台北林森北路巷弄內有一間室外裝潢頗具藍白色地中海風格的餐廳, 新開幕的 Leone Restaurant & Bar 菜單 除了有非炸物主餐外, 也有創意調酒. There is a 2020 newly-opened restaurant called Leone Restaurant & Bar with Santorini design style. Besides main...
蘭餐廳 Orchid Restaurant 是 2020 台北米其林餐盤餐廳之一, 也是信義安和站 Fine Dining 餐廳, Orchid Restaurant 蘭菜單價位與裝潢通常都被歸類為台北約會餐廳或是朋友慶生餐廳. Orchid Restaurant is one of the 2020 Taipei Michelin Plate Restaurants. It is also on...
ABV 美式餐酒館是 2020 新開幕餐酒館之一, 精釀啤酒款式系列完整, 也提供美國各州著名料理的台北東區美式餐廳. ABV Americano restaurant is one of the newly-opened 2020 Taipei Bistro. Its craft beer collection is impressive. The restaurant also offers ...
(2022.2 更新) 2020 新開幕 LE SAGE 茱莉金牛排餐館 是公館餐酒館, 也是台北平價餐酒館之一, LE SAGE 菜單除了平價牛排外, 也有其他歐美式料理選擇. (2022.2 Update ) 2020 newly-opened Le Sage Steak Bistro is a Gungguan Bistro, which is price-friendly. Le Sage...
這次餐酒館晚餐是 越昇國際 代理的義大利西西里酒莊 Donnafugata 葡萄酒 搭配 Cantina del gio 菜單上的義大利料理. I was invited by Ascent Way International Corp. to have a Donnafugata Wine Pairing Dinner at Cantina del Gio Italian Restaurant.
苗林行 ( Miaolin Foods ) 自去年開始成為台灣日產和牛進口商名單之一! 而且苗林行選擇進口日本最高等級三大和牛之一的近江牛品牌 Miaolin Foods becomes one of the Japanese Wagyu Beef Importers in Taiwan last year. Sennaritei Food Brand Beef Product is one of...
FirePlay 台北餐廳主廚 Nick 精湛直火烹飪與醬汁搭配, 穩固 FirePlay Taipei 在我的天母美食推薦名單 Top 1. FirePlay Taipei Chef Nick offers great performance of Fire interacting with ingredients and sauce pairing skill. Indeed, FirePla...
繼總代理知名日本麵粉品牌十五年之後, 苗林行開始代理法國麵粉 - 布瑟麵粉 ( Minoterie Bourseau ), 在這次 Julien Dubois X 野上智寬麵粉講習會, 也得知目前台灣烘焙業運用麵粉的趨勢. After becoming the sole distributor of famous Japanese flour brands, Miaolin Foods now b...
全球知名法國貝瑪格雷集團與酒類專家王鵬合作舉辦這一場世界風土品酒會, 這次走動式品飲的酒款皆是尚未有正式台灣代理商的葡萄酒. Mr. Paul Peng Wang cooperates with World-wide famous Bernard Magrez Group to co-host this event. Most wines at the event do not have offi...