AJ GRILL 》菜單除了美國威士忌熟成帶骨肋眼牛排還點哪些
Last Updated on 2023-12-09 by Foodelicious
AJ Grill 是 2023 新開幕的台北牛排餐廳之一, 以威士忌燒炙牛排的桌邊 Show 令人印象深刻, 文章裡有 AJ Grill 菜單 , 低消, 評價與訂位等重點.
AJ Grill restaurant is a 2023 newly-opened Taipei Steak restaurant. Its grilled steak with whisky table side show is impressive. The article has AJ Grill menu, minimum charge, review and reservation.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
AJ Grill 訂位
AJ Grill Reservation
AJ GRILL 地址為台北市大安區安和路一段135巷10號, 離信義安和捷運站五號出口只有 3 分鐘路程. 餐廳在轉角處 , 我個人喜歡這種低調裝潢的牛排餐廳. 目前 AJ Grill 星期五至日有中午營業, 也有晚餐時段, 適合朋友聚餐. AJ GRILL 訂位是用 inline (Link) .
AJ Grill address is No. 10, 135th Lane, 1st Section, Anhe Road, Da-an District, Taipei City, chi is about 3 minutes walking distance from Exit 5 of Xinyi Anhe MRT station. Now AJ Grill restaurant operates during lunch time on Friday- Sunday. Of course, they also serve on dinner time too. It is suitable for friends’ gathering. You will need to reserve via inline (Link).
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
AJ Grill 低消
AJ Grill Minimum Charge
AJ Grill 低消是為每人一份套餐 . 我需要解釋 AJ Grill 點菜的 SOP.
1. 先決定主菜你要點哪一款 , 有牛排, 海鮮, 雞肉的選擇
2. 再來決定前菜, 有些要加價, 有些是免費附的前菜
3. 決定免費附的湯品. 如果要加酥皮成為酥皮濃湯, 要再加價
4. 配菜部分不包括在套餐, 需要另外加點
5. 甜點與飲料部分不包括在套餐, 需要另外加點
AJ Grill minimum charge is one person per set. I would need to explain the order SOP.
1. At first, decide which main course you would like to order. There are steak, seafood and chicken main course options.
2. Next, decide the appetizer. Some dishes are free. However, you will need to pay for some other dishes
3. Decide the Soup, whic is free. However, if you wish to add puff pastry, you would need to pay extra.
4. Side dishes are not include at the set. You will need to pay extra for the side dishes.
5. Dessert and Drink are not included in the set. You will need to order and pay extra.
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
AJ Grill 菜單
AJ Grill Menu
AJ Grill 菜單放在 inline.
Menu Link: https://inline.app/booking/-NWLBspIg_JHQgHEfT9L:inline-live-3/-NWLBt0xI9RGuC_bLLTo?language=zh-tw
AJ Grill 評論 ⭐
AJ Grill Review
因爲我們共有七人, 直接刷菜單, 所以我將菜餚分類為
✅ 令人印象深刻的菜餚
✅ 其他菜餚
我們沒有點咖啡或茶飲, 因為是晚上用餐
Because we have 7 people, we basically ordered almost everything on the menu;. I categorized the dish into
✅ Impressive Dishes
✅ Other dishes
We didnt order coffee nor tea since we dined during night.
Impressive Dishes
前菜: 羊肉漢堡
Appetizer: Lamb Slider
Add Price: + NTD $200
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
此道羊肉漢堡是另外加價 NTD $200. 羊肉漢堡在台灣比較少見, 畢竟羊肉屬於小眾市場- Fine Dining ( 例如: “蘭“) 與串烤 ( 孜然羊肉串). 很少像 AJ Grill 直接採用紐西蘭羊菲力與羊油製成絞肉餡, 成為厚實羊肉漢堡排. 搭配也是簡單的羊奶乳酪 (Feta Cheese) 與大蒜美乃滋, 並不會覆蓋住羊肉獨特風味. 培根增加漢堡的肉香與脆感. 我推薦點, 兩人分享最佳.
You will need to pay extra + NTD $200 for the lamb slider. Lamb burgers are relatively rare in Taiwan, given that lamb is considered a niche market—mostly found in fine dining establishments (like “Orchid “) and skewers (such as cumin-spiced lamb skewers). It’s uncommon for places like AJ Grill to use New Zealand lamb fillet and lamb fat to create a substantial lamb burger patty. The pairing is simple, with sheep milk cheese (Feta Cheese) and garlic mayonnaise that don’t overshadow the unique flavor of lamb. Bacon adds a meaty aroma and crispiness to the burger. I would recommend ordering to share between 2 people.
延伸閱讀: Orchid 蘭餐廳 》品嚐日籍新主廚Sato Kiyoshi 的晚餐菜單
湯品: 蘑菇卡布奇諾湯
Mushroom Cappuccino Soup
Price: Free with Set if order
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
我是蘑菇卡布奇諾湯的粉絲, 到 “A CUT 牛排館” 與 “No. 168 Prime 牛排館” , 我都是選擇蘑菇卡布奇諾湯. 在 AJ Grill , 我選擇加價 + NTD $80 酥皮. 酥皮的層次迷人 , 再搭配濃郁菌菇風味入口, 正是我喜歡的 Old School 的 “酥皮蘑菇卡布奇諾濃湯”.
I’m a fan of mushroom cappuccino soup, and whether I’m at “A CUT Steakhouse” or “No. 168 Prime Steakhouse,” I always opt for mushroom cappuccino soup. At AJ Grill restaurant, I choose to add the + NTD $80 puff pastry. The layers of puff pastry are enchanting, combined with the rich mushroom flavor upon tasting. It’s precisely the old-school “Puff Pastry Mushroom Cappuccino Soup” that I enjoy.
延伸閱讀: A CUT STEAKHOUSE 》再訪品嚐台北米其林一星餐廳推薦
延伸閱讀: No. 168 Prime 牛排館 》 敦化 SOGO 高級牛排餐廳推薦 | Taipei Steak House
Main Course: USDA Prime Whisky Aged Bone-in Ribeye 20oz (For 2
Price: NTD $2480/person
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
請注意整道牛排是兩人份且是共 20oz, 價格則是一人 NTD $2480. 換句話說, 一人可品嚐到 10oz ( NTD $2480). 當初看到 “美國威士忌熟成帶骨肋眼牛排 “ 覺得似曾相識, 後來記得在 “ Smith & Wollensky Taipei “ 有吃過乾式熟成噶瑪蘭威士忌紐約客帶骨牛排”. 當初 AJ Grill 主廚與店員都沒有做太多解釋, 我不太清楚 AJ Grill 是不是有用美國威士忌醃製多天. 也許只是淋威士忌嗆燒牛排(?!) . 我一向喜歡桌邊秀, 尤其在點火時有微酒香與濃郁肉香, 視覺感與嗅覺到位. 請注意牛排是 3 分熟, 建議切開牛排後, 看需不需要再端進廚房煎烤至五分熟. 乾式熟成的美國牛排一向濃郁肉香, 搭配嫩度高不錯吃. 我個人會建議點這一道兩人份的美國威士忌熟成帶骨肋眼牛排.
Please note that the whole steak is a portion for two, totaling 20oz, and the price is NTD $2480 per person. In other words, one person gets to enjoy 10oz for NTD $2480. When I initially saw the “US Whiskey Aged Bone-In Ribeye Steak,” it felt familiar. Later on, I remembered having a dry-aged Kavalan whisky New York bone-in steak at “Smith & Wollensky Taipei” . I am not sure if AJ Grill uses whiskey for marination over several days. Perhaps it is just a whiskey glaze for searing the steak(?!). I have always liked table side shows, especially when there’s a hint of whiskey and rich meat aroma during the flambé. The visual and dining experience is on point. Please note that the steak is cooked to medium-rare. So, I would suggest checking if you need it to be further seared in the kitchen to medium. Dry-aged American steaks are known for their rich meat flavor and tenderness, making it a delightful choice. Personally, I would recommend ordering this dish.
延伸閱讀: Smith & Wollensky Taipei 》噶瑪蘭威士忌紐約客牛排不再是隱藏菜單
配菜: 松露通心粉
Side Dish: Truffle Mac
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
如果不想點配菜也可以. 如果想點配菜, 皆是需要另外加價. 我上次在台北吃到通心粉是在 “棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK” . 老實說, 即使不加松露醬, 我也會點通心粉. 我好奇為何沒有像 美國 Outback Steakhouse 的 Baked Idaho Potato 在菜單上.
It is okey if not to order any side dish. If you want to order side dish, you will need to pay extra. Last time, I had mac and cheese at “ C-Kitchen by FUK” in Taipei. Honestly, I would order the mac without adding the truffle sauce anyway. However, I am curious why US Outback Steakhouse famous Baked Idaho Potato is not on the menu.
延伸閱讀:棧直火廚房 C-Kitchen by FUK 》搬家後重新開幕與轉型的台北餐酒館
配菜: 松露牛肉燥拌飯
Side Dish: Truffle Beef Bibimbap
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
看英文名稱才知道是類似韓式石鍋拌飯. 有鍋巴且微肉香, 不會過於焦香. 品嚐時, 有一種到美國的韓式家庭吃家庭料理的感覺, 通常都不會有石鍋. 如果喜歡澱粉, 這一道可以考慮.
Looking at the English name, I realize it’s similar to Korean Bibimbap served in a stone pot. It has crispy rice at the bottom with a subtle meaty aroma, not overly charred. Tasting it gives a feeling of enjoying homemade family-style Korean cuisine in the United States, typically without the stone pot. If you enjoy starch, this dish is worth considering.
配菜: 炙烤櫛瓜
Side Dish:Grilled Zucchini
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
點櫛瓜倒不是因為解膩, 而是純粹喜歡吃才會點. 到居酒屋類型餐廳 (例如”破壞者珈琲食堂”) , 我也會點櫛瓜.
Ordering zucchini isn’t to break the monotony but simply because I genuinely enjoy eating it. Even at izakayas ike “Provider Coffee Shokudo” , I would choose zucchini.
延伸閱讀: Provider Coffee Shokudo 》在破壞者珈琲食堂續攤是不錯的選擇
配菜: 乳酪布丁
Side Dish: Cheese Pudding
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
AJ Grill 有 inhouse 甜點師傅, 也就是老闆娘. 真可惜沒有預訂到甜甜圈. 以餐廳甜點標準, 乳酪布丁不錯吃.
AJ Grill has in-house pastry chef, which is also one of the bosses. It is sad that we are not able to reserve donuts in advance. As for restaurant level, the cheese flan is quite good.
Other Dishes
前菜: 蟹餅
Appetizer: Crab Cake
Add Price: + NTD $200
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
AJ Grill 主廚的蟹餅偏精緻. 我個人比較喜歡不健康且酥炸蟹肉餅, 目前吃到最滿意的炸蟹肉餅是在 “喜來登安東廳”.
I personally prefer unhealthy fried Crab Cake. My favorite fried crab cake is at “Sheraton Hotel Antoine Room”.
延伸閱讀: Antoine Room 》品嚐台北喜來登安東廳的牛排菜單
前菜: 招牌沙拉
Appetizer: Signature Salad
Price: Free with Set if order
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
前菜: AJ 珠寶盒
Appetizer: AJ’s Jewelry Box
Price: Free with Set if order
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
湯品: 焗烤洋蔥湯
Soup: Onion Gratin Soup
Price: Free with Set if order
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
If you like Onion soup, you an consider ordering it.
主餐: 美國乾式 28 天熟成紐約牛排 (8oz)
Main Course: USDA Prime 28 Days Dry-Aged Boneless New York Strip 8oz
Price: NTD $1580
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
If you like New York Strip, you can order it.
主餐: 日本 A4 和牛肋眼牛排 16oz (2人份)
Main Course: Japan A4 Wagyu Ribeye 16oz (For 2)
Price: NTD $2480/person
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
If you like Wagyu steak, you can order for share.
主餐: 海鮮熱盤
Main Course: Seafood Platter
Price: NTD $1780
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
我到牛排餐廳比較少會點 Surf and Turf , 通常不是我的首選.
I don’t usually order Surf and Turf.
主餐: 波士頓龍蝦
Main Course: Grilled Half Lobster
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: N/A
配菜: 炸洋蔥圈
Side Dish : Fried Onion Rings
Price: NTD $140
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
配菜: 薯條
Side Dish: French Fries
Price: NTD $140
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
配菜: 墨西哥玉米
Side Dish: Mexican Corn
Price: NTD $140
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
甜點: 櫻桃巧克力聖代
Dessert: Chocolate Cherry Sundae
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
甜點: 爆米花千層
Dessert: Popcorn Mille Crepe
Price: NTD $260
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
結論 Conclusion ⭐
誰適合來 AJ Grill 與我會建議點哪些
✅ 建議 2 ~ 4 人.
AJ Grill 餐廳不大, 2 ~ 4 人剛好. 低消是一份套餐, 所以我個人會建議你們約喜歡吃牛肉的朋友 .
✅ 喜歡熟成牛排的人
乾式熟成深得許多饕客們的喜愛, AJ Grill 菜單的牛排類幾乎都是熟成牛排.
✅ 接受配菜/甜點/飲料加價點的人
套餐並不包括配菜, 甜點與飲料, 皆是需要另外加點. 有些人偏好這種點菜方式, 因為可能不吃甜點或是喝水即可. 請自行斟酌加價後的總金額
✅ 建議點哪些?
美國威士忌熟成帶骨肋眼牛排 (2人份)
羊肉漢堡 (加價 +NTD $200 )
蘑菇卡布奇諾湯 (加酥皮 +NTD $80 )
Who are suitable for AJ Grill and what I would suggest to order.
✅ I would suggest 2 ~ 4 people.
AJ Grill is not a large restaurant. 2 ~ 4 people would be better. The minimum charge is one set. So, I would suggest you come here with your friends who like to eat steak.
✅ Suitable for people who like dry-aged steak
Most foodies prefer and like dry-aged steak. The steak option on AJ Grill menu is mostly dry-aged steak.
✅ Suitable for people who would accept to pay extra for the side dish/dessert/drink
The set doesnt come with the side dish, dessert and drink. You will need to pay more to order. Some people prefer this type of order SOP, mostly because they don’t eat dessert or drink water would be better. Please check the total value after ordering.
✅ What about I suggest to order?
USDA Prime Whisky Aged Bone-in Ribeye 20oz (For 2)
Lamb Slider (Add extra +NTD $200 )
Mushroom Cappuccino Soup (Add puff pastry +NTD $80 )
Side Dish / Dessert/ Drink is based on your personal preference.
延伸閱讀: 台北牛排推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Steak House Recommendation (By District)
AJ GRILL Information
店名: AJ Grill
地址: 台北市大安區安和路一段135巷10號 (Map)
捷運站: 信義安和捷運站(R04)
電話: 02-2709-0293
inline: https://inline.app/booking/-NWLBspIg_JHQgHEfT9L:inline-live-3/-NWLBt0xI9RGuC_bLLTo?language=zh-tw
Restaurant: AJ Grill
Address: No. 10, 135th Lane, 1st Section, Anhe Road, Da-an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Xinyi Anhe Metro Station (R04)
Tel: 02-2709-0293