BEHER 食物研究圖書館位於松山機場捷運站附近的民生社區內, 這是台灣第一家蒐集中英日文關於食物書籍的專業圖書館. Beher Food Library is located near Songshan Airport MRT station at Mingshen Community. This is the first library in Taiwan that collects food...
新開幕的“休習日”為台北市六張犁捷運站不限時咖啡店之一 , 販售單品咖啡,蛋糕, 甚至有販售精釀啤酒. Newly-opened Z Day Cafe is one of the coffee shops near Liu Zhang Li MRT station This store also sell gourmet coffees, cakes, and even bottled beers...
Le Blanc 是台北大安區餐酒館之一, 最為特別的是特級肋眼牛排套餐價格只有NTD $1000元, 龍蝦套餐$1400元. Le Blanc is one of the Bistros in Taipei Da’an District. Their dish is price-friendly. For example, their 10oz Prime Rib Eye Steak Set i...
位於台北東區的L’AGE 熟成餐廳是一家低調餐廳, 老饕熟客回客率跟中山區的Popina餐酒館一樣高. L’AGE restaurant is located at the heart of the city- Taipei East District. This is a low-profile restaurant with many returning foodie customers, j...
GABEE為 中山國中捷運站咖啡店之一, 最近跟格蘭菲迪威士忌(Glenfiddich) 合作特調飲品 - 威士忌咖啡. GABEE is one of the coffee shops near Zhongshan Junior High School. It recently works with Glenfiddich brand to create an interesting drink...
2017年初新開幕的LA MOLE TAIPEI 義式料理餐酒館位於建國北路與民權東路的晶宴會館附近, 義大利籍主廚的經歷豐富且年輕, 不惜成本地堅持使用最新鮮的食材作出更細緻的料理. Newly-opened LA MOLE TAIPEI Italian restaurant is located near Jianguo North Road and Mínquan East Road. Th...
“感謝您鹽酥雞路邊攤”是台北信維市場美食之一, 位於信義路四段與大安路二段轉角處, 從大安捷運站走過來只需約十分鐘的時間. “Thank You Street Vendor” is one of the vendors at Taipei XinWei Market. It is located at the corner of Xinyi 4th section and Daan 2nd sec...
(2022. 5 更新) 台北哪裡可以買肉粽? 肉粽是端午節美食, 王記府城肉粽是台北市有名的肉粽店, 不用買一整串回家吃, 也可直接在餐廳裡享用. (2022. 5 更新) In Taipei City, rice dumplings always appear everywhere, not only during the Dragon Boat Festival. In “Wang Ji R...
近期除了手沖咖啡外, 手泡茶也成為一種低調的時尚. 在台北松山機場捷運站附近的民生社區巷弄中, 販售著台灣優質手沖茶與伴手禮的”開門茶堂”總是能讓路人們停下腳步品茶享人生. Besides Hand-Drip-Brewing Coffee, Hand-Brew Tea is also a fashionable trend in Taipei City. Locating near Taipei ...
論美味水餃, 台北東區有巧之味手工水餃, 南港展覽館捷運美食非北大荒水餃莫屬. 午餐時間的顧客幾乎都是南港科技園區新貴. As for delicious dumpling category, “Chiao Chi Wei Dumpling Shop” is the winner in Taipei East District. In the further east near Nankang E...