CLUIZEL 柯茲單一莊園巧克力 》元寶食品總代理的法國巧克力推薦
Last Updated on 2022-02-16 by Foodelicious
法國巧克力推薦哪一個品牌? 而且在台灣超市或網站可買到的? 我建議可考慮 元寶食品總代理 推出的 CLUIZEL 柯茲單一莊園巧克力.
Which French Brand Chocolate do I recommend? And You can purchase this particular brand at Taiwan Supermarket and website? I would suggest CLUIZEL brand Assorted “Single Estate” Plantation Chocolates that are distributed by Treasure Foods.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
關於 CLUIZEL 柯茲單一莊園巧克力
About Cluizel Brand Single Estate Plantation Chocolates
元寶食品總代理的法國「 CLUIZEL 柯茲 」品牌巧克力在餐飲業與零售通路已經非常有名, 元寶食品引進 CLUIZEL 柯茲「單一莊園 」巧克力. 單一莊園這個專有名詞對略知咖啡或是葡萄酒的人應該不陌生, 每個莊園都有所謂的風土 (Terroir ) ,賦予每款可可豆截然不同的風味. 這次元寶食品提供六款來自六個不同國家的莊園巧克力, 這次的巧克力並不是小方塊, 而是巧克力磚.我從我喜歡的開始寫.
Treasure Foods is the sole-distributor of Cluizel brand chocolate in Taiwan. And this brand is quite famous in both restaurant and retail sales channels. Treasure Foods introduces Cluizel brand Assorted “Single Estate” Plantation Chocolates to Taiwan. Wine lovers and Coffee lovers know about this professional term – Single estate. Each single estate plantation has individual Terroir, which will offer each cocoa unique flavor and aroma. I tried out Treasure Foods Six chocolates from six different plantations. The chocolates are in brick shape instead of small square size. I will start writing from my favorite.
CLUIZEL 柯茲單一莊園巧克力購買通路
Cluizel Brand Single Estate Plantation Chocolates Sales Channels
CLUIZEL 柯茲單一莊園巧克力購買通路
1. 新光三越超市
2. 微風超市
3. City Super
4. CLUIZEL官網連結: https://cluizelparis.oddle.meCLUIZEL Single Estate Plantation Chocolate Sales Channels
1. SKM Mall Supermarket
2. Breeze Supermarket
3. City Super
4. CLUIZEL Website:
元寶食品 3/11-3/13 會以柯茲品牌參與 Eatpire 舉辦的黑金派對,販售CLUIZEL的零售產品.
黑金派對資訊 →
Treasure Foods will sell CLUIZEL brand chocolate on 3/11 ~ 3/13 at ” The Great Chocolate 2022″ event which will be hosted by Eatpire.
The Great Chocolate 2022 Event →
CLUIZEL 柯茲單一莊園巧克力
Cluizel Brand Single Estate Plantation Chocolates
CLUIZEL 柯茲單一莊園巧克力獲得「 Great Taste Awards 」 與「 ICA (International Chocolate Award) 」等大獎. 讓人更期待每個莊園風土與巧克力風味的微妙關係.
Cluizel Brand Single Estate Plantation Chocolates won Great Taste Awards and ICA (International Chocolate Award). I am looking forward to taste the chocolates with different Terroir.
墨卡雅莊園 75% 黑巧克力 (紅色)
Plantation Mokaya Noir 75% (Red Color)
產地: 墨西哥
Origin: Mexico
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
咬一口時, 出現的不是濃郁巧克力苦味, 反而以迷人微甜水果風味為主, 而且這款墨西哥巧克力的果乾尾韻令人印象深刻, 也顛覆我對 75% 黑巧克力的刻板印象, 後來查了一下墨卡雅莊園產地資訊 – 「 可可豆經 4 ~ 5 天木箱發酵及天然日曬乾燥 」, 這款是六款中我最喜歡的巧克力, 我會建議與別人分享, 他們一定猜不出來是 75% 黑巧克力.
I took the first bite and the mild sweet fruit flavor appeared instead of bitter dark chocolate flavor. The long lasting sweet dried fruit flavor is also impressive. Honestly, the overall taste is completely the opposite of classic bitter 75% dark chocolate. I checked out the Mexico Mokaya Plantation information. The cocoa was fermented in the wooden basket for 4 ~ 5 days and dried with natural sun light. This chocolate is my favorite chocolate of the six. I would suggest to share with others.
艾爾加登莊園 75%黑巧克力 (淺綠)
Plantation EL Jardin Noir 75% (Light Green)
Origin: Colombia
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
CLUIZEL 柯茲單一莊園巧克力風味是莊園的風土影響, 而不是將其他成分加入巧克力, 這款哥倫比亞艾爾加登莊園黑巧克力有天然蜂蜜風味, 味蕾沒有察覺到酸度與苦巧克力風味, 焦糖風味與微薄荷風味都是台灣人最喜歡的巧克力風味, 我個人也推薦這一款巧克力.
Cluizel brand Single Estate Plantation Chocolates flavors are affected by the Terroir instead of adding other ingredients. I am surprised that this Colombia El Jardin plantation has natural honey flavor. The tastebuds didn’t sense the acidity nor thick chocolate flavor. The caramel and hints of mints are both Taiwanese people’s favorite flavors. I also recommend this chocolate.
拉谷納莊園 70 % 黑巧克力 (藍色)
Plantation La Laguna Noir 70% (Blue Color)
產地: 瓜地馬拉
Origin: Guatemala
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
瓜地馬拉是世界知名的可可產地, 此款可可產地的拉谷納莊園位於瓜地馬拉中部的山區. 先品嚐一口, 李子風味與微量酸味, 我蠻驚訝味蕾有感受到清新薄荷, 經典微苦可可風味伴隨著香料, 尾韻偏久, 這款巧克力很適合給常吃各種黑巧克力的人.
Guatemala country is full of world-wide famous cocoa plantations. La Laguna plantation is in the middle of Guatemala. At the beginning, there are plum flavor and small amount of acidity. The tastebuds can sense the refreshing mints. The cocoa intensity and spice flavor last long. This chocolate is suitable for people who always enjoy dark chocolates.
瑞加羅莊園 70%黑巧克力 (橘色)
Plantation Riachuelo Noir 70% (Orange Color)
產地: 巴西
Origin: Brazil
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
我喝過很多次巴西咖啡, 但是這是我第一次吃到巴西巧克力, 中段一度像在吃來自瓜地馬拉的巧克力, 也有香料風味, 最後的尾韻是最讓人驚喜 – 適量焦糖巧克力風味, 很適合初次體驗黑巧克力的人.
I tasted quite a few Brazilian Coffees. But, this is my first time eating Brazil chocolate. It tastes quite similar like Guatemala chocolate, which also has spice flavor. The long lasting caramel flavor is quite surprising. This chocolate is for people who first try out the dark chocolate.
羅安哥娜莊園 73% 黑巧克力 (正綠)
Plantation Los Ancones Noir 73% (Green Color)
Origin: Santo Domingo
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
聖多明哥是多明尼加共和國首都, 味蕾並不會感受到所謂的酸度, 只有微甜甘草風味, 最明顯的是熟悉葡萄乾風味尾韻.
Santo Domingo is the capital of the Dominican Republic. The tastebuds didn’t sense the acidity. There is only a small amount of sweet licorice flavor. The most obvious would be the raisin flavor at the end.
曼哥羅莊園 71%黑巧克力 (黃色)
Plantation Mangaro Noir 71% (Yellow)
Origin: Madagascar
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
馬達加斯加是眾所皆知的可可產地, 味蕾可以感受到濃郁巧克力風味, 酸度也頗高, 比較特別的是以柑橘果香為結尾.
Madagascar country is the world-wide famous cocoa country. The tastebuds can sense thick chocolate flavor along with high acidity. The special part would be the citrus fruits flavor at the end.
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♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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