好吃的台北傳統早餐店有很多家, 四海豆漿大王菜單上的餐點與美味程度絕對是中山站傳統早餐推薦. There are many Local Traditional Chinese Breakfasts at Taipei. Zhongshan Si Hai Soy Milk King menu price and delicious level is definitely one of the Zho...
羅本家咖哩專賣店是中山站美食之一, 羅本家菜單 價格已經可以算是我吃過的最經濟實惠的台北咖喱飯餐廳. Robben Curry Restaurant is one of the Zhongshan MRT station Restaurants. Its price is probably the most price-friendly curry rice restaurant at Taipe...
Twin Brothers Coffee 顧名思義是雙胞胎老闆經營, 雙胞胎咖啡 Twin Brothers Coffee 菜單 上的肉桂捲與 Flat White 出乎意料地美味. Twin Brothers Coffee is operated by twins. Cinnamon Roll and Flat White on the Twin Brothers Coffee menu sur...
台北君品飯店頤宮 ( Le Palais ) 榮獲2018年台北米其林三星餐廳, 頤宮招牌菜火焰片皮鴨三吃和先知鴨料理征服了許多饕客的味蕾. Le Palais Restaurant, which won the 2018 Michelin 3 Stars, is located at Palais de Chine Hotel. Its signature dish is roasted duc...
海倫咖啡 (Helen Coffee ) 是新光三越站前店週邊咖啡店之一, 也是少數販售藝伎高價單品咖啡的台北咖啡店, 這次有這個榮幸品嚐到店內的輕食與單品咖啡. Helen Coffee is one of coffee shops near Taipei Main Station MRT station. It is one of the Taipei coffee shops that of...
新開幕的大稻埕魯肉飯是台北大同區平價美食之一, 不僅販售魯肉飯, 也有豬腳與控肉, 也有搭配好的便當可外帶與外送. 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到以上三種招牌菜餚. Newly-opened “Dadaocheng Braised Pork Rice” is one of the low-cost restaurants at Taipei Datung District. It has braised...
台北中正區南陽街美食比比皆是, 2017新開幕的北北車滷肉飯與大稻埕魯肉飯則是其中少數有在經營Facebook 跟環境乾淨的台式小吃店. There are many great restaurants/shops at Taipei Zhongzheng District Nangyang Street. Newly-opened “Braised Pork Rice Shop” and "D...