CROM Taipei 》信義安和餐酒館之北義創意料理遇上台灣食材

Last Updated on 2024-04-27 by Foodelicious

(結束營業) 二訪CROM餐廳 不再侷限於義式料理, 而且不一定要點套餐,  也可點單點菜餚
(Closed ) CROM Restaurant no long focuses on Italian cuisine only, but also offers European cuisine. Also, you don’t need to order set, you can also order al carte dishes.


關於 CROM Taipei

About CROM Taipei

CROM Taipei 餐廳位於信義安和捷運站一號出口附近, 台北義大利餐廳裝潢幾乎都是偏淺褐色調, CROM Taipei 餐廳色調則是偏時尚銀灰色, 整體摩登卻不失穩重. 包廂隱密, 且餐桌為橢圓型, 而非長桌. 酒吧設置在靠近安和路的窗邊, 高腳座椅很適合小酌一杯.
CROM Taipei is located near Xinyi Anhe MRT station exit one. Different from other Taipei Italian restaurants, CROM Taipei restaurant main design color is silver-grey color. The overall concept is modern. There is also one private dining room. The bar counter is near the window closed to Anhe Road along with high chair seats.

延伸閱讀: 其他信義安和捷運站餐廳 》Other Restaurants near Xinyi Anhe MRT station

台北約會餐廳 Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北約會餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Restaurant for Dating

連結 (Link) : 台北牛排餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


2023 Second Visit 二訪 

延伸閱讀: Second Visit Details 二訪細節



2020 CROM Dinner Set Menu


Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

淺褐色奶油端上桌時, 我原本以為是像在 “敦南 168 牛排館“吃到的焦糖奶油, 孰不知是頗具創意的味噌奶油, 撒上少許海苔粉末. 在店家自製溫熱麵包抹上些許紮實奶油, 整體風味是有較多穀物香氣, 味噌則是帶給味蕾微鹹味.
I once thought the brown color butter is caramel butter. Surprisingly, it turns out to be miso flavor butter with seaweed powder. The overall taste of bread and butter  has more wheat flavor instead of the salty flavor from the miso butter solely.

延伸閱讀: 168 Steak House Taipei New Chapter 》敦南 168 牛排館新風格


開胃小點 (7 道小點)

CROM Select Antipasti (7 Dishes)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

不同於其他家常義大利餐廳, CROM Taipei 的開胃小點設計與 “Taïrroir 態芮”一樣皆具創意風格. 七道創意開胃小點一字排開如圖一. 店員先從方盤開始品嚐, 順時鐘方向為主廚塔可, 青蔥微波蛋糕, 蘿蔔蟹肉餃, 與小牛肉捲. 店員建議先從塔可開始吃, 一口咬下先是有明顯起司風味, 即刻感受到新鮮生菜的清脆口感, 檸檬油醋則是帶給味蕾頗直球般的酸度. 第二款的青蔥微波蛋糕 Size 如同 Finger Food, 以菠菜汁染成翠綠色, 身為主要食材的宜蘭三星蔥香氣不會過重, 反倒是內餡的 Fontina Cheese 與些許苦味為主導. 第三款的義大利麵餃雖然看似西式風格, 內餡則是具有亞洲風格, 有白蘿蔔,Mascarpone Cheesse 與蟹肉, 一入口時, 柚子胡椒帶給味蕾意想不到的辛辣. 店員解釋第四道小牛肉捲裡包的是北義道地小牛肉鮪魚醬 (Vitello Tonnato), 有著經典鮪魚味道與辣香. 這四道小點和預期中的樸實義式小點不同, 這四道小點是偏重口味.
CROM Taipei appetizer (7 dishes as pic 1) is very creative, similar with “Taïrroir”’s appetizers. The appetizers on the square plate includes Chef’s Cheese Taco, Scallion Cake, Radish Ravioli, and Veal. The taco wrap is made with cheese. The fresh vegetable is crisp as expected along with lemon vinegar’s strong acidity. It is hard to imagine that the second item is scallion microwave cake. The scallion flavor is not strong. The major flavor of this scallion cake would be the Fontina Cheese and bitter flavor. The third item is ravioli, which fillings include radish, crab meats, and mascarpone cheese. However, the grapefruit peppers brings out the strong spicy flavor to the tastebuds. Last but not least, the veal roll filling is the classic North Italian dish – Vitello Tonnato, which has classic spicy tuna flavor. Overall, these four finger food is categorized as strong flavorful appetizers.

延伸閱讀: Taïrroir 態芮 》追求法式料理和唯美擺盤的台北米其林餐廳


其他三道小菜分別是鴨肝馬卡龍, 馬鈴薯慕斯, 和葡萄柚冰沙. 我上次吃到具有特色的馬卡龍是在 “台北逗號洋行”, CROM Taipei 採用竹炭粉製作成時尚灰黑外表, 鴨肝的濃郁味道被君度橙酒蓋過, 以開心果碎末勾勒出以堅果風味為主導的馬卡龍. 第二道馬鈴薯慕斯的第一口吃起來類似 “非瓶 Bottless “的氮氣馬鈴薯, 挖深一點厚的第二口則是有吃到小卷和番茄, 酸香的程度頗高. 這道冰沙 (Crodino) 在義大利其實是類似非酒精的開胃飲料, 而不是在台灣所謂的果醋或是冰沙. 這道葡萄柚開胃飲料是以蘋果醋的高酸度為主導, 葡萄柚皮則是帶有些許苦味, 我個人倒是希望是可以清味蕾, 而不是再一次衝擊且久留在舌尖, 也許降低一些酸度會更好 (?!). 整體來說, 這七道小菜比較適合喜歡重口味的饕客.
Other three appetizers are Foie Gras Macaron, Seafood and Crodino. Last time, I had unique macaron is at “Curio Comma Taipei”. CROM Taipei chef uses charcoal powder to make the grey-black appearance. The Foie Gras classic flavor is covered Cointreau. The nutty taste from the pistachio dominates the macaron flavor. The mashed potato texture is smooth due to the nitrogen process, just like at “Bottless Restaurant”. The seafood and tomato inside the mash potato brings out high acidity to the tastebuds. The crodino is a common Italian non-alcoholic aperitif instead of refreshing slush. The high acidity from the apple vinegar stays at the tastebuds with strong impact and tangy. Maybe lowering a bit of acidity is better (?!). Overall, the 7 dishes taste is more suitable for customers who like strong flavors.

延伸閱讀: Curio Comma Taipei 》台北逗號洋行私廚 | 在英式古典氛圍裡享受料理

延伸閱讀: Bottless 非瓶餐酒館 》無庸置疑是南京復興餐酒館推薦 (內含菜單)


麵食 (2選一)

Pasta (Select 1 out of 2)


Passatelli With Abalone in Duck Consommé
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道鴨湯的食材眾多, 店員隨後將清澈金黃的澄清鴨湯注入碗裡, CROM Taipei 採用台灣在地食材- 澎湖鮑魚,川七與酥炸地瓜葉. 搭配頗具北義風格的帕薩帖利 ( Passatelli ) , 這款麵的外型看似雙槽麵 ( Casarecce ), 實際上Passatelli 並沒有用到麵粉, 而是麵包粉, 因此吃起來並不會有 al dente 口感, 倒是有台灣米苔目的鬆軟口感, 我個人蠻喜歡澄清鴨湯的濃郁卻細緻, 搭配嫩鮑魚與川七頗具記憶點.
CROM Taipei staff pours the Duck Consomme into the bowl. The chef team uses Taiwan abalone, madeira vine and fried local vegetables. This dish is categorized at Pasta section because of the traditional Passatelli. The pasta appearance looks like Casarecce, but without any pasta flour. Passatelli is made with bread crumbs powder. Therefore, the taste is not al dente. It tastes a bit like Taiwanese rice noodle. I personally like the thick flavor from the Duck Consommé with tender abalone.

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



Wild Pork Ragu Pappardelle
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

CROM Taipei 的義大利麵條皆是手工自製. 這道的麵體是所謂的特寬麵 ( Pappardelle ), 上次吃到特寬麵是在 “ Salt & Stone”, CROM Taipei 的特寬麵則是更厚, 加了些許可可粉呈現豬肝色, 也帶有些許苦味. 豬肉鹹香,牛肝菌與溶化的奶油勾勒出北義料理的經典野味風格, 麵食二選一的話, 我會選擇野豬肉醬麵, 如果麵是原味會更好, 因為我個人蠻喜歡這道義大利麵的 al dente 口感.
The pasta from CROM Taipei is hand-made by the chef. This pasta is Pappardelle, which I ate the similar one at “Salt and Stone”. CROM Taipei’s Pappardelle is thicker. However, the pasta is added with Cocoa powder, which has a bit bitter. The sauce is salty and full of meaty flavor. The melted butter and Porcini presents the strong flavor from the Northern Italian Cuisine. If I have to choose one dish on the pasta section, I will pick this Wild Pork Ragu Pappardelle because I like the al dente texture. However, i would prefer the original flavor pappardelle.

延伸閱讀: Taipei 101 Salt & Stone 》台北 101 4樓義大利餐廳


主菜 (4選一)

Main Course (Select 1 out of 4)

US Prime 肋眼

US Prime Ribeye
Price: + NTD $600
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

US Prime 肋眼需要加價 NTD $600, 牛排約 5oz, 熟度是五分熟, CROM Taipei 跟 “Wildwood Taipei ”一樣將牛排切半, 再淋上牛骨醬汁與些許綠胡椒, 間接凸顯出鹹香肉味, 蔬食生菜設計類似伴娘捧花, 顏色繽紛充滿春意, 微酸柚子油醋醬搭配蔬食的清脆口感, 讓整道肋眼牛排不會過膩.
The customer would need to pay extra NTD $600 for US Prime Ribeye. The steak is 5oz with medium. Same as “Wildwood Restaurant”, CROM Taipei cuts the steak in half before serving. The sauce is stewed with beef bones and green peppercorn, which enhances the meaty flavor. The vegetables display is similar with the bouquet. The grapefruit vinegar pairs great with the crisp vegetables is quite refreshing.

延伸閱讀: Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant 》信義新光三越餐廳推薦



Suckling Pig
Price: + NTD $400
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

脆皮乳豬需加價 NTD $400. 北義料理特色為野味, 我通常歸類於有著口感綿密且有著濃郁風味,例如肉的重口味鹹香. CROM Taipei 店員提到脆皮乳豬是義籍主廚顧問的代表作, 豬肉採用彰化胡蘿蔔飼養的6個月大乳豬, 先蒸後煎後烤, 視覺上有著難以抵抗的肥瘦相間誘惑,  刀一切下時, 綻開聲音響亮, 令人驚訝的是上下兩層外皮皆非常酥脆, 鹹香甜綿彈的多重口感, 整體吃起來並不會過於油膩. 三種佐醬包括蘿蔓醬,杏桃醬和八角豆蔻醬油特製醬汁. 我個人覺得三種醬汁太多款, 一季一款醬似乎比較合適(?!). 與牛排相比, 我個人比較喜歡台灣豬肉, 再搭配具有東方風格的香醇八角醬汁.
Northern Italian Cuisine is categorized as thick and strong flavors, for example, the salty and meaty flavor from the meat.  This Suckling Pig dish one of Mr. Christian Milone’s best dishes. CROM Taipei mentions that the pork is from the six months old carrot-feed pig from Changhua, Taiwan. The meat goes through steaming, grilling and baking process. This dish comes with three sauces- Romaine Sauce, Apricot Sauce and Star-anise Soy Sauce. I personally think that it would better to pair with one sauce each season only. Comparing with the steak. I would select the suckling pig because I like the crispy appearance on both sides of the pork.

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甜點 (3選一)

Dessert (Select 1 out of 3 )



Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

CROM Taipei 用類似松露醬的罐子當作提拉米蘇容器, 而不是像 “La Farfalla Taipei” 為方型 Tiramisu. CROM Taipei 提拉米蘇的咖啡風味重, 可惜沒有 “Simple Kaffa Coffee 興波咖啡” 提拉米蘇有微醺風格.
Different from “La Farfalla Taipei” square tiramisu, CROM Taipei uses the container similar with truffle sauce. The coffee flavor is strong. But, it doesn’t have the hints of alcohol flavor like the “Simple Kaffa Coffee Tiramisu”.

延伸閱讀: La Farfalla Taipei 》台北寒舍義大利餐廳不再是 Buffet

延伸閱讀: Simple Kaffa Coffee 興波咖啡旗艦店 》咖啡愛好者都會推薦的台北咖啡店



Tomato Basil
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

CROM Taipei 店員提到這道的靈感來自連外國人都為之瘋狂的夜市番茄糖葫蘆, 此道甜點擺盤頗具創意, 上層為糖衣薄脆片, 單吃蘿勒冰沙有清香風味, CROM Taipei 將台灣甜點店常見的Oreo 碎片升級為巧克力酥菠蘿, 刻意撥開如同土壤的巧克力酥, 發現有不同顏色的番茄隱藏在裡面. 店員提到糖衣,冰沙, 番茄要一起吃, 確實舌尖會除了冰涼透徹的感覺外, 酸甜裡也可感受到些許鹹味, 比起提拉米蘇, 這道番茄羅勒比較特別.
The inspiration of this dessert comes from the Candied Tomato from the Taiwan night market. From top to bottom are the coated sugar thin layer, romaine slush, and chocolate pastry powder. There are different colors of tomato hidden in between. The staff mentions that it would be better to taste all the ingredients in one bite. The tastebuds would sense the icy cold, the acidity along with sweet and hints of salty taste.


咖啡 / 茶 (3選一)

Coffee / Tea (Select 1 out of 3 )



Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

拿鐵不會過苦, 奶泡也紮實.
The latte is not too bitter, which I prefer.



Organic Black Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

我朋友點的, 我並沒有喝.
My friend ordered this, which I didn’t taste.


Red Wine

Barbanera Chianti Riserva 2015

Price: NTD $320 / glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

CROM Taipei 有侍酒師, 請注意餐廳並非只有義大利酒, 也有其他國家的酒, 因此有 Wine Pairing Menu (4杯), 價格為 NTD $1080, 這次我跟朋友只喝單杯, 侍酒師特別準備能夠代表北義托斯卡尼的 Chianti Riserva 2015 DOCG. 單寧比預期地柔和, 成熟李子風味明顯, 偶而會察覺到些許黑胡椒風味. 這杯酒搭配主菜 – US Prime 肋眼 或是 脆皮乳豬皆相當合適.
CROM Taipei has Sommelier. Please note that CROM Taipei has other country’s wine, not just Italian wines. The Wine Pairing Menu (4 glasses) is NTD $1080. Sommelier prepares Chianti Riserva 2015 DOCG from Tuscany, Northern Italy. The tannin is softer than expected. The ripe plum flavor is obvious along with hints of pepper flavor. This wine pairs well with US Prime Ribeye or Suckling pig.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


Duck Fat Sour

Price: NTD $450
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

CROM Taipei 也有 Bartender, 因此有 Cocktail Pairing Menu (4杯) 的選擇, 價格也是 NTD $1080. 這杯 Duck Fat Sour 建議搭配帕薩帖利鮑魚鴨湯. 如名這杯調酒裡有意想不到的少許無雜質的鴨油, 鴨油則是代替經典調酒側車 (Sidecar) 裡的檸檬汁. Duck Fat Sour 主軸為干邑白蘭地與君度橙酒, 整體喝起來白蘭地後勁偏強, 甜度也頗高.
CROM Taipei also has bartender. Therefore, there is Cocktail Pairing Menu (4 glasses). The price is also NTD $1080. This Duck Fat Sour is meant to pair with “Passatelli With Abalone in Duck Consommé “. As the name stated, this cocktail ingredients include duck fat. It is meant to substitute with lemon juice. The base would be brandy and Cointreau. The overall taste would be high sweet along with strong brandy impact.



台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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店名: CROM Taipei
地址: 台北市安和路一段116號 (Map)
捷運站: 信義安和捷運站
電話: 02-2784-5033
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Restaurant: CROM Taipei
Address: No. 116, 1st Section, Anhe Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinyi Anhe MRT station
Tel: 02-2784-5033
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm




