板南線 / Blue Line

The Normal Coffee 》國父紀念館附近有插座咖啡店 | Taipei Coffee

The Normal Coffee 》國父紀念館附近有插座咖啡店  | Taipei Coffee
(2020.1 N訪 ) 有著藍色裝潢的 The Normal 咖啡店座落於台北仁愛路四段上, 是少數國父紀念館捷運站週邊有插座不限時的咖啡店. Newly-opened The Normal Coffee Shop is located at 4th section Ren-Ai Road in Taipei City. It is one of the coffee shops without...

小倉屋 Kokuraya 》國父紀念館捷運站鰻魚飯日本料理 | Taipei Eel Rice

小倉屋 Kokuraya 》國父紀念館捷運站鰻魚飯日本料理  | Taipei Eel Rice
新開幕的小倉屋是少數開在台北東區鰻魚飯日本餐廳, 遠離中山區日本料理一級戰區, 選擇在國父紀念館捷運站附近. Newly-opened Kokuraya is one of a few eel rice restaurants in Taipei East District. They decide to open near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station instea...

No. 168 Prime 牛排館 》 敦化 SOGO 高級牛排餐廳推薦 | Taipei Steak House

No. 168 Prime 牛排館 》 敦化 SOGO 高級牛排餐廳推薦 |  Taipei Steak House
No° 168 Prime Steak House 為台北大安區頂級牛排餐廳之一, 位於忠孝敦化捷運站週邊的敦化 SOGO 七樓, 用餐空間相當適合宴客與家庭聚會. No. 168 Prime Steak House is one of the high-grade steak house restaurant in Taipei Da’an District. it is located nea...

KICHI 吉天婦羅 》 忠孝復興捷運站美食 | SOGO 日本料理餐廳

KICHI 吉天婦羅 》 忠孝復興捷運站美食  | SOGO 日本料理餐廳
忠孝 SOGO 樓上有一家2017 新開幕的日本餐廳, 名稱為KICHI 吉天婦羅, 讓人記憶深刻的則是鍍24K金炸盤. There is a newly-opened Japanese restaurant, which is called KICHI, at SOGO department store. Its famous selling point would be the 24K gol...

Olivia Coffee Roaster 》 國父紀念館捷運站不限時咖啡店 | Taipei Coffee

Olivia Coffee Roaster 》 國父紀念館捷運站不限時咖啡店  |  Taipei Coffee
(2019.10 二訪更新)   Olivia Coffee Roaster 是少數台北東區不限時咖啡店之一, 提供免費Wifi , 少數插座和安靜環境讓很多文字工作者喜歡到這家咖啡店工作. Olivia Coffee Roaster is one of a few coffee shop with unlimited dining time. It offers free wiki, a few...

L’AGE 熟成餐廳 》忠孝復興捷運餐酒館美食 | Taipei Bistro

L’AGE 熟成餐廳 》忠孝復興捷運餐酒館美食 | Taipei Bistro
位於台北東區的L’AGE 熟成餐廳是一家低調餐廳, 老饕熟客回客率跟中山區的Popina餐酒館一樣高. L’AGE restaurant is located at the heart of the city- Taipei East District. This is a low-profile restaurant with many returning foodie customers, j...

K. LAB 甜點實驗室 》台北五分埔巷弄 | Taipei Dessert

K. LAB 甜點實驗室 》台北五分埔巷弄 | Taipei Dessert
K. Lab 甜點實驗室位於信義區後山埤捷運附近, 是一家五分埔甜點店, 與“深夜裡的法國手工甜點”一樣皆是手工法國甜點, 而且營業時間一樣誇張地短, 但蛋糕款式截然不同. K. Lab Dessert Shop is located near Blue Line Houshan Pi MRT station at Taipei Xinyi District. However, their ope...

北北車魯肉飯 》 南陽街美食 | Taipei Braised Pork Rice

北北車魯肉飯 》 南陽街美食 | Taipei Braised Pork Rice
台北中正區南陽街美食比比皆是, 2017新開幕的北北車滷肉飯與大稻埕魯肉飯則是其中少數有在經營Facebook 跟環境乾淨的台式小吃店. There are many great restaurants/shops at Taipei Zhongzheng District Nangyang Street. Newly-opened “Braised Pork Rice Shop”  and "D...