威的故事
Last Updated on 2024-01-04 by Foodelicious
香港商班德威有限公司 (台灣分公司) 成為捷克百爺啤酒台灣獨家代理商, 在這次新產品發表會也提到百爺和百威有哪裡不同.
Brandwerk Taiwan (Hong Kong Limited Taiwan Branch) becomes the sole distributor of Budějovický Budvar from Czech Republic in Taiwan. In this new product event, the company also explained the difference between Budvar and Budweiser.
香港商班德威有限公司 (台灣分公司) 獨家代理相當多品牌, 例如 Duvel,Super Bock和我在”初炸小食店” 喝到的 Stiegl, 同時也有代理烈酒品牌. 這次記者會包下台北東區啤酒餐廳 “ABV Bar & Kitchen 地中海餐酒館”, 這次新推出的百爺啤酒只有一款 – Pale Lager (拉格啤酒). 啤酒展示冰箱也放入玻璃瓶裝(500ml) 與鋁罐裝 (330ml) 的百爺啤酒, 也同時請來捷克經濟文化辦事處致詞 (圖四為餐廳提供)
Brandwerk Taiwan (Hong Kong Limited Taiwan Branch) presents many well-known beer brands, including Duvel, Super Bock and Stiegl. The event is hosted at ABV Bar & Kitchen. They only promoted one item at the event- Budějovický Budvar Pale Lager. The refrigerator displays both glass bottle (500ml) and alum. can (330ml) beer packages. The Czech Economic and Cultural Office Taipei representative also gave a short speech at the event.
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Budějovický Budvar – Pale Lager
中文名稱: 百爺拉格啤酒
ABV: 5%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
百爺啤酒 Budějovický Budvar 號稱捷克國寶啤酒, 歐洲甚至讓百爺啤酒 (Budějovický Budvar) 擁有獨特產地認證 ( PGI-Protected Geographical Indiction ), 換句話說, 歐洲人只稱在捷克 Budweis 小鎮釀造的啤酒才能叫做 Budweiser.
European considered Budějovický Budvar as the national treasure of Czech Republic. Therefore, Europe also offers the PGI-Protected Geographical Indiction to Budějovický Budvar. In another words, only the beers that were brewed at Budweis town can be called Budweiser.
捷克百爺啤酒只有三種簡單卻無可取代的原料, 分別是 100% Moravian 大麥, Saaz 啤酒花和原廠300米地下的泉水. 再經過靜置酒窖90天發酵, 造就這款包裝燙金色瓶口包裝, 深綠色瓶身,和紅白金色酒標的百爺啤酒. 剛注入的深金色酒體泡沫相當澎鬆, 第一口先是清爽順口, 第二口開始會有麥芽香氣, 會有漸層的微苦風味出現, Saaz 啤酒花被我稱作有優雅溫和林志玲型啤酒花, 因此捷克百爺啤酒屬於苦味點到為止型的啤酒. 因為簡單的啤酒結構, 即使是啤酒初飲者都很適合.
Budějovický Budvar has three ingredients- 100% Moravian Barley, Saaz Hops, and Natural Water from underneath. The days of fermentation is 90 days. The beer body is dark golden color with fluffy beer head. The first taste is refreshing and smooth. Afterwards, it has more barley aroma along with hints of bitterness. Overall, Saaz hops brings hints of bitterness to this beer. I would recommend to the first-time beer drinker.
What is the difference between Czech Buvar and US Budweiser?
百爺啤酒的麥芽香氣比百威啤酒豐富與濃郁, 酒體顏色對比很明顯, 百威啤酒是淺金色, 百爺啤酒為深金色, 放在一起比較, 顏色與風味很容易就分辨的出來. 百爺和百威並不是像二代商權爭權連續劇, 只是純樸捷克百爺啤酒公司沒有想到美國 Anheuser Bush 公司會先申請 “Budweiser“ 商標與正名, 兩個品牌因為商標之事宜長期打官司, 我做了一個相當簡單明暸表格解釋兩者的百爺和百威有哪裡不同. 百威啤酒資料來自台灣百威啤酒網站與其酒標.
Czech Buvar has more and thicker barley aroma and flavor than US Budweiser. Czech Buvar beer color is dark golden color, as for US Budweiser, it is light gold color. Their trademark issue is not family related. US company Anheuser Bush applied for “Budweiser” trademark before Czech Buvar. I made a compare list between Czech Buvar and US Budweiser. Budweiser informations are from Taiwan Budweiser Website and its beer label.
1. 由於美國百威創始人是德國移民, 因此美國百威啤酒可以採用 Anheuser- Busch B. 品牌名稱銷售在德國銷售
Because the founder of US Budweiser is German Immigrants, Budweiser is allowed to be called “Anheuser- Busch B.” instead of “Bud” at Germany.
2. 目前尚未有明文確認 “在歐洲與美國之外的國家”有哪些. 但在中國, 捷克百爺啤酒被稱為 Budějovický Budvar or Czechvar.
There isn’t any official policy mentioned what “Other countries besides Europe and US” are. But in China, Czeck Buvar is called Budějovický Budvar or Czechvar.
Where to buy Budvar Beer in Taiwan
以多年經營品牌的經驗, 捷克百爺啤酒除了在餐飲通路已可買到, 也可在家樂福, City Super 和愛買零售超市購買到. 家樂福的規格為四入鋁罐裝價格 (NTD $265). 至於餐飲業進貨價請直接詢問香港商班德威有限公司 (台灣分公司).
Besides Food & Beverage sales channel, consumers now can purchase Budvar beer at Carrefour, City Super, and A.Mart. The price for Four Alumin. Can per box is NTD $265. As for Food & Beverage Sales Channel price, please ask Brandwerk Taiwan (Hong Kong Limited Taiwan Branch).
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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台灣獨家總代理: 香港商班德威有限公司 (台灣分公司)
地址: 台北市內湖區民權東路六段90巷5弄6號1樓 (MAP)
Tel: 02-8791-2622
Website: http://www.brandwerkmarketing.com/zh-hant/about-us/company-overview/
Taiwan Sole Distributor: Brandwerk Taiwan (Hong Kong Limited Taiwan Branch)
Address: No. 6, Alley 5, Lane 90, 6th section, Minquan East Road, Neihu District, Taipei City (Map)
Tel: 02-8791-2622