SPOON TAIPEI 》台北大安區通化街美食 | Taipei Curry Rice

Last Updated on 2024-05-02 by Foodelicious

(已結束營業)   新開幕餐廳 Spoon.Taipei 的招牌料裡為無水咖哩飯日式炊飯, 地下一樓霓虹燈裝潢, 湯匙logo, 石頭地板顯然成為這家的特色.
(Closed Down) Newly-opened Spoon Taipei signature dishes are Curry Rice and Japanese Steamed Rice. The pink neon light , spoon logo, and rock floor decoration at the basement are all very creative.

菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


純白色室外裝潢在灰色巷弄內相當顯眼, 大門跟 “IL MERCATO TAIPEI”都在側邊, 室內裝潢主色為銀灰與亮白, 踏進門後可看到簡易廚房與櫃台. 餐廳採用先點先付錢, 入座後, 餐廳員工再送餐給客人. 1樓窗邊有單人高腳椅, 餐廳也將辣油和香料粉放在一旁讓客人適量調味. 沿著很陡的樓梯走下樓到鋪滿石頭的地板, 牆上即可看到醒目霓虹燈字句 “We Dont Give A Fork”, 裝潢充滿創意 (詳細內容可看文末影片)
White outdoor design is very obvious at the grey alley. The front door is at the side, just like “IL MERCATO TAIPEI”. The indoor design theme color is light grey and white. There are open kitchen and counter while walking in. The customer would need to order and pay prior seating. The restaurant staff would bring the food to you. There are hot oil and spices container nearby. Walking downstairs, you can see the neo light sign saying that “We Don’t Give A Fork”. The video at the end of the article shows more details.



餐廳整天營業 ,下午並沒有休息時間, 菜單選項不多, 老闆/廚師提到未來會有客座主廚, 會有限時限量料理, 也許是因為老闆之前在飯店餐飲業而發想的行銷概念, 老闆也提到他想要做的是一個“食堂”的概念, 將自己的家常拿手菜呈現給來用餐的客人.
The restaurant operates all day. There isn’t much dish selections on the menu. The boss/chef mentioned that there might be guest chef in the future to offer limited qty dish within limited time. I assume that this idea comes from his previous hotel restaurant industry experience. The boss/chef also stated that he wants to have a cozy dining place for customers in order to offer his best dishes.




English Name: Cast Iron Pot Curry
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

無水咖哩飯顧名思義料理並沒有放水與油, 是運用蔬菜本身水分來烹煮, 是現代人最嚮往的健康料理. 這一道料理整齊地放置在跟 “Liquid Bread Company”一樣的鐵盤.
The chef did not put any water nor oil into the curry. The liquid form comes from the vegetables (carrot, onion..etc). It is the so-called healthy dish. This dish is placed in order at the iron plate, similar with “Liquid Bread Company”.


與 “寅樂屋咖哩”比較, Spoon Taipei 為淺色咖哩且不會濃稠, 同樣是屬於甜的咖哩, 淋上優格的咖哩搭配飯入口, 並沒有經典的濃郁肉香味, 而是偏向洋蔥與紅蘿蔔香甜風味, 偶爾會吃到藏在細節裡的菇類, 連皮雞肉軟嫩和半熟蛋也很不錯, 我比較喜歡加上一旁的綜合香料粉後的風味, 也可加店家提供的辣油, 會增加更多咖哩風味, 只是份量男生應該吃不飽.
Comparing with “Torarakuya Taipei “, Spoon Taipei’s curry is lighter but more like sweet Japanese curry. On the top of curry, the chef puts yogurt to increase its sweetness. The taste is full of onion and carrot vegetable flavor instead of the classic meaty aroma. Sometimes, you would taste the mushroom hidden in between. The chicken with skin is tender and delicious. As for the half-boiled egg, it is above average as well. I prefer to add the mixed spices powder (more likely curry powder) to increase more curry flavor. Of course there is also hot oil option. However, the size of the dish might not fulfill a guy’s craving though.



Spoon 熱奶茶

English Name: Spoon Hot Milk Tea
Price: NTD $100
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

茶為亮褐色, 原本以為茶味會較濃, 實際上是蜂蜜香氣較重, 建議點給喜歡蜂蜜的人喝.
The tea is bright brown color. However, the honey flavor is heavier, which is out of expectation. The tea flavor is not obvious. I would suggest this drink to people that like honey aroma.


延伸閱讀: 2018 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2018 New Restaurants & Cafes Guide





Restaurant Name 店名: Spoon.Taipei
Address: No. 2, 101th Lane, Tunghua Street, Taipei City 台北市大安區通化街101巷2號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spoon.taipei/
Nearby MRT station: Xinyi Anhe MRT station 信義安和捷運站
營業時間: 11am ~ 9pm (See Facebook)



