Fermented by 曾 House 是台北 Wine Bar . 因為 Fermented by 曾 House 菜單與酒單皆優秀 , 我認為能成為台北餐酒館推薦之一 Fermented by Tseng House is Taipei Wine Bar. Because its dish menu and wine menu are above average, I am consider...
( 2024.10 更新 ) 台北 24 小時美食在哪裡? 老漿家是台北東區 24 小時中式早餐店, N訪品嚐過老漿家菜單 , 決定寫成文章. (2024.10 Update) Where are Taipei 24 Hours Restaurants? Top Soy Milk Shop is a 24 Hours Chinese Breakfast restaurant at Taipei E...
嵩 SUNG 台北大安 是 2023 新開幕的台北餐酒館, 珊瑚橘色時尚洞穴空間設計令人記憶深刻, 文章裡有嵩 SUNG 台北大安 菜單 , 低消, 評價與訂位等重點. SUNG Bistro Taipei Da-An restaurant is a 2023 new Taipei Bistro. The coral orange color and its design is quite imp...
瑞士起司美食哪裡買? 二訪搬家後的 布夫歐式私房菜 La Bonne Bouffe 是台北瑞士起司專賣店, 也可內用, 布夫瑞士起司鍋最受歡迎, 這次則是品嚐內用菜單上的綜合瑞士起司盤與輕食. Where to buy Swiss Cheese and Swiss Food in Taipei? La Bonne Bouffe moved to a new location. At my 2nd ...
上吉 Yakiniku 是台北燒肉推薦之一, 上吉燒肉菜單近期增加平日與週末 (除了週五) 的 NTD $880 元超值日式燒肉午間套餐. Jokichi Yakiniku is one of the Taipei Yakiniku Restaurant recommendations. Jokichi restaurant now has weekday (exclude Friday) and...
coco Brownies 可可布朗光復店是 2022 新開幕台北東區下午茶甜點店, 難得有戶內外座位, 也可內用, 可外帶每日新鮮出爐的布朗尼回家享用. coco Brownies Store Guangfu Branch is a 2022 new Dessert Store near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. There are outdoor/indoo...
(2022.7 更新) 台北適合家庭聚餐的餐廳又一家! 玉喜飯店是許多饕客們的台北東區餐廳美食之一, 這次也吃到朋友推薦的玉喜飯店預訂桌菜. (Update 2022.7) Yu Hsi Restaurant is one of the restaurants at Taipei East District. It is also suitable for Family gathering. We...
這家台北東區韓系咖啡店的全名是 Annyoung Cafe 你好咖啡, 菜單裡的蜂蜜海苔年糕是必點, 這裡也在台北網美下午茶名單. Annyoung Cafe is a Korean Style Coffee Shop at Taipei East District. The must-order dish would be Korean Rice Cake with Honey & Se...
康帕斯義麵屋菜單有多款自製手工義大利麵, 這家 2020 新開幕餐廳也是台北東區義大利麵餐廳之一. Compas Pasta House has various handmade pasta. This 2020 newly-opened estaurant is also one of the Taipei Italian Pasta restaurants.