【 MICHEL CLUIZEL CHOCOLATE 】米歇爾柯茲巧克力 | 頂級莊園系列

Last Updated on 2017-04-27 by Foodelicious


Product Name 產品名稱: MICHEL CLUIZEL CHOCOLATE 頂級莊園系列巧克力
📍 Channel 購買地點: N/A (Ex-Colleague treated me the Chocolate at Taiwan Bakery Trade Show 2017)
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台灣餐飲通路有兩個法國扛壩子- Valhora 和 Michel Cluizel. 由於之前工作關係, 有試吃其他競品, 但是Michel Cluizel頂級莊園系列倒是第一次.

There are TWO famous French Chocolate in Taiwan market – Valor and Michel Cluizel. Because of my previous job in F&B industry, I had the chance to taste competitor brand’s chocolate. However, I never try this high-grade plantation series.


1. “Los Ancones” Chocolate 羅安哥娜莊園黑巧克力(67%)

Package Color: Green Package 綠色包裝
Foodelicious 美味程度 : 🎉🎉🎉
黑巧克力在台灣非常受歡迎, 非常多台灣人都認為黑巧克力是非常健康的甜點. 此款巧克力豆是來自多明尼哥的聖多明哥省, 咬下第一口即感受到適度但明顯紅莓與覆盆子的酸味, 連濃郁的巧克力香味都無法覆蓋住此種特別的酸度.

Black Chocolate is very popular among all others in Taiwan market. Most Taiwanese tend to see black chocolate is healthy. This chocolate bean is originated from Los Ancones from San Domingo Province in the Dominican Republic. The taste buds can detect fair amounts of mixed cranberry and raspberry flavors, which contains obvious acidity. The chocolate aroma is not strong enough to cover the acid flavor.


2. “Vila Gracinda”” Chocolate 格拉辛達莊園黑巧克力(70%)

Package Color: Blue 藍色包裝
Foodelicious 美味程度 : 🎉🎉🎉 🎉
帶著忐忑不安的心情品嚐此款巧克力, 因為從來沒品嚐過被火山和海洋包圍的聖多美島產區巧克力, 咬下一小口即可品嚐到中等苦味, 但是第二口後,濃郁巧克力風味會覆蓋住少許的苦味, 這就是很經典的產地巧克力風味.

Its chocolate bean is from Sao Tome Island, which is near the middle of Africa. It is a brand new experience to taste the chocolate from this area, which is surrounding by volcano and ocean. The taste is a bit bitter with strong chocolate aroma, which almost covers parts of the bitterness. This is the classic plantation area chocolate flavor.

3. Plantation Mangaro Chocolate 曼哥羅莊園巧克力

Package Color: Yellow 黃色包裝
Foodelicious 美味程度 : 🎉🎉🎉
此款巧克力是印度馬達加斯加的黑巧克力 (65%) 和牛奶巧克力 (50%)混調, 濃郁巧克力香氣帶有辛香料, 但是熱帶水果跟蜂蜜風味並沒有出現如網路產品介紹.

This chocolate is blended by black chocolate (65%) and Milk Chocolate (50%), which is originated from Madagascar Island near India. The chocolate aroma is not quite strong as other two. But, you can taste the spices flavor while taking the first bite. However, the exotic fruits flavor didn’t appear with the honey flavor as the internet stated.


