Beher食物研究圖書館 》民生社區富錦街圖書館 | Food Library
Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious
BEHER 食物研究圖書館位於松山機場捷運站附近的民生社區內, 這是台灣第一家蒐集中英日文關於食物書籍的專業圖書館.
Beher Food Library is located near Songshan Airport MRT station at Mingshen Community. This is the first library in Taiwan that collects food related books.
先在BEHER 食物研究圖書館的粉絲頁私訊小編預約時間即可前往, 走出松山機場捷運站後, 沿著民權東路四段走到號稱台北市最文青的富錦街, 即可以看到一家貼有“採會員制進入”所謂的食物研究圖書館. 坪數不大類似書店, 室內裝潢跟 Tori Coffee 和 休習日咖啡ㄧ樣都是木質色系, 日式風格的榻榻米在書香環境裡一點也不違和.
You would need to message the fan page before going to make sure that the library is opened. It is easy to recognize this place since the library’s front door has “Members Only” post. The indoor design is similar with Tori Coffee and Z Day Cafe. The most special part would be the Japanese Style tatami along the book shelf.
建議先買一日票 (NTD $350)
Suggestion: Purchase One-Day Pass (NTD $350)
我當時是買一日票, 規則是整天都可以待在圖書館內, 中間可外出一小時, 員工會幫忙看管, 圖書館內也有提供開水跟免費Wifi給會員, 可惜的是書籍無法外借, 也無法將書籍照相或Copy, 基本上要在圖書館內看書, 我會推薦這家給比較喜歡看外文飲食書籍但平常很忙沒空逛書店的人.
I purchased One-Day Pass to check it out. People who has membership card or one-day pass can use free wifi, drink water in the library all day. The staff can look after your belongings since you can go out to dine for one hour. However, sadly, I couldn’t borrow any book nor take pictures at the book at home. I would need to read and take notes at the library. I would recommend this store to people who like to read foreign language books, but yet do not have the time to go to bookstore.
English/Japanese/Chinese Book
信義誠品有許多食品書籍, 大致上只以國內知名出版社為主, 食物研究圖書館內除了中文書外, 也有許多在國外才買的到的書籍與食譜. 依我每月兩次到信義成品報到的經驗,Beher食物研究圖書館裡的中文家用食譜跟關於酒的書籍較少, 日文書籍佔比較高, 英文書籍部分則是以名廚食譜較多, 建議可先上網查詢書籍的ISBN 號碼, 再詢問 “Beher食物研究圖書館”的員工有無你要找的書, 且有代訂書籍的服務.
Xinyi Eslite bookstores has many food related books. However, Beher Food Library also has large amount of Japanese and English books, which Eslite bookstore only has a few. There are more Japanese related books. My suggestion would be check the ISBN number first online and ask via fan page to see if they have the books that you want. However, they do not sell books, but they can assist reserving the books from oversea.
I would recommend people who love reading food & beverage related books to visit.
Store Name: Beher 食物研究圖書館
Address: 1F, No. 354, Fujin Street Lane, Taipei City 台北市松山區富錦街354號1樓 (MAP)
Nearby MRT station: Songshan Airport MRT station 松山機場捷運
電話: N/A (私訊小編, Contact via Fan Page)
營業時間: Sunday & Monday Off
Other Days 11am ~ 7pm (私訊小編, Contact via Fan Page)
Travel Recommendation 推薦程度: 👍👍👍👍