Backyard Jr. Xinyi 小後苑信義 》菜單有單點也有晚間套餐

Last Updated on 2023-09-25 by Foodelicious

小後苑信義信義新光三越美食之一, 也是台北威士忌酒吧台北餐酒館. 菜單除了單點外, 我這次品嚐了海島之島主題的晚間套餐與威士忌 Pairing.
Backyard Jr. Xinyi restaurant is a Taipei Whisky Bar and Taipei Bistro at Xinyi District. Besides al carte dishes, I tasted the Dinner Set and Whisky Pairing.


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小後苑信義 訂位

Backyard Jr. Xinyi Reservation

小後苑信義 位於信義區新光三越A9的3樓, 小後苑訂位有兩種方式,

✅ 午餐時段可透過 inline (
✅ 晚餐時段打電話預約 ( 02-2722-0353)

小後苑信義有三種座位區 – 吧台, 沙發區 , 與戶外座位區, 在電話裡比較能夠告知想要哪裡的座位區. 小後苑信義的用餐適合朋友聚餐, 這裡不僅有威士忌, 也有葡萄酒與調酒.

Backyard Jr. is located at 3F of A9 department store. There are two ways to reserve seats at Xinyi store.

✅ Lunch Time can be reserved via inline (
✅ Dinner Time can be reserved via phone call ( 02-2722-0353)

I would suggest to call because there are three seating area – bar, sofa, and outdoor. It would be better to communicate via phone regarding which seating area that you prefer.


延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining




Backyard Jr. Xinyi Private Dining Room

請自行打電話 ( 02-2722-0353) 詢問包廂細節.
Please call ( 02-2722-0353) to ask for Private Dining Room details.




Backyard Jr. Xinyi Menu and Minimum Charge

小後苑信義晚間套餐「 海島之島⠀」價格: NTD $2680 + 10% / 人
✅ 平日低消: NTD $600 /人 (包括一杯飲品)
✅ 假日低消: NTD $800 /人 (包括一杯飲品)

小後苑信義菜單 Menu Link:

Backyard Jr. Xinyi Dinner Set 「 Islands Theme⠀」Price: NTD $2680 + 10% / 人
✅ Weekday Minimum Charge : NTD $600 /person (includes one drink)
✅ Weekend /Holiday Minimum Charge : NTD $800 /人 (includes one drink )

Backyard Jr. Xinyi Menu Link:


晚間套餐  Review

Dinner Set – Island Theme Review

小後苑信義晚間套餐的主題是「 海島之島」,「 海島之島 」則是 Focus 在蘭嶼、 澎湖和馬祖島嶼 , 與上次在 “CHA CHA THÉ CUISINE” 吃的環島主題不一樣. 小後苑信義Tasting Menu 食材除了海鮮外, 也有羊肉.
Backyard Jr. Xinyi restaurant Dinner Set theme is「 Islands 」, which focus on Lanyu , Penghu , and Mazu islands. It is a bit different from the「 Around Taiwan Theme 」at “CHA CHA THÉ CUISINE “. Besides Seafood, Backyard Jr. Xinyi Tasting menu also has lamb.

延伸閱讀: CHA CHA THÉ CUISINE 》台北米其林入選餐廳



青蟹 / 鳳梨 / 椰子
Mud Crab / Pineapple / Coconut
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

餐點擺盤挑起想要品嚐的興趣. 薄脆塔裡除了晶瑩剔透的鳳梨晶球外 , 也有新鮮椰子肉, 椰奶荷蘭醬與蟹膏. 我會建議分兩口吃. 味蕾可以明顯感受到鳳梨晶球賦予的濃縮鳳梨酸果香風味. 第二口才能品嚐到甜美椰奶風味. 兩段式風味設計令人印象深刻. 掀開枯葉後 , 碗底是螃蟹冷湯. 融合了南薑辣蝦油和香茅油的精妙點綴, 呈現出濃郁的東南亞島嶼風情.
The presentation of this dish intrigues my interest. In the delicate tart, besides the translucent pineapple pebbles, there is also fresh coconut meat, coconut hollandaise sauce, and crab roe. I would recommend taking two bites. The tastebuds can distinctly feel the concentrated pineapple acidity and fruity flavor given by the pineapple pebbles in the first bite. In the second bite, you can savor the sweet coconut flavor. The two-stage flavor design leaves a lasting impression. When you lift the dried leaves, at the bottom of the bowl is cold crab soup. It incorporates the exquisite accents of South ginger spicy shrimp oil and lemongrass oil, presenting a rich Southeast Asian island charm.



澎湖蚵 / 馬祖淡菜 / 蘭嶼笠螺
Oyster / Mussel / Limpet
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這是我第一次吃以貝類為主題的拼盤, 這三種貝類代表三個島嶼 -蘭嶼、 澎湖和馬祖島嶼. 端上桌, 才發現原來澎湖帶殼牡蠣 Size 跟在 “波波海鮮市集” 吃到的日本生蠔 Size 差不多大 (圖二). 隱藏在泡沫裡的檸檬馬鞭草油襯托出熟牡蠣的海鮮風味. 牡蠣口感比預期地飽滿. 圖三的馬祖淡菜經過炭火燒烤 , 呈現出不同於我之前在小後苑信義享用的”野生馬祖淡菜附威士忌噴霧” 的風味. 發酵番茄與金棗的紅醬間接蓋住迷人的淡菜海鮮風味. 圖四的蘭嶼斗笠螺入口後, 有煙燻飛魚湯凍賦予的濃縮海鮮風味. 其實我希望醬料或佐料可以分開提供,我可以先品嚐無調味的三款貝類, 感受它們的原始風味.
This is my first time having a seafood platter with a focus on shellfish. These three shellfishes represent three different islands – Lanyu Island, Penghu, and Matsu Islands. When it was brought to the table, I realized that the shell-on oysters from Penghu are about the same size as the Japanese oysters I had at ” Seafood & Meat Market” (Picture 2). The hidden lemon verbena oil in the foam complements the savory flavor of the cooked oysters. The oysters have a fuller texture than expected. The grilled Matsu oysters (Picture 3) presents a different flavor from  “ Matsu oysters with Whiskey Spray” in Backyard Jr. Xinyi. The fermented tomato and jujube red sauce indirectly cover the flavor of oysters. In Picture 4, the Lanyu clam has a concentrated seafood flavor imparted by the smoked flying fish soup jelly. Personally, I would have preferred if the sauces or condiments were provided separately.So, I can first taste the three types of shellfish without seasoning to better experience their original flavors.

延伸閱讀: Seafood & Meat 波波海鮮市集 》現撈現煮的內湖海鮮餐廳 (內有菜單)

延伸閱讀: 初訪小後苑 Backyard Jr. 》 台北信義區新光三越美食 | TAIPEI BISTRO



小餐包 / 紅麴貝果 / 發酵芋頭麵包
Bun/Red Yeast Rice Bagel / Fermented Taro Bread
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

三款麵包各自表述, 圖二的視覺感讓人聯想到傳統肉鬆麵包 . 主廚提到他將貝類高湯濃縮, 卡門貝爾, 馬扎瑞拉和高達乳酪融化混合 , 製作成特別且類似美乃滋質地的海味起司內餡. 搭配香料魚鬆很有趣且美味. 圖三是迷你紅麴貝果. 咬一口即可品嘗到午仔魚培根與炸豬皮的鹹香 , 也可以感受到外層芝麻糖存在的甜香, 彰顯不同層次的風味對比. 圖四是發酵芋頭麵包,建議趁熱吃, 可搭配ㄧ旁的飛魚卵起司沾醬.
The bun at Picture 2 visually reminds me of the traditional pork floss bread. The chef mentioned that he concentrated the shellfish broth, melted it with Camembert, mozzarella, and gouda cheese to create a special seafood mayonnaise-like filling. It is intriguing and delicious, especially when paired with the fish floss. Picture 3 is a mini red yeast bagel. A bite offers the savory flavors of mackerel bacon and fried pork skin, along with the sweet aroma of sesame candy on the outer layer. Picture 4 is a fermented taro root bread, best enjoyed while still warm. It can be dipped into the  fish roe cheese sauce on the side.



草蝦/ 發酵丁香魚地瓜泥 / 蝦味甜辣醬
Tiger Prawn / Fermented Sweet Potato / Sweet Chili Sauce
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

擺盤呈現法式設計美感, 七分熟的大草蝦被巧妙地分為四段, 蝦的口感脆彈, 主軸風味是來自店家自製蝦味甜辣醬的番茄酸香, 菜單提到的發酵丁香魚地瓜泥風味並不是很明顯.
The presentation is beautifully. The cooked tiger prawn is divided into four segments. The prawn has a crisp texture. The dominant flavor comes from the house-made shrimp-flavored sweet and spicy tomato sauce, which is mentioned on the menu. The taste of fermented clove fish and sweet potato puree is not very obvious though.



Squid and Rabbitfish
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

一人一盤, 一盤兩串:

🔥 臭肚魚 / 海藻魚露 / 珊瑚藻 (圖二)
🔥 小卷 / 墨汁 / 白子醬 (圖三)

這是我第一次吃澎湖臭肚魚. 看似簡單燒烤串燒, 實際上是費時費工的製作工藝. 主廚將昆布等海藻類 , 利用自行培育的麴菌酵素分解熟成, 轉化成類似醬油膏的液體狀. 再塗到臭肚魚一夜乾表層炭烤. 如此複雜的步驟, 才能將臭肚魚的獨特香氣將稍低, 同樣保存微鹹的濃郁海鮮風味. 另一款小卷也是費時費工. 外層濃厚與滑順口感來自鯛魚白子, 海鮮高湯與米製作成的主廚自製米糊醬. 一口接著一口吃小卷很滿足. 這一道菜餚是我當天最滿意的菜餚.

Each plate is for each person. One plate has two skewers.

🔥 Rabbitfish / Kelp Garum / Seaweed (Pic 2)
🔥 Squid / Squid Black Sauce /Sirako (Pic 3)

This was my first time trying rabbitfish from Penghu. Although it may look like a simple grilled skewer, it is actually a time-consuming and labor-intensive culinary process. The chef uses various seaweeds and self-cultivated koji enzymes to break down and ferment, transforming them into a liquid similar to soy sauce. This liquid is applied to the rabbitfish layer and grill. These complicated steps are necessary to tame the unique aroma of the rabbitfish. Overall, It results in a slightly subdued yet rich and savory seafood flavor that retains a mild saltiness. Another standout dish was the squid, which also required a lot of time and efforts. Its thick and smooth texture came from a sauce made with red snapper milt, seafood broth, and rice. Each bite of the squid was incredibly satisfying. This dish is my favorite of the day.


季節鮮魚 /黃酒/魚下水餛飩
Seasonal Fish / Vin Jaune /XO Wonton
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

店員解釋著- 主廚選用黃酒與烤魚骨湯作為基底,加入馬祖淡菜乾再慢火熬煮. 第一口可感受到類似澄清湯的湯清味濃概念. 味蕾明顯可感受到鮮味與微酒味並存 . 時令白肉魚取決於當天凌晨市場可獲得的魚種. 這次我跟朋友吃到的是清蒸秋姑魚, 魚肉新鮮且嫩滑. 一旁看似水晶餃的飽滿造型引起注意, 內餡除了白蝦與魚的骨邊肉外, 也有醃漬過的枸杞和紫蘇葉, 這一道的風味很像我在 “logy “ 吃到的當歸枸杞茶碗蒸, 跳脫菜系框架, 些許中藥味卻不失海鮮與黃酒的美味.
The server explained that the chef used Vin Jaune and grilled fish bone broth as the base, adding Matsu dried oyster before slow-cooking it. The first sip gave off a concept similar to a consommé, with a pronounced taste of freshness and a hint of wine. The choice of seasonal white-fleshed fish depends on what’s available in the early morning market that day. The fish meat is fresh and tender. What caught my attention was the side dish. The wonton was filled with white shrimp and the flesh near the fish bones, along with marinated wolfberries and shiso leaves. The flavor of this dish was reminiscent of the angelica wolfberry steamed egg I had at “logy.” It had a subtle herbal taste without overshadowing the deliciousness of the seafood and Vin Jaune.

延伸閱讀: Logy Taipei 》台北米其林二星 logy 餐廳美食




珍珠螺 / 干貝 / 澎湖絲瓜
Luella /Scallop / Penghu Luffa
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

海螺造型令人驚艷. 主廚將澎湖珍珠螺肉代替豬絞肉 ,澎湖特產的小章魚乾製作成滷汁. 將滋潤油亮的滷螺肉搭配飯一起吃, 有著獨特的鮮味與鹹味. 碗裡的油封干貝片與發酵蘿蔔片展現刀工細緻. 因爲個人喜好, 我會挑出一些發酵蘿蔔片, 以免影響到我品嚐干貝搭配滷螺肉. 飯的口感如果能再軟一些會更好.
The seashell-shaped presentation is stunning. The chef uses Penghu shell meat instead of ground pork. The chef also makes the sauce from dried cuttlefish, a specialty of Penghu. Tasting the braised shell meat with rice had a unique seafood flavor and saltiness. The scallop slices and fermented radish slices in the bowl demonstrated precise knife skills. Personally, I would pick out some of the fermented radish slices to avoid affecting my taste of the scallops with the braised shell meat. I wish the texture of the rice could be softer.


和羊 / 雨來菇 / 牛蒡
Lamb /Nostoc Commune / Burdock
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

我在台灣的西式餐廳吃到的幾乎都是羊腿排 ( 例如 “” 與 ”空盤 Komboi“ ) , 這次在小後苑信義品嚐到的則是 Lumina 紐西蘭高地和羊的里肌肉部位 , 微焦脆皮增加口感. 風乾熟成3~4天將羊肉提升嫩度與肉香. 雨來菇與羊肉乳酪帶給味蕾煙燻感與蕈菇香氣 , 不錯吃.
In most Western restaurants (such as “Orchid “ and “Komboi” ), the lamb chops are commonly served. This time at Backyard Jr. Xinyi , I had the opportunity to savor the loin muscle of Lumina New Zealand Lamb. The slightly crispy skin added to the texture. The dry aging process of 3-4 days enhanced the tenderness and meaty flavor of the lamb. The combination of shiitake mushrooms and goat cheese infused a smoky sensation and the aroma of mushrooms to the palate, which was quite enjoyable.

延伸閱讀: Orchid by Nobu Lee 蘭餐廳 》二訪菜單的威靈頓牛排與羊排皆美味

延伸閱讀: 空盤 Komboi 》在台北法式餐廳吃午餐套餐菜單美食



海膽布丁 / 焦糖南瓜 / 柑橘
Sea Urchin Pudding / Caramel Pumpkin /Citrus
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

端上一道意想不到的甜點 – 海膽布丁 , 聽完店員介紹 , 不得不佩服主廚用心的製作方式. 頂部是微鹹奶油, 布丁體則是日本甜味海膽替代鮮奶油, 底部的焦糖醬則是南瓜與柳橙製作而成. 建議挖一口, 連同奶油, 布丁 ,焦糖醬一起入口 , 並不會有複雜風味 (例如: 海膽鮮味與南瓜風味) , 反而是布丁乳脂醇厚度與滑順程度令人印象深刻. 建議可在單點菜單出現這一道甜點.
They brought an unexpected dessert to the table – Sea Urchin Pudding. After hearing the server’s explanation, I couldn’t help but admire the chef’s thoughtful preparation. The top was a slightly salty cream, the pudding itself replaced traditional cream with sweetened Japanese sea urchin, and the bottom caramel sauce was made from pumpkin and orange. I would recommend taking a spoonful that includes the cream, pudding, and caramel sauce all together. It doesn’t have complex flavors (such as the taste of sea urchin or pumpkin flavor ). Instead, it impresses with the creamy richness and smoothness of the pudding. I would wish to see this dessert dish on the à la carte menu.



青芒果 /野薑花 / 刺蔥
Green Mango /Ginger Lily / Prickly Ash
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這一道甜點類似清味蕾的冰沙. 威士忌 Pairing 與布丁甜點的圓潤感因為芒果青冰沙的酸度與刺激感而消失. 可惜我對酸度本來就比較敏感, 野薑花冰淇淋只能感受到滑順口感與微乳香風味.
This dessert resembled the palate-cleansing sorbet. But the whisky pairing and the smoothness of the pudding dessert were overshadowed by the acidity and the zing of the mango sorbet. Unfortunately, I’m somewhat sensitive to acidity. So, I could only perceive the smooth texture and a hint of milky flavor in the ginger flower ice cream.


Whisky Pairing

小後苑信義有分三種餐搭酒的價格 , 我不多做介紹, 小後苑信義十分專業, Pairing 的酒單也很精彩.

✅ 葡萄酒與威士忌 Pairing : NTD $1580 (7 杯)
✅ 威士忌 Pairing: NTD $1000 (4 杯) 👉 我選這一款 Pairing
✅ 葡萄酒 Pairing: NTD $700 (3 杯)

Backyard Jr. Xinyi has three types of pairing price. Backyard Jr. Xinyi staffs are very professional. The pairing list is quite satisfying too.

✅ Full Pairing : NTD $1580 (7 glasses)
✅ Whisky Pairing: NTD $1000 (4 glasses) 👉 I choose this whisky pairing
✅ Wine Pairing: NTD $700 (3 glasses)

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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小後苑信義 資訊

Backyard Jr. Xinyi Information

店名: 小後苑信義
地址: 台北市信義區松壽路9號3樓 [台北信義新光三越 A9 3F] (Map)
捷運站: 市政府捷運站(BL18)
電話: 02-2722-0353


Restaurant: Backyard Jr. Xinyi
Address: Xinyi Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store A9 3F (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: City Hall Metro Station (BL18 )
Tel: 02-2722-0353




