台北咖哩飯餐廳勁爭越來越激烈, 大安區開了一間平價日式咖哩飯餐廳, 名為富士咖哩 (Fuji Curry). There are many Japanese curry restaurants in Taipei City. Fuji Curry is a budget-wise Japanese Curry restaurant, which is opened recently at Taip...
(2022.3 更新) 井上禾食是台北六張犁捷運站美食之一, 以販售平價日本海鮮丼而在大安區相當受歡迎. (2022.3 Update) Jin-Shan Japanese Restaurant is one of the restaurants near Liuzhangli MRT Station. It is famous for its budget-wise Japanese seafo...
生火腿起司拉麵是東京米其林推薦 Due Italian 日本拉麵的招牌料理, 是信義新光三越 A4 餐廳之一. Chicken Broth Ramen with Iberico Ham & Cheese is Due Italian Ramen Restaurant’s signature dish. It is one of the Xinyi Shinkong Mitsubkoshi ...
台北新開幕咖哩飯餐廳又一家! Noname咖哩專門店是台北大安捷運站附近的餐廳, 除了咖哩飯外, 唐揚炸雞也是招牌料理之一. Another curry restaurant opens at Taipei City. No Name Curry Restaurant is one of the restaurants near Da’an MRT station. Besides curry r...
EN 和食。酒 (えん) 為忠孝復興捷運站日本料理餐廳之一, 除了在SOGO復興館 BR4 11樓有餐廳店面外, 在板橋大遠百也有分店. EN Japanese Cuisine Restaurant is one of the Japanese restaurants near Zhongxiao Fushing MRT station. Besides the SOGO Fuxing branc...
土狗樂市像上引水產一樣都是複合式餐飲生鮮海產超市, 地理位置介於松江南京捷運站與南京復興捷運站的建國北路巷弄內, 交通較為方便. Togo Market is similar with “ADDICTION Seafood” , which combines live seafood stock and restaurant. Its location is in between Nanking ...
新開幕的小倉屋是少數開在台北東區鰻魚飯日本餐廳, 遠離中山區日本料理一級戰區, 選擇在國父紀念館捷運站附近. Newly-opened Kokuraya is one of a few eel rice restaurants in Taipei East District. They decide to open near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station instea...
忠孝 SOGO 樓上有一家2017 新開幕的日本餐廳, 名稱為KICHI 吉天婦羅, 讓人記憶深刻的則是鍍24K金炸盤. There is a newly-opened Japanese restaurant, which is called KICHI, at SOGO department store. Its famous selling point would be the 24K gol...
大江戶町鰻屋為台中市南屯區新開幕鰻魚飯餐廳, 斗大的招牌在文心南路上非常顯著. Newly-opened Edo Machi Eel Rice Restaurant is one of the Taichung Nantun District restaurants. The restaurant sign is very obvious on the side of Wenxin South S...
台北的肥前屋鰻魚飯最有名, 台中則是大東屋鰻魚飯, 聽說跟台北一樣是排隊名店. Taipei 肥前屋うなぎ (I couldn't find its English name) near Zhongshan MRT station is quite famous. And the famous eel house in Taichung would be 大東屋 (prounce Da-Don H...