(Closed Down ) NOTE In House 餐廳是台北信義安和站美食餐廳之一, 也是知名 inhouse 餐飲集團旗下的一個平價品牌. NOTE - inhouse restaurant is one of Xinyi Anhe restaurants. It offers price-friendly western cuisines and drinks.
(Closed Down ) 雷咖哩是2019新開幕的台北科技大樓站美食之一, 前身是雷斯理法式甜點小館, 其創新咖哩飯非常適合愛吃辛辣日本咖哩的饕客. (Closed Down ) Les Currys restaurant is 2019 newly-opened Taipei restaurant near Technology Building MRT station. Its creat...
(2021.3 結束營業) 台北市民大道上有一家綠頭鴨 Logo 的餐廳, 名為野鴨小餐館, 全綠裝潢讓人好奇這家台北輕食餐酒館的菜單. (2021.3 Closed Down) There is a restaurant with Mallard (Green Duck) logo at Taipei Civil Blvd. The whole name is Mallard Grilled C...
(Closed Down) 台北大安區 al sorriso 餐廳與 EZ Table 合作推出秋蟹晚間套餐, 這篇文章除螃蟹套餐 review 外, 也有平常在 al sorriso 微笑餐廳可單點到的菜餚. (Closed Down) al sorriso restaurant, which is one of the Da’an restaurants, cooperates with EZ...
(Closed Down) 大阪香料咖哩餐廳是近期相當歡迎的台北咖哩飯餐廳, 也是少數忠孝復興站咖哩飯餐廳之一, 讓喜歡吃不同國家咖哩的人有多一個選擇. (Closed Down) Osaka Spice Curry restaurant is one of the most popular Taipei Curry Rice restaurants. It is also one of a fe...
( 已歇業) Gen Creative 餐廳是台北大安區米其林餐盤餐廳, 三位不同國籍的主廚們各有特色, 重點是與朋友分享後的料理平均價格與美味程度有 match. ( Closed Down ) Gen Creative Taipei is one of the Taipei Michelin Plate Restaurants at Da'an District. Three chefs fr...
(Closed Down) 台北私廚越來越多, 只是私廚這個名詞侷限了許多人想去的意願, 這家台北大安區私廚 - 十方長私廚餐廳則是與西式餐廳一樣, 有午晚餐菜單和可接受單人訂位. 這次部落客朋友工作, 我輕鬆陪吃, 所以會有兩份晚餐套餐, 文章頗長. (Closed Down ) There are lots of private kitchens at Taipei City. Kitchen...
(已結束營業 ) Trio Cafe 三重奏餐酒館是台北華山文創園區美食之一, 也是忠孝新生餐酒館,每逢用餐時間總是人潮滿滿. (Closed Down) Trio Cafe is one of the Taipei Huanshan Creative Park Restaurants. It is also one of the Zhongxiao Xinsheng Bistro.
(2019.11 已結束營業) Verde Taipei 是2019 米其林餐盤餐廳之一, 也是少數有 Fine Dining 等級的台北素食餐廳. (2019. 11 Closed ) Verde Taipei is one of the 2019 Michelin Plate restaurants. It is one of a few Fine Dining Vegetarian Rest...
(Closed Down ) 狄咖私人廚房全名為 "饗受狄咖的私人廚房&滷肉飯" , 是新開幕台北東區滷肉飯餐廳之一, 也成為國父紀念館捷運站美食. Ms. Dica’s Kitchen is one of the Taipei East Distrct Restaurants that offers braised pork rice. It is also one of the res...