Bencotto 》二訪文華東方酒店義大利餐廳品嚐義籍主廚的新菜單
Last Updated on 2023-10-01 by Foodelicious
Bencotto 義大利餐廳是台北米其林入選餐廳之一, 這次我到台北文華東方酒店 6 樓 品嚐新任義大利籍主廚與副主廚 的 2023 Bencotto 菜單 .
Bencotto at Mandarin Oriental Hotel is one of the Taipei Michelin Selected Restaurants. This time, I tasted 2023 Bencotto Menu that are prepared by New Italian Chef and Sous Chef.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Bencotto 訂位 & 低消
Bencotto Reservation and Minimum Charge
Bencotto 義大利餐廳地址為台北市松山區敦化北路158號6 樓, 也就是在台北文華東方酒店 6 樓. 離小巨蛋捷運站一號出口約 10 ~ 15 分鐘路程. Bencotto 訂位連結為 ( ) , 可一人訂位. 2023.7月的低消是每人一份餐點, 若要點套餐, 同桌客人不用都點一樣價格的套餐.
Bencotto Italian Restaurant’s address is 6F , No.158 , Dunhuan North Road, Songshan Distirct, Taipei City, which is at Mandarin Oriental Hotel 6F. It is approximately 10~ 15 minutes from Taipei Arena MRT station. Bencotto reservation link : . You can reserve for one person as well. 2023 July minimum charge is One dish per person. Also, you don’t have to order the set value with your friends at the same table.
延伸閱讀: 一訪 Bencotto Italian Restaurant Review
Bencotto 包廂
Bencotto Private Dining Room
Bencotto 義大利餐廳也有包廂選擇, 酒窖包廂最受歡迎 (圖一), 最特別的 Bencotto 主廚包廂 ( Chef’s Table ) (圖二) , 大約可坐 8 ~ 10 人, 可以看到廚師團隊工作.
Bencotto Italian restaurant has private dining room selections.The most popular one would be the wine cellar private dining room (Pic 1). The most special one would be the Chef’s Table (Pic 2) with 8 ~ 10 seats. You can see the chef team working.
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Bencotto 新主廚與副主廚
Bencotto New Chef and Sous Chef
2023 新到位 Bencotto 新主廚是 Emanuele Bergamo , 副主廚為 Riccardo Pellino , 兩位皆來自義大利威尼斯. 兩位已有經驗在五星級酒店廚師團隊裡搭擋. 這次為 Bencotto 義大利餐廳設計出多款義大利風格的菜餚.
Both new Italian Chef ( Emanuele Bergamo ) and Sous Chef ( Riccardo Pellino ) are from Venice, Italy. They have experience partnering with each other in 5 Stars Hotel chef team. They creates many Italian dishes for Bencotto.
Bencotto 晚餐套餐菜單菜餚
Bencotto Dinner Set Menu Dishes
「 午間精選套餐 」 與「 晚間精選套餐 」皆是用單點菜餚組合而成, 菜餚選項不大相同, 套餐份量會做一些調整, 有些菜餚加價購都會註明在菜單. 我這一次吃的是 Bencotto 晚餐套餐菜單 ( 六道式)
Bencotto 晚餐套餐 ( 六道式)
價格: NTD $2880
✅ 前菜選二
✅ 義大利麵/燉飯/湯品選二
✅ 主餐選一
✅ 甜點選一
「 Lunch Set Menu 」 and「 Dinner Set Menu 」dishes are all from a la carte menu. Selection might be different. The set quantity are adjusted a bit less than the a la carte dish. The menu will state if you need to pay extra for the dish. This time, I taste the Bencotto Dinner Set Menu (6 courses).
Bencotto Dinner Set Menu ( 6 Courses )
Price: NTD $2880
✅ Select Two Appetizers
✅ Select Two from Pasta/Risotto/Soup Categories
✅ Select One from Main Course
✅ Select One from Dessert
Bread & Side
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
Bencotto 餐廳的餐前麵包深受到饕客們的喜愛, 餐廳推車上有各式橄欖油與酒醋供客人選擇. 我特別推薦新的麵包抹醬- 海鹽奶油.即使你只單點,每一桌也都會有餐前麵包的招待, 吃不完可以外帶.
Bencotto restaurant’s complimentary bread is highly praised by foodies. The restaurant offers a variety of olive oils and Balsamic vinegars on a cart for guests to choose from. I particularly recommend the new bread spread – sea salt butter. Even if you only order a single dish, every table is still treated to the complimentary bread. If you can’t finish it, you can take it to-go.
Select Two Appetizers
備註: 這次我試了一份前菜
Remark: This time, I only tried one appetizer.
Hokkaido scallops carpaccio, green peas, confit shallots, lemon, Oscietra caviar, tomato dressing
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
北海道生干貝薄片菜餚並沒有在午間套餐前菜選項裡, 但是可單點 ( NTD $780), 若是晚餐套餐, 只需加價 + NTD $160. 店員將略透明番茄澄清湯注入此道菜餚, 我曾在 “Podium Taipei ” 品嚐過透明番茄澄清湯, Bencotto 主廚採用法式澄清湯概念將番茄色素過濾, 呈現略透明質感. 北海道干貝展現出生鮮度和細緻度, 搭配有微酸檸檬風味且不膩的美乃滋, 味蕾可感受到番茄澄清湯的清爽酸味, 以法國 Kaviari魚子醬做為點綴, Oscietra 魚子醬的適量鹹度則讓這種鮮味更加持久, 這一道菜餚很適合夏天品嚐.
This scallop dish is not at Lunch Set appetizer selection. However, you can order as a la carte dish (NTD $780) . If you choose to be one of the dinner set, you will need to pay extra + NTD $160. The server poured the slightly transparent tomato consommé into this dish. Bencotto chef used the concept of French consommé to filter out the tomato pigments, presenting a slightly transparent texture. The Hokkaido scallops showcased freshness and delicacy. The scallops pair with a tangy and non-greasy mayonnaise infused with a hint of lemon flavor. The taste buds can perceive the refreshing acidity of the tomato consommé, while the French Kaviari caviar served as an embellishment. The moderate saltiness of the Oscietra caviar enhanced the longevity of this fresh flavor. This dish is suitable for enjoying during the summer.
延伸閱讀: Podium Taipei 》法國料理美感與東南亞風格並存的台北私廚
Select Two from Pasta/Risotto/Soup Categories
備註: 這次我在 義大利麵/燉飯/湯品試了四款菜餚
Remark: This time, I tried 4 items out of Pasta/Risotto/Soup categories.
Seasonal mushrooms soup, roasted mushrooms, parmesan croquettes
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
野菇濃湯有在午餐與晚餐的菜單 , 皆不加價. 差別在晚餐菜單註明有搭配「炸帕馬森丸子與烤蘑菇」, 當野菇濃湯注入於碗裡時, 呈現絲綢感與厚實感, 濃湯裡有羊肚菌, 牛肝菌, 蘑菇與白酒一起燉煮 1 ~ 2 小時的高湯精華. 每一口湯品皆是滿滿的蘑菇風味與柔順口感, 晚間套餐搭配兩顆炸帕瑪森起司丸子, 蘑菇內餡微蓋住帕瑪森起司風味. 我會推薦這一道湯品給喜歡喝蘑菇濃湯的人.
Seasonal mushroom soup is at Lunch Set and Dinner Set menu selection. You don’t need to pay extra. However, the dinner set menu stated that the soup pairs with the parmesan croquettes. As the mushroom soup was poured into the bowl, it presented a silky and rich texture. The soup was made by simmering porcini mushrooms, chanterelle mushrooms, regular mushrooms, and white wine together for 1 ~ 2 hours to extract the essence of the broth. Every spoonful of the soup was filled with the rich flavor of mushrooms and a smooth mouthfeel. The dinner set menu stated that the soup will be paired with two fried parmesan croquettes. The mushroom filling covers a bit of cheese flavor though. I would recommend this soup to those who enjoy mushroom soup.
Ravioli filled with US beef bolognese ragout, beef jus, tomato coulis, bechamel
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
波隆納牛肉醬義大利麵餃菜餚並沒有在午間套餐選項裡, 但是可單點. 單點波隆納牛肉醬義大利麵餃 (9 個) 價格是 NTD $780, 若是晚餐套餐, 數量則是 7 個 , 不用額外加價. Bencotto 義大利麵餃是手工製作, 整齊地排列在盤裡. 淋上的白醬賦予豐潤口感, 搭配微酸番茄庫利則是經典組合. 雖然內餡沒有預期地飽滿, 第一口即可感受到美國 Prime 等級牛肉製成的肉醬風味, 濃縮牛肉汁 (Beef Jus ) 為菜餚注入更濃郁且飽滿的肉香, 整體造就完整的風味架構. 這是當天我最喜歡的菜餚之一.
This beef ravioli dish is not at Lunch Set appetizer selection. However, you can order as a la carte dish (9 pcs) NTD $780 . If you choose this dish to be one of the dinner set, you don’t need to pay extra, with only 7 pcs. Bencotto’s handmade Ravioli is neatly arranged on the plate. The bechamel sauce is rich and creamy. It complements the slightly tangy tomato coulis, creating a classic combination with the beef meaty flavor. Although the filling may not be as plump as expected, the first bite reveals the thick meaty flavor from US beef bolognese ragout. The beef jus adds a rich and full-bodied meaty aroma to the dish, completing the overall flavor profile. This was one of my favorite dishes of the day.
Ricotta filled Piedmont’s style ravioli, black garlic, spinach extract, sea urchin, lemon
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
皮埃蒙特式義大利麵餃菜餚並沒有在午間套餐選項裡, 但是可單點. 單點皮埃蒙特式義大利麵餃 (9 個) 價格是 NTD $820, 若是晚餐套餐, 數量則是 7 個. 義大利麵餃內餡有適量瑞可達乳酪, 搭配有著相同柔順口感的海膽入口, 鮮味偏弱, 主導風味仍舊是迷人的起司風味, 檸檬風味為輔. 此道為素食菜餚, 很適合喜歡乳酪與檸檬風味的人.
This Piedmont’ ravioli dish is not at Lunch Set appetizer selection. However, you can order as a la carte dish (9 pcs) NTD $820 . If you choose this dish to be one dish of the dinner set, you don’t need to pay extra, with only 7 pcs.The Ravioli is filled with a delicate amount of Ricotta cheese. It accompanied by the smooth texture of sea urchin, which shares a similar smooth texture. While the sea urchin imparts a subtle freshness, the dominant flavor remains the captivating essence of the ricotta cheese. It also has a hint of lemon as a complementary note. This dish is a vegetarian option, perfect for those who enjoy the delightful combination of cheese and lemon flavors.
Special riserva Acquerello rice, saffron, Australian Wagyu beef tongue, roasted hazelnut, gremolada
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
單點為 NTD $880 , 若是晚間套餐則是加價 NTD $160. Bencotto 義籍主廚採用義大利 Acquerello 品牌的 Carnaroil 品種, 是成本較高的義大利頂級陳年米, 米粒在烹煮過程中保持完整且吸收湯汁的能力更強, 讓燉飯的質感更加綿密而濃郁. 一端上桌立刻嗅到濃郁蒜香, 深褐色的澳洲和牛牛舌切塊賦予的鹹度稍高, 建議與燉飯一起享用, 也能同時感受到烤榛果帶來的脆口感.
A la carte price is NTD $880. If you chose this dish to be one dish of the dinner set, you will need to pay extra +NTD $160. The chef uses special riserva Acquerello brand rice from Italy, which is higher cost and top quality. The rice is able to absorb large amount of the broth, resulting in a more creamy and rich risotto texture. As soon as it is served, the dish exudes a rich aroma of garlic. The deep brown Australian wagyu beef tongue chunks add fair amount elevated level of saltiness. I would suggest to pair the beef tongue with the risotto. Additionally, the crispy texture provided by roasted hazelnuts can be savored alongside the dish.
Select One from Main Course
備註: 這次我試了一款主餐
Remark: This time, I tried 1 item out of Main Course categories.
Overnight-braised Australian Wagyu beef cheek, savoy cabbage, celeriac purée, puffed millet
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這道菜餚的裝飾展現出法式美感, 慢燉 12 小時的澳洲和牛牛頰表層佈滿脆小米, 切開咬一口, 口感遠比預期地嫩, 注入的濃縮牛肉汁增添了豐富的鹹香, 口齒留香 , 香檳醋醃高麗菜與塊根芹泥可平衡整道菜餚的鹹香程度, 我個人會建議分享這一道慢燉澳洲和牛牛頰.
The presentation of this dish showcases a French aesthetic, with the Australian wagyu beef cheeks slow-cooked for 12 hours and adorned with crispy millet on the surface. Upon cutting into it and taking a bite, the tenderness exceeds expectations. The infusion of concentrated beef jus adds a rich savory flavor that lingers on the palate. The Champagne vinegar-marinated cabbage and celeriac puree serve as a delightful balance to the overall savory profile of the dish. I would suggest sharing this dish.
Select One from Dessert
Mascarpone, savoiardo cookie, espresso, chocolate
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
單點 Tiramisu 是 NTD $380 , 晚間套餐不加價. 這一道套餐甜點份量多, 主廚並沒有加瑪薩拉酒 ( Marsala ) , 本體的蛋糕咖啡香並不會過於濃郁, 小孩子也可分享.
A la carte price is NTD $380. If you choose this dish to be one dish of the dinner set, you don’t need to pay extra. The chef didnt add Marsala. The coffee aroma and flavor of the cake itself is not too strong. Kids can also share to taste.
套餐咖啡 & 小點
Set Coffee & Petit Four
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
Bencotto 義大利餐廳套餐皆有附咖啡與小點.
Bencotto set always serve with Petit Four and coffee.
Bencotto Wine Selection
Bencotto 義大利餐廳有 In-House 的侍酒師
Bencotto Italian restaurant has in-house Sommelier.
警語: 禁止酒駕, 未滿十八歲, 禁止飲酒, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. People under 18 years old are prohibited to drink alcohols. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
結論 Conclusion ⭐
近期台北餐飲業在價格與規則有些許改變, 也得知 Bencotto 義大利餐廳有新義籍主廚與副主廚, 這次用餐經驗讓我覺得可建議你們再一次嘗試
✅ 每人低消是一份餐點, 並非以金額為低消, 因此可帶小孩一起用餐
✅ 同桌客人不用點同一價位的套餐, 你可以點套餐, 朋友點單點
✅ 如果一人單點用餐, 不用點套餐也會有附餐麵包, 吃不完可以外帶
✅ 台北餐飲業的套餐價格增加太多, 反觀 Bencotto 義大利餐廳的六道式晚餐 + 附餐麵包 + 飲料與 Petit Four 套餐價格 NTD $2880 . 份量並非小份的 Tasting Menu , 而是正常份量
✅ 這篇文章是關於晚間套餐, 晚餐套餐選項與午餐套餐選項不一樣, 請自行注意看 Menu
✅ 套餐比較划算, 若是想單點分享, 我會推薦「 野菇濃湯 (NTD $580 )」 與「 波隆納牛肉醬義大利麵餃 (NTD $780) 」
Recently, Taipei restaurant industry adjusted its price and policies. Since Bencotto now has new Italian chef and sous chef, I would suggest you to dine here for a try or 2nd visit.
✅ The minimum charge is one dish, instead of value per person. Therefore, you can bring kids to dine together.
✅ You don’t need to order the same set value as other guests at the same table. You can order set, and your friend can order a la carte (one dish).
✅ Even if you only order a single dish, every table is still treated to the complimentary bread. If you can’t finish it, you can take it to-go.
✅ Taipei Restaurant set price has increased higher than expected. As for Bencotto Italian restaurant set, the 6 courses dinner set (with Bread, Drink , Petit Four) is NTD $2880. The quantity is not tasting menu. The quantity is regular size.
✅ This article is regarding Dinner Set. Dinner Set selection and Lunch Set selection are a bit different. Please check the menu throughly.
✅ The Set price is more price-friendly. If you want to order a la carte to share, I would recommend 「 Seasonal Mushroom Soup (NTD $580 )」 and「 Beef Ravioli (NTD $780) 」
♛ 台灣飯店餐廳酒吧 Taipei Hotel Restaurant and Bar
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♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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Bencotto 義大利餐廳 資訊
Bencotto Italian Restaurant Information
店名: Bencotto 義大利餐廳
地址: 台北市松山區敦化北路158號6F (文華東方) (Map)
捷運站: 小巨蛋站 ( G17 )
電話: 02-2715-6868
Restaurant: Bencotto Italian Restaurant
Address: 6F , No.158 , Dunhuan North Road, Songshan Distirct, Taipei City (Mandarin Oriental Hotel) (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Taipei Arena station (G17)
Tel: 02-2715-6868
Bencotto 菜單 Menu