(2023.8 更新) 許多人對淡水美食與淡水老街有興趣, 也有許多人到淡水一日遊看煙火與夕陽. 這篇文章持續更新中. (2023.8 Update) Many people are interested in Tamsui Food and Tamsui old street. Many people would plan to have a Tamsui One Day trip as wel...
朝日夫婦至今依舊是觀光客淡水吃冰推薦的店家之一, 也是少數可以一邊吃冰一邊看淡水河景的地點, Asahi HuuHu Kakigori Shaved Iced Shop is one of the must-go iced dessert shop at Tamsui District. The customers can eat the shaved ice and see the Tamsui...
淡水漁人碼頭沙崙路 “承億文旅 - 淡水吹風” 巷弄裡有一家深藏不漏的火鍋店-沙崙薑母鴨王, 與連鎖店一樣, 營業時間大約在冬季. There is a Ginger Duck Hot Pot near “Hotel Day”, which is located very closed to Dansui Fisherman Wharf. “Dansui Ginger Duck Hotpot“ o...