【 馬修嚴選精品優格 】Mathew’s Choice Original Yogurt | 全聯 | PX Mart | 健康

Last Updated on 2017-04-27 by Foodelicious


除了福樂之外, 年初在全聯也看到了另一家台灣製但較高單價的優格- 馬修嚴選精品原味優格.

I was passing by the Diary Ale at PX mart and saw the rising star of local yogurt manufacturing Industry – Mathew’s Choice Original Yogurt. Last year since PX mart acquired Matsusei Supermarket, PX Mart starts selling more high price brand- such as Mathew’s Choice.

Product Name 產品名稱: Mathew’s Choice Yogurt  馬修嚴選精品優格

🗺 Country of Origin 原產地: Taiwan 台灣

Foodelicious 美味程度 : 👍👍👍

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📍 Channel 購買地點: PX Mart 全聯

💰  Price: N/A

⚖ Total ml 總容量: 480g (450g Yogurt 原味優格/ 30g Raspberry Paste 覆盆子果漿) 

🏷  Bottle Bar Code: N/A

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美國人(尤其是大學生)喜歡將優格當做正餐,台灣人還是普遍把優格當作甜點, 福樂因此將優格的配方改為較甜, 也就是台灣版優格, 馬修嚴選精品原味優格堅持自我,製造不過酸口味, 且沒有加入色素與糖.  馬修嚴選優格本身為半凝固狀態, 但是不會像豆花一樣四分五裂, 建議大約兩天內吃完.

Most Taiwanese consider yogurt as desserts instead of main courses. Therefore, another yogurt manufacturer Fuller adjusted the recipe to make the yogurt taste less sour. However, Mathew’s Choice tastes similar with European/US yogurt with more sour flavor but without any sugar nor coloring.Also, Mathew’s Choice is more liquidate than Fuller’s. So, it would be better to finish eating the yogurt within 2 days or share with your friends.


. 若還是喜歡較甜的口味, 可搭配優格包裝上的覆盆子果漿, 打開包裝就有微酸甜果香味, 原味優格淋上果漿後形成兩種截然不同但互不牴觸的酸甜風味, 若你偏好希臘優格, 馬修嚴選精品優格會比較適合你/妳.

If you like a bit sweet, you can pour the raspberry paste on the yogurt. Raspberry itself pairs well with yogurt since it is not as sweet as strawberry but still with fruity flavor. It becomes two parallel flavors. General speaking, gif you like the greek yogurt, you would like this item.

