(2023.4結束營業) Chou Chou 法國餐廳是台北忠孝敦化捷運站異國料理美食之一, “酥脆田雞腿”和 “油封鴨腿”是兩道 Chou Chou 餐廳的固定招牌料理. (Closed down on April, 2023 ) Chou Chou Restaurant is one of the French cuisine restaurants near Taipei Zhongxiao...
(2019.4 歇業) IL MERCATO (義瑪卡多) 是2017年新開幕的台北天母義大利餐廳之一, 醒目玻璃屋裝潢深受許多講究用餐氣氛的饕客喜愛. (2019.4 Closed Down) IL MERCATO TIANMU is one of the newly-opened Italian restaurants. Its beautiful glass building attract...
(已結束營業) 北方牛肉麵是台北民生社區牛肉麵店之一, 離南京三民捷運站只需走 15 分鐘, 餐廳有販售牛肉麵, 炸醬麵和水餃. (Closed) “North Beef Noodle” is one of the beef noodle restaurants at Mingshen Community (Songshan District). It only takes 15 minutes ...
(已歇業, 搬新家) 蘋果肉桂甜點店 (Apple Cinnamon Cafe) 是一家台北信義區不限時有Wifi的咖啡甜點店, “冰淇淋脆皮蘋果派”是店內的招牌. (Closed, Moved to new address) Apple Cinnamon Cafe is a dessert and coffee cafe at Taipei City Xinyi District. It off...
(Closed Down) 採預約制的門前隱味牛肉麵位於府中捷運站附近的巷弄內, 屬於新開幕的板橋牛肉麵美食之一, 內含訂位資訊和交通資訊. (Closed Down) “Hidden Beef Noodle” near Banqiao area only takes reservation. It is a newly-opened and unique beef noodle restaura...
(Closed) 裸餐酒 (Naked Bistro) 是 2017新開幕的台北東區餐酒館之一, 是由之前 “裸市集 Naked Market” 團隊經營. (Closed) Naked Bistro is one of the newly-opened Bistros at Taipei East District. It is operated by the well-known “Naked...
(長安東路店已結束營業) 米塔義大利連鎖餐廳 (Mita Pasta) 適合上班族商業午餐跟家庭聚會的餐廳名單之一, 這次我有這個榮幸可以品嚐到米塔的“主廚上菜” 新菜單. (Closed ) Mita Pasta restaurant is one of the price-friendly chain restaurants in Taiwan. It is suitable for Busi...
( Closed Down ) 慢慢弄乳酪坊 (Man Mano Cheese Lab) 位於台北大稻埕大橋頭捷運站一號出口附近, 也是少數有新鮮義式手工起司的專賣店. (Will Closed Down Soon) “Man Mano Cheese Lab” is located near Taipei Daqiao Tou MRT station Exit 1. It is one of a...
(已歇業) District One Tpe 越南河粉為台北東區新開幕美食餐廳之一 , 知名招牌料理龍蝦河粉已登上台灣各大媒體. (Closed) District One Tpe Pho is one of the newly-opened restaurants at Taipei East District. Its signature dish is Lobster Pho, which ...