Taipei Soba Noodle 》阿花蕎麥麵菜單推薦點哪些
Last Updated on 2023-09-18 by Foodelicious
(2023. 9 N訪更新) 阿花蕎麥麵 是 2020年新開幕餐廳, 也是台北中山區美食之一, 菜單上販售的蕎麥雞湯麵以及現煎豬排深受在地人的喜愛.
(2023.9 Update) Ah-Wa Noodles is one of the newly-opened restaurant at 2020. It is also one of restaurants at Zhongshan District.
阿花蕎麥麵 菜單 在文末 》Ah-Wa Noodles Menu is at the end of Article
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目錄 / Table of Contents
About Ah-Wa Noodles
阿花蕎麥麵位於雙連站與中山站的中間, 與 “烹星拉麵”位在同一條林森北路巷弄內. 阿花蕎麥麵的白色裝潢與落地窗在巷弄內特別顯眼, 走進阿花蕎麥麵餐廳後發現原來結帳櫃台在餐廳後方的座位區, 櫃台旁有小菜可選擇. 往天花板看, 竟然有懷舊留聲機?! 這應該就是所謂的別有洞天吧. 目前餐廳菜單在櫃檯後的牆上, 需要走到櫃檯點菜先付錢, 而不是小吃店畫菜單的方式.
Ah-Wa Noodles is in between Shuanglian MRT station and Zhongshan MRT station. It is at the same alley as “Katsu Ramen Niboshi”. White restaurant design catches lots of people’s attention. The cashier is at the back of the restaurant along with other seating area. There are appetizers near the cashier as well. There is even a phonograph at the ceiling?! Now, the menu is on the wall near the cashier. The customer would need to walk to the cashier to order and pay in advance.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
阿花蕎麥麵 菜餚評價
Ah-Wa Noodles Dishes Review
Soba Noodle with Chicken Broth
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
阿花蕎麥麵店家老闆之前是內湖文湖21雞湯麵的老闆. 之前在台北吃過印象最深刻的蕎麥麵則是在 “二月半蕎麥麵”. 很難想像阿花蕎麥麵這種中式麵店竟然是用蕎麥麵, 具有 Q彈 的經典口感, 雞湯並沒有明顯膠質, 後來得知湯頭是採用老母雞熬製, 看似清淡其實有小清新的雞湯風味, 並不像日式拉麵的濃郁雞湯湯頭 (例如: “ 雞吉君拉麵 “ ).去骨雞腿肉與豆皮皆美味. 我個人會推薦這款麵給想吃清淡雞湯湯頭的饕客.
Before, my favorite soba is at “Healthy Soba Noodle Japanese restaurant”, which is also near Zhongshan Station. Now, it is hard to imagine that this Taiwanese restaurant uses soba as their main noodle. The soba has its classic texture. The chicken broth itself does not have too much collagen. It looks light but tastes with fair amount of chicken broth flavor. It is not as thick as the Japanese ramen with thick Chicken broth though (for example: Ji Jijun Ramen Restaurant). The boneless chicken thigh meat and tofu sheet are both delicious. I would recommend this soba to people who like light chicken broth.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Ramen 》台北雞吉君拉麵值得一排
延伸閱讀: 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide
Grilled Pork Chop
Price: NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
阿花蕎麥麵有販售豬排麵, 但我決定雞湯麵與單點豬排. 這款無骨豬排類型雖然不是我愛吃的台式酥炸豬排類型, 餐廳採用品質較好的台灣黑毛豬, 肉品口感嫩也不會過於油膩, 我個人覺得不錯吃可點.
Ah-Wa Noodles also offers pork chop noodle. But, I still decide to order chicken broth noodle and grill pork chop. This boneless pork chop type is not my favorite deep-fried pork chop type. The restaurant uses Taiwanese black pig, which has the higher quality. The meat texture is tender and not too oily. You guys can order to fulfill your appetite.
延伸閱讀: 台北平價美食推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Budget-Wise Restaurants (By District)
Fried Chicken Rice
NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這次來吃我還沒吃過的“很多雞肉飯”, 口感類似炸鹹酥雞, 沒有另加辛香料或是九層塔之類. 蠻好吃.
This time, I tried the new dish -Fried Chicken Rice. The texture is similar with the famous salted fried chicken. There aren’t any extra spices nor basil. It is quite delicious
Braised Pork Knuckle Rice
Price: NTD $170
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍
除了豬排飯與雞湯麵外, 阿花蕎麥麵也有賣香滷蹄膀飯, 也就是腿庫肉飯! 端上這道飯時, 我再三確認價格, NTD $150 有適量豬腳, 也有豆乾, 蛋, 飯, 小黃瓜, 青江菜, 甚至還有附一大碗湯, 在中山站餐廳名單裡, 價格算是划算. 蹄膀的豬皮不僅有入味也非常軟嫩, 不錯吃, 可惜肉的部分偏乾, 我個人還是比較喜歡 “老牌張豬腳飯”的微嫩豬肉. 其他配菜都在水準之上.
Besides pork chop and the Soba Noodle with Chicken Broth, this restaurant also offer Braised Pork Knuckle Rice. When this dish is served, I double check the price. Overall, it has fair amount of pork knuckles, braised dried tofu, egg, pickled cucumber, bok choy and rice. NTD $150 price is quite reasonable. The pig skin is braised well, which tastes yummy. I like Its tender texture. However, the meat itself is a bit dry. I personally still prefer “Chang’s Pork Knuckle Rice” at Dadaocheng. Side dishes at Ah-Wa Noodles are delicious.
延伸閱讀: 老牌張豬腳飯 》大稻埕美食 | Taiwanese Pork Knuckle
Black Fungas
NTD $50
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
It tastes quite refreshing, sweet and with acidity.
Smoked Dried Tofu Slice
Price: NTD $50
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
阿花蕎麥麵的小菜都是自己做, 當初我不知道香滷蹄膀飯有滷豆干, 所以我又點了煙燻豆皮絲. 我倒是希望煙燻味可以重一些, 整體不錯吃, 我下次應該會再點.
Ah-Wa Noodles appetizers are made by themselves. I didn’t know the pork knuckle rice has braised tofu, so, I order the tofu slice. I wish that the smoked aroma/flavor could be stronger. Overall, it is delicious. I might order next time.
Ah- Wa Noodles Information
餐廳: 阿花蕎麥麵
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路二段59巷60號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站 or 雙連站
電話: 02-2567-7717
Restaurant: Ah-Wa Noodles
Address: No. 60, 59th Lane, 2nd section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan MRT station or Shuanglian MRT station
Tel: 02-2567-7717
阿花蕎麥麵 菜單