高酒精啤酒 》蛇毒啤酒 | Brewmeister Beer Snake Venom

Last Updated on 2017-11-03 by Foodelicious

緣起於英國的蛇毒啤酒 ( Brewmeister Beer Snake Venom ) 是全世界公認最高酒精度的啤酒.
Brewmeister Beer Snake Venom, which is produced at England, is the highest ABV beer in the world.

Product Name 產品名稱: Brewmeister Beer Snake Venom 蛇毒啤酒
Country of Origin 原產地: England 英國
Foodelicious 美味程度 : 🎉
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Sales Channel 品飲地點: Sharing with friends 朋友分享
Price: £50 a bottle. (NTD $1989 / 罐)
Total ml 總容量: 330 ml
ABV 酒精濃度: 67.5 %
Bottle Bar Code: N/A
進口商: Taiwan does not have sole distributor 台灣沒有代理商

這次是 ABV Bar & Kitchen 的老闆不藏私拿出來跟我們分享, 基本上在台灣並沒有代理商, 所以無法在零售市場上買到, 原因很明顯就是單價過高, 台灣市場無法接受, 但是此款啤酒在中國市場卻是賣得相當好, 大家開玩笑說可能中國有賣二鍋頭, 酒精濃度高達44 ~ 56度.
ABV Bar & Kitchen boss brought out this beer and explained that you cannot purchase this beer any retail market in Taiwan. Obviously, the price is too high. However, this beer sells very well at China market.



視覺搖滾元素的綠色酒標搭配一張顯眼黃色警告標籤 – “超濃啤酒,一次不可喝超過35毫升” , 老闆倒入啤酒時, 視覺上反而比較像深琥珀色的威士忌並無經典的啤酒泡沫, 幾乎沒有碳酸, 拿起酒杯聞時, 稍為刺鼻的酒精味蓋住其他風味, 喝第一口時, 就跟 Patron Tequila Royal Salute 一樣感受到一股熱流滑順入喉, 後段是帶有點啤酒花苦味, 我沒有察覺到公司網站上提到的泥煤風味, 我不會建議買這瓶啤酒, 但是因為號稱酒精最高的啤酒, 若有機會免費喝, 千萬不要錯過機會.
Rock n Roll theme green label design pairs with small yellow label stated – “Warning! It is recommended to enjoy in small doses of 35ml measures.”. ABV Bar & Kitchen’s boss poured into the small shot glass. It looks almost like dark amber whiskey, which it doesn’t have classic beer head. The nose is high degree alcohol aroma, which covers other aromas. The first sip is almost like Patron Tequila and Royal Saltue, which warms up the throat with smooth texture. The finish has hints of hops bitterness. There isn’t any peat aroma as the website stated. I wouldn’t recommend to purchase this beer since it is expensive. But since this is the highest ABV beer, if you have the chance to drink it, don’t miss it.



** 此款酒並沒有在以下兩個懶人包 ”**
延伸閱讀2: 野餐酒 PICNIC WINE GUIDE 》哪些酒比較適合帶去野餐?



警語: 飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康 <- 菸酒管理法規定要寫的!






