善導寺 / Shandao Temple BL13

The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)

The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)
(2024. 5 二訪更新) 台北喜來登請客樓是 台北米其林ㄧ星餐廳美食, 也是善導寺站美食之一. 主揪朋友安排坐包廂, 且選擇多款需預訂的桌菜. (2nd visit 2024. 5 Update) The Guest House , which is located at Taipei Sheraton Hotel, is a Taipei Michelin One Star Restaura...

Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel 》入住台北喜來登豪華客房的住宿 Review

Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel 》入住台北喜來登豪華客房的住宿 Review
台北喜來登大飯店是台北捷運週邊的國際連鎖飯店住宿之一 , 這篇文章會著重在台北喜來登豪華客房的評價, 也包括飯店早餐與其他介紹. Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel is one of the international major Hotel chains near Taipei MRT station. This article will focus on the Delu...

Antoine Room 》品嚐台北喜來登安東廳的牛排菜單

Antoine Room 》品嚐台北喜來登安東廳的牛排菜單
台北喜來登安東廳 近期成為饕客們的台北牛排餐廳推薦 , 這次品嚐安東廳菜單的牛排套餐, 沒想到龍蝦湯也成為我的安東廳推薦菜餚之一. Antoine Room in Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel becomes one of the Taipei Steakhouse recommendation among foodies. This time, we tried the...

SUSHI MOMO TAIPEI 》終於吃到台北喜來登桃山明壽司 ( すし桃 )

SUSHI MOMO TAIPEI 》終於吃到台北喜來登桃山明壽司 ( すし桃 )
桃山明壽司 ( すし桃 ) 是 米其林一星明壽司 與喜來登合作的 2023 新開幕台北日式無菜單餐廳, 此篇文章內容有 桃山明壽司訂位 , 價位與用餐內容. Sushi Momo is a Taipei Sheraton Hotel Japansese Restaurant that cooperates with Michelin One Star Restaurant - Sushi Akir...

Taipei Michelin Plate 》辰園菜單桌菜點哪些菜餚 (內有豬鴨鵝)

Taipei Michelin Plate 》辰園菜單桌菜點哪些菜餚 (內有豬鴨鵝)
台北喜來登 辰園(The Dragon Taipei )是台北米其林餐盤餐廳之一 , 這次則是品嚐單點 辰園菜單 桌菜為主, 而不是辰園港點吃到飽. The Dragon Taipei, which is located at Sheraton Hotel, is one of the Taipei Michelin Plate restaurants. We ordered quite a lo...

Fu Hang Soy Milk Taipei 》關於台北早餐阜杭豆漿菜單與外送

Fu Hang Soy Milk Taipei 》關於台北早餐阜杭豆漿菜單與外送
許多愛吃台北傳統早餐的饕客所關心的話題 - 阜杭豆漿菜單價格與阜杭豆漿外送, 這家位於善導寺捷運站早餐更是台北米其林必比登推薦之一. Many Taipei Local Breakfast lovers consider Fu Hang Soy Milk menu & price & delivery information important. This breakfast sh...

Taipei Sushi 》台北華山合掌村壽司店依舊人潮不斷

Taipei Sushi 》台北華山合掌村壽司店依舊人潮不斷
合掌村壽司是華山市場美食之一, 也是許多人公認的台北平價壽司推薦之一, 合掌村壽司菜單上最多人點的應該就是頂級12貫與合掌村海鮮丼. Taipei Gassho Sushi is one of the Huashan Market restaurants. People would consider that Gassho Sushi is Taipei price-friendly sushi.

2022 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes

2022 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食  》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes
(2023.12 更新) 這篇文章包括 善導寺站美食  與 忠孝新生站美食, 以標 “ 🔥 Fire.jpg” 標註華山美食推薦, 僅限Foodelicious  Review 過的餐廳. (2023.12 Update) This article includes Shandao Temple MRT station restaurants and Zhongxiao Xinsheng rest...

Simple Kaffa Coffee 興波咖啡旗艦店 》咖啡愛好者都會推薦的台北咖啡店

Simple Kaffa Coffee 興波咖啡旗艦店 》咖啡愛好者都會推薦的台北咖啡店
許多人想知道 台北咖啡廳推薦 , 我相信許多人都會說 Simple Kaffa 興波咖啡 2.0 , 因為不僅咖啡好喝,甜點也很出色. Many people want to know Taipei Coffee Shop Recommendation. I believe that Simple Kaffa Coffee Shop would be lots of people’s recomm...