Taipei Brunch 》台北東區早午餐 | BRUN 不然餐廳
Last Updated on 2019-04-01 by Foodelicious
2018 新開幕的 BRUN 不然早午餐餐廳不僅是台北東區網美店, 也在許多人的忠孝敦化美食名單上.
2018 newly-opened BRUN restaurant is not only a IG friendly restaurant, it is also on many people’s to-eat list at Da’an District.
BRUN 不然菜單 2019 在文末 2019 BRUN Menu is at the end of article
BRUN 不然餐廳目前是週一與週二晚上5pm不營業, 其他時段有賣平日商業午餐與晚餐, 平日可訂位但假日無法訂位, 營業時間仍需關注他們的 Facebook 粉絲頁, 菜單除了常見的早午餐 (例如法式吐司,蛋或火腿), 種類比民生社區的 “EGGY 什麼是蛋澳式早午餐”少, 但跟 “HIVE 巢餐廳“一樣也有提供主餐, 更特別的是與附近的 “Solo Pasta “一樣有販售酒. 請注意菜單上有些品項備註 “忙碌的時候會沒有”或是不同品項有開始販售的時間.
Please note that BRUN restaurant does not operate during Monday and Tuesday after 5pm. They offer weekday business lunch and dinner at other time. You can call to reserve during weekdays, but not on holidays. Besides the regular brunch (french toast, egg or ham), they offer main courses, just like at “HIVE restaurant”. However, there are less items than “EGGY Brunch Restaurant”. I have noticed that they also offer alcohols like the nearby restaurant, “Solo Pasta Restaurant”.
延伸閱讀: EGGY 什麼是蛋澳式早午餐 》台北民生社區早午餐 | Taipei Brunch
延伸閱讀: HIVE 巢餐廳 》台北信義區早午餐美食推薦 | Taipei Brunch
延伸閱讀: Solo Pasta Taipei 》台北東區義大利麵推薦 | 招牌料理不同凡響
聽店員說, BRUN 不然餐廳附近的金融大樓地下有停車位, 我個人是認為搭大眾運輸工具最方便. 走出忠孝敦化捷運站六號出口後, 往 “金色三麥精釀啤酒吧 SUNMAI BAR” 直走, 象牙白色與灰色簡約裝潢與一大片落地窗相當吸引人, 餐廳內的座位有靠窗單人座和吧台單人座, 也有適合團體的座位, 靠近餐廳後方的廚房也有座位區, 餐廳佔地比想像中地大, 店內也有提供置物籃.
It would be better to take public transportation since it is near Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT Exit 6. The nearby restaurant is “SUNMAI BAR”. The ivory grey color decoration and the window decoration are quite attractive. There are single seats near the counter and the window. There are also seats that are suitable for groups. There are also seats near the kitchen at the back of the restaurant.
延伸閱讀: SUNMAI BAR 》金色三麥精釀啤酒吧 | 下班後的品酌小確辛
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Risotto with Scallops and Uni Sauce
Price: NTD $390
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
由於當時是接近中午用餐時間, 我被安排到吧台座位, 目前除了幾款商業午餐是套餐外, 其他皆是單點. 這次單點相當受歡迎的海膽醬干貝燉飯, 燉飯份量大概女生會七分飽, 可能需要另點飲料或是甜點. 料理擺盤與食材讓我立刻想到 “Allez Bistro” 海膽燉飯, 因為看起來幾乎ㄧ樣. 可明顯察覺到許多明太子顆粒在暖黃色燉飯裡, 整體吃起來海鮮風味適量, 只有偶而吃到明太子時會有排山倒海的海鮮風味, 表層微焦干貝可惜沒有像 “A.B House 義式私房料理“ 鮮美與多汁, 廚師們置入像起司的筍塊切丁, 讓清脆口感偶而出現在微硬米心的燉飯裡, 我個人覺得不錯吃. 值得一提的是 BRUN 不然餐廳很誠實地命名這道為海膽“醬”干貝燉飯, 而非海膽干貝燉飯.
I was seated at the counter. Besides several sets of Business Lunch menu, others are single dish. So, I ordered the signature dish- Risotto with scallops and uni sauce. The appearance of this dish looks like “Allez Bistro” risotto with scallops and uni sauce. However, the quantity are not much. There are large quantity of roes in the warm yellow color risotto. When I taste the roes, the tastebuds would immediately sense the strong seafood flavor. But the scallops are not as delicious as “A.B House“. The cheese look-alike is actually bamboo, which has crispy flavor. I personally like this dish.
延伸閱讀: A.B House 義式私房料理 》台北永康街義大利餐廳推薦
Price: NTD $140
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
剛喝下拿鐵咖啡時, 有時焦苦味會蓋過咖啡香, 這時讓我懷念起 “Coffee Essential 民生工寓”的香醇黑糖咖啡, 我當初應該要像在 “HIVE 巢餐廳“ 點果汁.
When I first taste the latte, there are bitter flavor overcomes the coffee aroma. This reminds me of the best brown sugar coffee that I have tasted at “Coffee Essential”. I should have ordered juice, just like at “HIVE Restaurant”.
延伸閱讀: Coffee Essential 民生工寓 》黑糖拿鐵與重乳酪蛋糕令人難忘
延伸閱讀: HIVE 巢餐廳 》台北信義區早午餐美食推薦 | Taipei Brunch
餐廳: BRUN 不然
地址: 台北市大安區安和路一段7號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話: 02-2772-5222
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Restaurant: BRUN Restaurant
Address: No. 7, 1st Section, Anhe Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station
Tel: 02-2772-5222
Operation Hour: Check Facebook
BRUN 不然菜單 2019 》2019 BRUN Menu