Little Creatures Taipei 小天使精釀啤酒餐廳是少數台北大安區餐酒館之一, 其澳洲籍主廚 Kai 曾在 MUME 工作過, 招牌料理是 Fish & Chips. Little Creatures Taipei Restaurant is one of the Taipei Bistros at Da’an District. The executive chef Ka...
Gino Pizza Napoletana 蘆洲店 在我的新北市比薩推薦名單上, Gino Pizza 菜單豐富, 也是新北市葡萄酒友善餐廳. Gino Pizza Napoletana Lujhou Branch is on my New Taipei City Pizza Shop Recommendation List.
瑪德蓮小酒館是台北餐酒館之一, 許多人將瑪德蓮餐酒館列於公館朋友聚餐的餐廳名單裡. Cafe Madeleine is one of the Taipei Bistros. Many people list Cafe Madeleine as a friends-gathering restaurant at Taipei Gongguan area.
VG Seafood 餐廳是少數以海鮮為主題的台北餐酒館, 也是信義安和站美食之一, 近期更推出 VG Seafood 午餐時段. VG The Seafood Bar is categorized as Taipei Bistro. It is also one of the Xinyi Anhe MRT station restaurants.
(已搬家) 山男 ( Yamasan Taipei ) 是台北大安區國父紀念館站美食之一, 饕客前往的原因不外乎是老闆曾在 MUME 廚師團隊裡, 呈現獨特的餐酒館風格. (Moved) Yamasan restaurant is one of the SYS Memorial Hall MRT station restaurants. Most foodies visited there bec...
台北 101 大安東尼義大利餐廳全名為 Da Antonio By 隨意鳥地方, 大安東尼餐廳歸類於信義區義大利美食餐廳之一. Da Antonio Restaurant is one of Diamond Tony Group restaurants. Da Antonio is also one of the Xinyi restaurants.
Pico Pico 是少見的台北秘魯餐廳之一, 獨特菜色讓許多老饕前往品嚐, 也被許多人放進信義安和站美食名單裡. Pico Pico Taipei is one a few Peru Restaurants at Taipei City. Its unique Peruvian cuisine is on many foodies’ must-eat list near Xinyi Anhe M...
Saffron 46 ( 番紅花 46 餐廳 ) 是台北微風南山美食之一, 在台北信義區印度餐廳名單佔有一席之地, 這次有榮幸可品嚐到這裡的料理與出色的調酒. Saffron 46 is one of the restaurants at Taipei Breeze Nangshan. It is also one of the Indian Restaurants at Taipei Xinyi...
紐澳良小廚是少數台北有美國南方料理的餐廳, 這次除了楓糖鬆餅炸雞和紐澳良濃湯飯外, 店家也準備新推出的現剖生蠔套餐給我們. Nola Kitchen is one of a few Taipei restaurants that offer America Southern Cuisine . Besides the fried chicken waffle and gumbo, the rest...
Smith & Wollensky 牛排館是台北微風南山餐廳之一, 也在饕客們的台北牛排餐廳推薦名單裡, 這次我很榮幸可以品嚐到 Smith & Wollensky 新菜單. Smith & Wollensky Taipei Steakhouse is one of the restaurants at Nanshan Breeze Mall. it is also at ...