采采食茶餐廳 CHA CHA THÉ Cuisine 是 2022 新開幕的台北法式餐廳, 饕客都知道雙主廚是之前 De Nuit 的主廚們. CHA CHA THÉ Cuisine is 2022 new Taipei French Restaurant. Foodies know that both chefs have experience working at De Nuit restau...
(2022. 8 更新) 明福台菜海鮮是 2022 台北米其林一星餐廳推薦之一, 明福佛跳牆和鮑魚糯米雞讓很多慕名而來的饕客稱讚不已. (2022. 8 Update) Taiwan Ming Fu Restaurant is one of the 2022 Taipei Michelin One Star Restaurants. You can read the following to kn...
(2023. 10 月更新) Molino de Urdániz 渥達尼斯磨坊 是 2023 台北米其林二星餐廳, 也是少數松江南京站的台北約會餐廳美食選擇之一. (2023. 10 Update ) Molino de Urdániz is 2023 Taipei Michelin Two Starred Restaurant. It is also a Taipei Dating Restau...
(2022.8 更新) Logy Taipei 榮獲 2022 台北米其林二星餐廳之榮耀, 讓這家大安區美食餐廳 logy 台北網路訂位 更是難上加難, 我則是五月中訂到七月初的座位! (2022. 8 Update) Logy Taipei is one of the Michelin Two Star Restaurants at Taipei City. It becomes qui...
(2022. 8 更新) 金蓬萊 餐廳成為 2022 台北米其林一星餐廳後, 也成為許多人的天母美食餐廳推薦之一. 文章內包括漲價後的金蓬萊菜單價格,金蓬萊停車資訊和餐廳必點菜色. (2022. 8 Update ) Golden Formosa Restaurant is one of the 2022 Taipei Michelin One Star restaurants. This res...
雞家莊長春店 ( Chi Chia Chuang ) 除了是 2022 台北米其林必比登餐廳外, 也是許多日本人常光臨的台北中山區美食之一. 雞家莊菜單 2020 除了三味雞, 看看我還推薦哪些菜餚! Chi Chia Chuang Restaurant is one of the one of the Taipei Michelin Bib Gourmand Restaurants. It is...
( N 訪更新 2022. 8 ) 川畝園菜單豐富且價格不浮誇, 被我歸類在台北平價美食餐廳之一, 同樣也是中山站赤峰街美食推薦. 很高興看到川畝園在 2022 台北米其林必比登餐廳名單上. (2022. 8 Update) Taipei Chuan Mu Yuan restaurant is categorized as one of the Taipei price-friendly rest...
應該沒有人不知道這一家 台北米其林餐盤義大利餐廳 吧 ? 這篇文章會包括大家最關心的 PASTi Trattoria 菜單 (套餐制) , 訂位方式... 等五個重點. Most people know about this particular Michelin Plate Italian restaurant. This article will include five remarks - ...
蘭餐廳 ( Orchid Restaurant ) 是很多饕客的台北約會餐廳推薦 , 也是台北米其林餐盤推薦 , 2022 蘭餐廳菜單不僅威靈頓牛肉派與羊排好吃, 其他套餐菜餚也頗具水準. Orchid by Nobu Lee restaurant is many foodies’ Taipei Date Restaurant recommendation. It is also a Taipei...