台北南港六福萬怡酒店臨近 南港捷運站, 高鐵南港站, 台鐵及客運轉運站. 這篇文章會著重在有山景的豪華客房評價, 也包括早餐與其他介紹. The Courtyard by Marriott Taipei is located near Nangang Metro Station, High-Speed Rail Nangang Station, Taiwan Railway, and Bus Tr...
國外旅遊保險推薦哪一家 ? 我選擇 線上投保 國泰旅遊平安險加不便險. 在文章的前言部分也會提到為何不保兆豐郵輪保險, 文章裡也有英文保單 Sample. Which travel insurance is recommended if based in Taiwan ? I chose to purchase Cathay Travel Insurance along with Inconven...
(2023.8 更新) 許多人對淡水美食與淡水老街有興趣, 也有許多人到淡水一日遊看煙火與夕陽. 這篇文章持續更新中. (2023.8 Update) Many people are interested in Tamsui Food and Tamsui old street. Many people would plan to have a Tamsui One Day trip as wel...
台北南港靜心苑的全名為 靜心苑-療癒古蹟 (松山療養所所長宿舍), 也是少數有重新改建的台北日式老屋餐廳. Jing Hsin Yuan is a Taipei Historic Site at Nangang District. It is also a restaurant with Japanese Historic House Style.
(2023. 4 更新) 這篇文章是我自己的 台北私藏美食口袋名單 ,我會帶我台灣朋友與外國友人去的「 非觀光景點與台北具有特色的特別商家 」. (2023. 4 Update) This article is my secret and special Taipei Food & Drink Guide. I will bring my Taiwanese friends and for...
這篇文章是關於 2021 東門站美食推薦 ,也包括台北永康街美食推薦 , 文章會分類別 - 中式, 下午茶, 西式餐廳, 台北東門市場美食. 打 “ 🔥” 就是我推薦的餐廳. This article is regarding 2021 Restaurant Recommendation near Dongmen station. It also includes the Yongkang Foo...
CityInn Hotel 新驛旅店 是台北松山機場附近飯店之一, 與內湖大直飯店相比, 新驛旅店歸類在台北平價飯店推薦名單裡. CityInn Hotel Plus is one of the Taipei hotels near Songshan Airport. Comparing with Dazhi /Neihu Hotel, Cityinn Hotel is considered Ta...
TourMeAway 除了提供有英語導遊陪伴的免費台北城市散步外, 也有付費私人英文導遊客製化行程服務. Where to find Free Taipei City Tour or Taipei Customized Tour? TourMeAway offers English speaking tour guide for several free tours, including Chil...
金門民宿與飯店比宜蘭民宿和飯店數量少, 昇恆昌金湖飯店 ( Golden Lake Hotel ) 在金門可以算是 “礁溪寒沐酒店”等級, 早餐 Buffet 比台北一些五星級飯店豐盛. Yilan has more Hotels and Airbnb than Kinmen. However, Golden Lake Hotel level is about the newly-opened “...