【 石牌捷運站 | Shipai 】 台南滷三塊 | Tainan Braised Pork | 深夜食堂 | 小吃

Last Updated on 2019-11-09 by Foodelicious

台南滷三塊下午五點才開的販售台南道地的滷肉飯系列的餐廳, 而且星期日休息, 離石牌捷運站其實有一段距離, 下班根本沒力氣(其實是懶)再走去, 也好加在~ 要不然可能每三天就會去一次 .
This restaurant opens at 5pm at night and it closes on Sunday. Geez ~ But this restaurant is worth visiting if you like authentic Taiwanese food.  Besides Oyster Pancake, braised pork is one of the dishes that can represent Taiwan.


There are two signature dishes 有兩個招牌餐點:



English Name: Braised Pork Belly Rice
Price: NTD $45 (Small) , NTD $70 (Large)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 🍚🍚🍚🍚

在加州, 只能在中國超市(例如大華超市)買到所謂的五花肉, 原因是在美國超市, 五花肉已經被切成一片片的培根. 很多人都知道台南是所謂的美食之都, 有很多小吃起源地都是台南, 但是到台北之後就修改了復古的作法而採用較瘦的肉, 主要原因是台北人(尤其是女生)比較不喜歡肥滋滋的肉. 但是“台南滷三塊”堅持懷舊, 使用帶有較多油脂的五花肉, 長時間的滷肉過程讓膠質滲透至肉與肉之間, 多汁且帶有濃郁的肉香, 少許白胡椒灑在滷得透徹且帶有微甜的五花肉上, 為單一微鹹的五花肉飯加上少許不同的風味.
Back at California, you can only purchase pork belly in Chinese Supermarket, such as 99 Ranch. The main reason is that most American eat bacon, which is sliced pork belly. As many would know, even Taiwanese calls Tainan the capital of yummy foods. Braised pork is also originated from Tainan. Sadly, most restaurants in Taipei City adjusted their recipes to pork with less fat due to the health awareness. Gladly, this dish is still in its original style – braised pork belly with fats and skins. The meat is braised well to make it extremely tender due to the fair amount of collagen from the fats. I would use “succulent with meaty aroma” to  describe this dish. There are a bit of white pepper to add more complex flavor with hint of sweetness. The sauce is not over salty if you eat with the Taiwanese rice.



English Name: Dried Shredded Swordfish with Braised Pork Rice
Price: NTD $45 (Small) ; $70 (Large)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 🍚🍚🍚🍚

在忠孝SogoB2超市裡, 旗魚鬆的銷售比豬肉鬆和鮪魚鬆好,  每次去買都是當日加熱風乾, 若是單一只吃餐點上的旗魚鬆, 其實並不如Sogo超市, 但是若跟滷汁和肉燥一起吃進口中, 會發現旗魚鬆的風味完全不會被肉燥覆蓋住, 這就是名符其實的多層次口感!
I always purchase the dried shredded swordfish at Zhongxiao SOGO supermarket since it is air-dry daily. This dish’s dried shredded swordfish by itself is just average. But surprisingly, the braised pork and sauces did’t cover the swordfish flavor at all. This dish becomes two different distinguished flavors in one bowl.


延伸閱讀: 台北宵夜餐廳 》Taipei Midnight Diner Guide


Restaurant Name店名: Tainan Braised Pork 台南滷三塊
Address: No. 100, Section 7th, ChengDun Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 台北市北投區承德路七段100號 (Map)
Facebook or Website: N/A
MRT station 捷運站: Shipai MRT Station 石牌站
Tel: 02 2828 9388
營業時間: 5 pm ~ 3 am (星期日休)
