【 W&J Graham’s Late Bottled Vintage Port 2009 】 Costco 好市多 | 葛拉漢酒廠晚裝瓶波特酒 | 葡萄牙酒

Last Updated on 2019-02-02 by Foodelicious

波特酒是所謂的“加烈酒”, 在發酵過程加入烈酒(通常是白蘭地). 晚裝瓶波特酒通常先在木桶裡陳年4~6年再裝瓶.
Port is the famous fortified wine. High degree of alcohol (mostly brandy) is most commonly added to produce fortified wines.Late Bottled Vintage Port i (LBV) is bottled later, remaining in wooden barrel between 4~6 years .


延伸閱讀: 台灣 Costco 購買清單 》TAIWAN COSTCO BUY LIST


Product Name 產品名稱: W&J Graham’s Late Bottled Vintage Port 2009 [葛拉漢酒廠晚裝瓶波特酒] Wine Type種類: Full Bodied Red Wine 酒體飽滿型紅酒
Country of Origin 原產地: Portugal 葡萄牙
Area 產區: N/A
Grape 葡萄品種: Port Blend Red
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍
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1. Channel 購買地點: Costco
2. Price: $799
3. Total ml 總容量: 750 ml
4. ABV 酒精濃度: 20 %
5. Bottle Bar Code: 5010867400092
6. 進口商: 法蘭斯股份有限公司
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打開瓶蓋後出現鮮明的辛香料氣味, 微薄的可可香氣似乎被辛香料完全覆蓋住, 倒出透光率低且如李子般深紫色的酒體, 品嚐第一口即可感受到新皮革的風味且帶有中等甜度, 此酒款具有中等但細膩的單寧, 尾韻不澀且風味會持續一段時間.  波特酒長久以來就被分類為甜點酒, 適合搭配黑巧克力或是具有強烈氣味的起司, 但在台灣較適合在台式燒烤店搭配多汁的煙燻豬肉串, 此款酒的單寧可平衡豬肉的油脂,也為此餐點多加了一些辛香風味. 由於我個人本來就比較喜歡香味與酒精濃度較強的酒, 我會推薦此款產品.

When opening up the bottle, strong spice aroma appears. But there isn’t any cocoa aroma due to the spice aroma.  Also, there is no residue after pouring out the dark plum color wine. While taking the first sip, the tastebud can detect the clean leathery flavor along with mild sweetness. The peppery tannin is average and gentle. As expected, the finish is not dry but long lasting flavor.This wine is categorized as dessert wine and better pairing with strong cheese and dark chocolate. However, in Taiwan, it might be better to pair with grilled juicy pork at the Taiwanese BBQ restaurant. The tannin can balance the fat of the pork and finish with balanced sweetness and salty. Because I like strong aroma, I would recommend this item. 


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警語: 警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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