AVENUE TAIPEI 》在台北大安區餐廳品嚐美食與享受R&B音樂
Last Updated on 2025-02-07 by Foodelicious
(結束營業) Avenue 台北是信義安和站美食之一, 台北 Avenue 餐廳也是受歡迎的拍照地點, 也是少數台北大安區同時享受美式輕食, 酒和R&B 音樂的餐廳!
(Closed Down) Avenue Taipei is one of the restaurants near Xinyi Anhe MRT station. Avenue Restaurant is one of the popular IG spots. You can also enjoy food, beer and R&B Music at the same time.
Avenue 菜單 2020 在文末 Taipei Avenue Menu is at the end of article
最靠近 Avenue 餐廳是信義安和捷運站 2號出口, 比 “雞窩餐廳” 更靠近遠企飯店, 沿著手扶梯抵達位於地下一樓的Avenue 餐廳, 映入眼簾的是有著挑高空間且採光良好廣場, 每個想照相的人都想坐在圖二廣場座位, 可惜那天用餐戶外座位已滿, Avenue 餐廳位於手扶梯右邊, 落地窗與純白裝潢不難被發現, 跟 ”BRUN 不然餐廳“有著亮眼裝潢, 一踏進餐廳內聽到 “Killing me Softly with His Song” R & B 音樂 , 完全一秒到美國Cafe的感覺, 並沒有台灣咖啡店的吵雜聊天氛圍, 我個人是蠻喜歡這樣的環境.
The closest MRT station is Xinyi Anhe Number 2 Exit. The location is closer to Far Eastern Hotel than “G Woo Restaurant” . Avenue restaurant is located at the B1 but with a bright and comfortable area (Picture 2). The design is a bit similar with “BRUN Brunch Restaurant”. The dining environment is like America Cafe, which doesn’t have the noisy coffee shop chatting sound.
延伸閱讀: 台北雞湯推薦 》在雞窩餐廳享用濃郁型雞湯 | G-Woo Restaurant
延伸閱讀: Taipei Brunch 》台北東區早午餐 | BRUN 不然餐廳
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Avenue 餐廳全名是 AVENUE Fast Casual Eatery, 最易懂的中文翻譯是“輕食”, 這家餐廳有像“佐藤咖哩”一樣的窗邊座位, 餐廳中央也有與”慢慢弄乳酪坊“的長桌, 適合多人聚餐. 首先是自己找位置坐, 餐具和配料都是自己拿, 到櫃檯點餐付錢, Avenue 餐廳店員協助端菜餚到餐桌, 並沒有收取服務費, 並沒有限制用餐時間, 吃完後自行端去回收台.
The whole name of Avenue Restaurant is “AVENUE Fast Casual Eatery”, which basically means easy-to-prepare light food. The restaurant has the window seating area just like “Sato Curry restaurant”. There are long tables, just like “Man Mano Cheese Lab”. After seating, you would need to walk to cashier to order and pay first. Since they didn’t charge service fee, you would need to get the utensils and water by yourself.
延伸閱讀: 佐藤咖哩 忠孝復興店 》台北東區平價餐廳 | Taipei Curry Rice Restaurant
延伸閱讀: 慢慢弄乳酪坊 》台北新鮮義式手工起司專賣店 | Taipei Fresh Cheese
Truffle, Chicken, Mushroom Orzo
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這是二訪點的餐點. 奶香米型麵與帕瑪森起司的組合勾勒出綿密且濃稠口感, 戳破完美形狀水波蛋, 蛋香與松露香氣在舌尖停留很久, 雞肉嫩度高不乾, 份量非常夠. 只是老實說, 吃到最後需要搭配飲料才不會太膩.
Orzo Pasta pairs great with parmesan cheese to enhance the creamy and thick texture. The poached egg’s yolk creates perfect eggy flavor. The tastebuds would sense the strong truffle sauce. The overall quantity is large.
焦糖南非國寶茶拿鐵 (熱)
Caramel Rooibos Tea Latte (Hot)
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這是二訪點的飲料. 看似咖啡的焦糖南非國寶茶拿鐵頗甜, 整個風味很特別, 並不是單純奶茶味.
Caramel Rooibos Tea Latte is quite sweet. It is not a simply milk tea
Slow-Cooked Tender Lamb & Feta Pasta
Price: NTD $350
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
Avenue 餐廳菜單上有像常見的義大利比薩和義大利麵, 品項比 “Salt & Stone” 多, 也有 “LIQUID BREAD COMPANY” 的三明治. 我點了餐廳新菜餚 – 慢燉羊肩肉義大利麵. 份量比想像中地多, 男生應該可以8分飽.我看到適量青豆, 我想到在美國時, 青豆時不時會出現在輕鬆準備的菜餚裡, 在台灣餐廳裡, Avenue 餐廳大概是唯一一家敢將青豆當作義大利麵的食材. 羊肩肉有如手撕雞放置在微細扁麵上, 麵口感是我喜歡的適量硬度, 大蒜與其他香料除了將經典羊肉味覆蓋住外, 也間接刺激著舌尖, 在品嚐嫩潤羊肉時, 辛香與鹹香味更是讓食慾增加. 若是你可以接受羊肉與青豆, 我個人推薦這一道料理.
Avenue Taipei Restaurant’s menu have pizzas and pasts, but surprisingly more items than “Salt & Stone”. There are also sandwiches, just like at “Liquid Bread Company”. The quantity of this Tender Lamb & Feta Pasta is much more than I expected. There are fair amount of green peas at the bowl, which reminds my college time back at USA. Avenue Taipei is probably the first restaurant that is dare to put green peas into a dish. The slow-cooked lamb shoulder meat is tender and shredded into pieces. The pasta is al dente with no doubt. The garlic and other flavorings stimulate the tastebuds and also cover the so-called classic lamb flavors. The salty and spicy flavor would definitely increase your appetite. If you can accept lamb meat and green peas, I would definitely recommend this dish.
延伸閱讀: LIQUID BREAD COMPANY 》台北大安區美式輕食三明治搭配啤酒
延伸閱讀: Taipei 101 Salt & Stone 》台北 101 4樓義大利餐廳值得品嚐
Shrimp & Artichoke Pasta
Price: NTD $350
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍
台北市餐廳一到下午兩點幾乎都關起來, 當天我不是很想到一樣下午有開的 “舒服生活 Truffles Living” 或是 “2730 Cafe”, 我決定二訪 Avenue 餐廳. 我在台灣很少吃到朝鮮薊,嘴饞點了鮮蝦朝鮮薊義大利麵, 端上桌時, 我原本以為會像 “A.B House 義式私房料理”的擺盤與大Size的蝦. 我先品嚐了蝦與麵, 都如預期地不錯, 可是唯獨朝鮮薊的調味偏酸, 並不是一般人可接受在菜餚裡的酸度, 只要吃一口朝鮮薊, 我就得要喝一口水來清味蕾, 我個人不是很喜歡這樣的調味組合.
It is quite difficult to find a restaurant that opens after 2 pm. I decide to visit Avenue Taipei again instead of “Truffles Living” and “2730 Cafe”. Since I rarely see artichoke at Taiwan, I decide to order this shrimp & artichoke pasta. I was expecting the display like “A.B. House”’s large shrimps. The shrimp and pasta are average as expected. However, the artichoke carries too much acidity. Not everyone could accept this high level acidity. I would need to eat one bite of artichoke and drink water. I wasn’t found of this type of flavors.
延伸閱讀: 台北大安區義大利麵餐廳 》Truffles Living | 推薦給鍾愛古董傢俱裝潢的人
延伸閱讀: 2730 Cafe 》我在數字咖啡店裡吃台灣家常料理簡餐
延伸閱讀: A.B House 義式私房料理 》台北永康街義大利餐廳推薦
香草蜂蜜拿鐵 (冰)
Vanilla Honey Latte (Ice)
Price: NTD $130
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
菜單有啤酒, 咖啡,茶與甜點, 我點了較少見的香草蜂蜜拿鐵, Avenue 餐廳並沒有提供像”休習日” 環保吸管或是塑膠吸管, 整體不會太甜, 蜂蜜迷人風味明顯, 因為這裡不限時, 咖啡價格也算合理.
The menu has coffee, tea and dessert. I ordered the Vanilla Honey Latte (Ice), which it has obvious honey flavor. It doesn’t offer the environment-friendly straw (as I saw at “Z Day Cafe”). Since Avenue Taipei doesn’t have the so-called dining time limit, the coffee price is quite reasonable.
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
那天只想跟閨蜜們找個寬敞地方聊天, 於是帶去 Avenue餐廳, 下手扶梯之前會先量體溫和噴酒精, 室內的座椅全都被撤, 只有戶外座位, 至少每張桌椅離一公尺. 孰不知連內用都改成外帶包裝, 視覺上比我一訪和二訪吃的份量少很多.
I was looking for a comfortable place to chat with my dear friends. So, I bring my friends to Avenue Restaurant. Before taking the Escalator to B1, the staff would check your temperature and spread alcohol to your hands. The indoor seats are moved out. There are only outdoor seats with social distance arrangement. However, they also change the dine-in to to-go container and utensils. All right, the quantity looks …….less than my first and second visit.
BBQ Pulled Pork, Dirty Rice with Chicken Liver, Sausage, Chorizo, Topped with Green Beans, Tomato Corn Salsa, Cilantro
Price: NTD $330
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
我本來想點牛肩肉醬義式寬麵, 結果缺貨, 看著菜單也只有手撕豬肉拌飯我比較感興趣. 顏色鮮豔挑逗食慾, 先擠了幾滴新鮮檸檬汁, 再豪邁地挖一口吃, 加了些雞肝攪拌後的溫熱米粒偏軟, Salsa 的酸香與豬肉的鹹香造就有著異國風格的拌飯, 整體吃起來不錯, 由於價格與我喜歡的慢燉羊肩肉義大利麵只差 NTD $20, 我還是會選羊肩肉義大利麵.
It is sad that they don’t have Braised Beef Ragu Pasta that day. So, I ordered this dish – BBQ Pulled Pork Rice. I squeezed in small amount of lemon juice. The taste of the rice with chicken liver is soft and warm. The acidity from the salsa and salty meaty flavor from the porks matches. The overall taste is good. However, it is only NTD $20 difference from my favorite lamb pasta at Avenue. So, I would rather choose the lamb pasta though.
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
份量不多, 不會過於焦苦
The quantity is not much. It doesn’t taste too bitter.
BBQ Sauce, Mozzarella, Pulled Pork, Tomato, Corn Salsa, Cilantro, Onion
Price: NTD $290
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
我另外一位朋友不約而同跟我點了一樣的手撕豬肉系列. 但是這比薩很明顯地烤焦了, 對我來說是不及格.
My friend ordered BBQ Pulled Pork pizza. Obviously, the pizza is over-baked.
Truffle, Chicken, Mushroom Orzo
Price: NTD $320
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A
我朋友點我二訪吃的餐點. 外帶碗裡的份量視覺上比我二訪吃的少很多. 我朋友說大概只吃到六分飽.
My friend ordered the dish that I ordered last time. By looking at the container, the quantity is less than what I expected. My friend said that she is still hungry after eating.
餐廳: Avenue 餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區安和路二段92號 B1 (Map)
捷運站: 信義安和捷運站
電話: 02-2708-1908
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avenuetaipei/
Restaurant: Avenue Taipei
Address: B1, No. 92, 2nd Section, Anhe Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinyi Anhe MRT station
Tel: 02-2708-1908
Operation Hour: Check Facebook
AVENUE 菜單 2019 》2019 AVENUE TAIPEI Menu
MENU LINK: https://www.facebook.com/avenuetaipei/menu/