Ad Astra Taipiei 》關於這一家台北米其林一星餐廳的五個重點

Last Updated on 2024-02-10 by Foodelicious

Ad Astra 餐廳台北米其林一星餐廳美食之一, 此篇文章包括 主廚 Kevin Rose 設計的 Ad Astra 菜單價位 , 評價 , 訂位,包廂與 Pairing 的五個重點.
Ad Astra Restaurant in a Taipei Michelin One Star Restaurant. This article includes Ad Astra menu that is designed by Chef Kevin Rose. The review and pairing menu are also in this article.


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Ad Astra 訂位

Ad Astra Reservation

Ad Astra 地址為台北市中山區中山北路二段45巷23號 , 位於台北晶華酒店旁邊, 離中山捷運站 4 號出口約 10 ~ 15 分鐘步行距離. 餐廳門口設計頗低調, 需要按電鈴等餐廳店員開門. 櫥櫃擺放 2023 米其林一星的獎牌. Ad Astra 訂位是 inline ( ) , 可以一人訂位! 座位區則是以 L 型吧台板前個人座位為主, 也有包廂和 Chef’s Table.

2023.11 月晚餐分為兩個時段
✅ 第一時段: 5:30 pm ~ 7:30pm
✅ 第二時段: 8 pm ~ 10:30pm

Ad Astra restaurant address is No. 23, 45th Lane , 2nd section,  Zhongshan North Road, Taipei, Taiwan. It is next to Taipei Regent Hotel. It is about 10 ~ 15 minutes walking distance from Exit 4 of Zhongshan Metro Station. The front door design is quite low-profile. You will need to ring the bell to let the staff opening the door. You will need to reserve Ad Astra via inline ( ). One person can also reserve the seat. The seating area has three 3 areas – L shape counter seating area, Chef’s Table and Private Dining Room.

2023 Nov Dinner Time has two rounds
✅ First Round: 5:30 pm ~ 7:30pm
✅ Second Round: 8 pm ~ 10:30pm


延伸閱讀: 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide

2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


Ad Astra 包廂 & Chef’s Table

Ad Astra Private Dining Room & Chef’s Table

Ad Astra 與 “RAW” 不同, Chef’s Table 只需四人即可訂位, 而且有兩桌, 也是可以觀察到餐廳開放式廚房. 包廂與 Chef’s Table 低消細節部分請自行詢問餐廳.
Different from “RAW”, you only need 4 people to reserve the Chef’s Table. You can also observe the open kitchen from the Chef’s Table. The private dining room is suitable for 6 ~ 8 people. Please ask the restaurant regarding the minimum charge of the private dining room and chef’s table

延伸閱讀: RAW TAIPEI 》台北米其林二星餐廳美食 ( ANDRÉ IS BACK 菜單 )


Ad Astra 菜單 ⭐

Ad Astra Menu

與其他台灣米其林餐廳四季季節菜單不同, Ad Astra 餐廳是採用所謂的 Hyper Seasonal Menu. 換句話說, 主廚同樣是以當季食材作為菜餚, 但是會一週更換其中一道菜餚 – 有時是食材不同, 有時是烹調方式不同. 對廚師團隊會是一個挑戰.

2023.11 月菜單價格
✅ L 型吧台板前座位區: NTD $3880 + 10%/人 (10 道菜 )👉 我是選坐在吧台板前區
✅ Chef’s Table: NTD $$5000+ 10%/人 (14 道菜)
✅ 包廂: NTD $$5000+ 10%/人 (14 道菜)

Unlike other Michelin-starred restaurants in Taiwan with seasonal menus, Ad Astra Restaurant follows a concept known as the “Hyper Seasonal Menu.” In other words, the chef uses seasonal ingredients for dishes, but with a twist—they change one dish on the menu every week. This change can involve various ingredients or cooking methods. It is quite a challenge for the chef team.

2023.November Menu Price
✅ L shape counter seating area:NTD $3880 + 10%/person (10 courses)👉 I choose to sit at the counter seating area
✅ Chef’s Table: NTD $$5000+ 10%/person (14 courses)
✅ Private Room: NTD $5000+ 10%/person (14 courses)
*Please ask the restaurant regarding the minimum charge of the private dining room.


Ad Astra 菜單 評價

Ad Astra Menu Review


Yellow Fin Tuna
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

北歐料理在台灣的接受度確實相對較低,但近年來台北的Fine Dining餐廳中已經有一些像“JE Kitchen”和”nku“這樣的 “微”北歐料理餐廳.   Ad Astra 主廚將醃漬與發酵技巧輕描淡寫地融入於每道料理. 例如這一道, 如同花瓣的黃鰭鮪魚片經過醃漬熟成 3 天, 口感與鮮味已如同高級日料餐廳的生魚片. 玫瑰油調味的香氣與腰果的堅果風味偏隱約. 發酵水蜜桃與葡萄柚醬汁賦予這道菜餚極為柔和的酸甜風味.
Nordic cuisine might not have the same level of popularity in Taiwan as other cuisines. There are a few Nordic restaurants, such as   “JE Kitchen” and “nku” , appear among Taipei fine dining restaurants.. At Ad Astra, the chef subtly incorporates pickling and fermentation techniques into each dish. In this dish, yellow fin tuna slices, resembling delicate petals, are aged for three days, resulting in a texture and freshness akin to high-end Japanese sashimi. The fragrance of rose oil and the nutty taste of cashews are hidden. The fermented peach and grapefruit sauce provide this dish with a delicately balanced sweet and tangy flavor.

延伸閱讀: 台北北歐餐廳 》JE Kitchen 2019 新菜單裡有令人難忘的料理

延伸閱讀: nku 餐廳 》二訪台北柴火餐酒館多了些不同的飲食風格



Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

柑橘醋漬的澎湖小卷隱藏於白酒檸檬馬鞭草果凍裡, 將小卷連同些許果凍與魚卵一起入口, 鮮味衝擊著味蕾. 延續的第二口再加入底部的紅咖哩油與味噌胡蘿蔔醬. 因為我對酸味比較敏感, 白酒檸檬馬鞭草果凍的清新仍舊為主導.
The squid is marinated with vinegar is hidden within white wine and lemon verbena jelly. While tasting the squid together with a bit of jelly and fish roe , it provides a burst of seafood flavor to the palate. The following bite is with red curry oil and miso carrot sauce at the base. However, since I am more sensitive to acidic taste, the refreshing flavor of the jelly still stays at the taste buds.



Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

比起前兩道的堆疊風味, 我個人是比較喜歡這一道燕麥奶茶碗蒸的直來直往風格. 近期我在台北 Fine Dining 餐廳吃到的茶碗蒸都非常出色, 例如在 “辰壽司割烹” 的蒸生豆乳蛋白與蟹肉搭配. 同樣是海鮮, 這次在 Ad Astra 品嚐到燕麥奶茶碗蒸搭配鮮脆龍蝦肉. 雖然沒有熟悉茶碗蒸的微蛋香, 但卻保留了同樣的的細緻滑嫩口感. 綠蘆筍切丁與醃漬珍珠洋蔥則是增添不同的脆口感.
Compared to the layered flavors of the first two dishes, I personally prefer the straightforward style of this oat milk base Chawanmushi dish. I’ve recently had some excellent Chawanmushi at several fine dining restaurants in Taipei, such as the Chawanmushi with crab at “CS Club Sushi Kappo“. Similarly seafood-based, this time at Ad Astra, I savored the oat milk tea steamed dish with succulent lobster meat. While it lacks the familiar aroma of steamed egg, it retains the same delicate and smooth texture. Diced green asparagus and pickled pearl onions provide a different crispy element to the dish.

延伸閱讀: CS Club Sushi Kappou 》2023 辰壽司割烹大閘蟹宴




Uni Pancake
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

這道海膽鬆餅是 Ad Astra 的招牌菜餚, 屹立不搖的存在感就跟 “logy “的茶碗蒸一樣. 這道菜餚依次堆疊了西班牙 Serrano 火腿, 法式洋蔥白醬 ( soubise) , 蝦夷蔥, 北海道馬糞海膽與薄脆鬆餅. 餐廳提供濕紙巾,讓客人可以用手輕鬆享用. Serrano 火腿的肉香並沒有伊比利火腿鹹香, 並不會把海膽的鮮味與蝦夷蔥的辛香蓋過. 反而為這道菜提供了平衡感. 當享受的多種風味時, 也同時可感受到鬆餅的酥脆與海膽的綿密口感.
This sea urchin pancake is a signature dish at Ad Astra and stands out just like “logy” Chawanmushi dish. It layers with Spanish Serrano ham, soubise sauce, green onion, Hokkaido sea urchin, and thin crispy pancakes. The restaurant provides wet napkin, allowing guests to enjoy it easily with their hands. The Serrano ham brings a meaty flavor without the saltiness of Iberian ham, allowing the sea urchin’s freshness and the negi onion’s spiciness to shine. Instead, it provides a sense of balance to the dish. As you savor the various flavors, you can also feel the crispiness of the pancake and the creamy texture of the sea urchin.

延伸閱讀: Spanish Serrano Ham 》關於西班牙塞拉諾火腿的五個問題

延伸閱讀: Logy Taipei 》2022 台北米其林二星 logy 餐廳美食



Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

在台北西式餐廳吃到的幾乎都是清蒸石斑魚 (例如: “渥達尼斯磨坊” 與 “Le Duet” ). 這次品嚐到的則是香煎龍虎斑. 主導風味分別為蝦頭熬製的鹹鮮醬汁與微甜沙巴雍 ( Sabayon Sauce ) . 舞菇賦予的蕈菇風味是短暫. 整體來說, 我個人偏好龍虎斑是以清蒸帶些微炙燒的呈現方式. 俐落簡單風味比較容易展現新鮮漁貨的特色.
In most Taipei Western restaurants, you will find mainly steamed grouper fish (For example, “Molino de Urdániz ” and “Le Duet“). However, what I tasted this time was pan-fried garouper. The dominant flavors are a savory sauce made from prawn heads and a slightly sweet sabayon sauce. The influence of the Maitaka, with their earthy mushroom flavor, is rather short-term. Overall, I personally prefer grouper when it’s presented simply, perhaps steamed with a light sear. A clean and straightforward approach often better highlights the fresh qualities of the fish.

延伸閱讀: Molino de Urdániz 渥達尼斯磨坊 》菜單歸類於西班牙現代料理

延伸閱讀: Le Duet Kitchen and Bar 》台北信義區餐酒館 (內有新菜單)



Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

章魚腳通常是在台北西式餐廳最常見的海鮮食材之一 (例如 “Solo Pasta “ 與 “La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 ” ). 而在 Ad Astra 品嚐到的是先刷上金桔醬進行炭烤的章魚, 店員提到「 雙重醬料則是咖哩醬與用蛤蜊高湯製成的濃郁番茄醬 」. 兩種醬料風味意外地 match 不違和.
Octopus legs are a common seafood ingredient in Taipei Western-style restaurants in Taipei (such as “Solo Pasta” and “La Vie by Thomas Bühner“). At Ad Astra, I experienced charcoal-grilled octopus legs, which were first brushed with kumquat sauce. The staff mentioned that two sauces include curry sauce and a rich tomato sauce made with clam. Surprisingly, the two sauce flavors complemented each other well, creating a harmonious combination.

延伸閱讀: La Vie by Thomas Bühner 睿麗餐廳 》品嚐短版菜單

延伸閱讀: Solo Pasta Taipei 》除了拿坡里燉章魚還推薦點什麼



Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

Ad Astra 先將醃製再刷蔬菜基底燒烤醬後的澳洲草飼小羔羊排 Display 呈現給客人看, 具有視覺感. 進行炭烤至 3 ~ 5 分熟的羊排是最佳品嚐熟度. 單吃並無腥羶味且嫩度極佳. 整體看似中規中距, 隱藏在羊排底的羽衣甘藍青醬與帕瑪森泡沫, 淋上些許羊肉汁與馬告油, 最後堆疊起帕瑪森泡沫, 融合多層次風味 提升整道菜餚的美味程度.
Ad Astra first presents the marinated and not-yet grilled Australian grass-fed lamb rack, creating a visually appealing display for the guests. The lamb rack is charcoal-grilled to a perfect medium-rare, the ideal level of doneness for savoring its tenderness without any gamy flavors.Overall, it might appear conventional. There is Kale Pesto hidden beneath the lamb. The chef lightly drizzled with lamb jus and makauy oil. The last touch would be the Parmesan form. Overall, it creates delicious and multi-dimensional tasting experience.




Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍

Ad Astra 廚師團隊花了許多心力與測試完成這一道飯食料理, 成功創造出我當天最喜歡的菜餚. 從選用日本山形縣的輝映米, 到運用土鍋炊煮, 再附上店家自製辣油與油封蛋黃. 我個人會建議先單吃飯, 享受獨特的日本米香, 再倒入蛋黃進行攪拌品嚐. 米飯口感顯得更為綿稠. 搭配的季節性時蔬以箭筍最為亮眼. 拌入以八角, 茴香籽與香菜籽製作的辣油會帶給味蕾刺激感. 整體非常美味, 意猶未盡.
The Ad Astra chef team put a lot of effort and testing into creating this rice dish, which turned out to be my favorite of the day. They carefully selected Tsubaki rice from Yamagata Prefecture, Japan, cooked it in an claypot. The same dish comes with their house-made chili oil and confit egg yolk . I would recommend starting by savoring the rice on its own, enjoying the unique fragrance of the Japanese rice. Then, pour in the egg yolk and mix it to experience a thicker rice texture. The seasonal vegetables, particularly the bamboo, stand out as a fresh complement to the dish. Mixing in the chili oil made with star anise, fennel seeds, and coriander seeds adds a delightful kick to the flavors. Overall, it is very delicious, and I couldn’t get enough of it.



Dessert 1
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

即使只有 1.5 ~ 2 小時用餐時間, Ad Astra 與其他台北 Fine Dining 餐廳一樣有兩款甜點. 這一道甜點以甜湯形式呈現, 令人印象深刻.
Even though the dining time is only 1.5 to 2 hours, like other fine dining restaurants in Taipei, Ad Astra offers two desserts. This dessert is presented in the form of a sweet soup, and it leaves a lasting impression.




Dessert 2
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

I personally wish to have Japanese Shine Muscat dessert at the end.


Pairing Menu

Ad Astra 有多款形式的飲料搭配. Ad Astra 有 in-house 侍酒師. 無酒精 Pairing 則是由主廚 Kevin Rose 設計. 我會建議如果是兩人用餐, 一位點 Wine Pairing, 一位點無酒精搭配

✅ 餐酒搭配(5杯)NTD $1880+10%/ 人
✅ 調酒搭配(5杯)NTD $1880 +10% / 人
✅ 無酒精搭配(5杯) NTD $1,580+10% / 人
✅ 茶品搭配(5杯)NTD $1,580 +10% / 人

Ad Astra offers a variety of drink pairings. , They have in-house sommelier to design the wine pairing. Chef Kevin Rose designs the mocktail pairing. If there are two guests, I would recommend that one person order wine pairing while the other chooses the cocktail pairing.

2023. November Price
✅ Wine Pairing (5 glasses)NTD $1880+10%/ person
✅ Cocktail Pairing(5 glasses)NTD $1880 +10% / person
✅ Mocktail Pairing(5 glasses) NTD $1,580+10% / person
✅ Tea Pairing (5 glasses)NTD $1,580 +10% / person


Wine Pairing


Mocktail Pairing



結論 Conclusion ⭐

Ad Astra 值得去嗎?
我覺得可以去. 我從 2022 年開幕後聽到的評價是兩極化, 所以我等開幕一年後才決定去. 對於 NTD $3880 +10%/人的套餐, 我知道其他人的想法是 “ Fine Dining 要有高貴食材- 例如和牛, 魚子醬, 干貝 …etc “. 高貴食材對我比較沒有吸引力, 美味程度比較重要. 這次黃鰭鮪魚, 燕麥奶茶碗蒸, 羊排, 飯食, Mocktail Pairing 都不錯.
備註: Chef’s Table 與包廂的 NTD $5000+10%/套餐有高貴食材.


Ad Astra 的北歐料理風格有明顯出現在菜餚嗎?
雖然門口放著瓶瓶罐罐, 其實 Ad Astra 主廚只將醃漬與發酵技巧輕描淡寫地融入於每道料理, 如果不是店員說菜講食材, 很難判斷多層次風味是哪裡來.


Ad Astra 服務真得好
如同大家所說的, 每一位店員的服務非常友善, 應該是台北米其林一星餐廳裡服務態度最友善的餐廳.


Hyper Seasonal Menu 菜單
雖然一週更換其中一道菜餚, 我還是希望他們可以印當天菜單 , 畢竟一邊吃還要一邊紀錄會分心.


Is Ad Astra worth visiting?
It is worth visiting. I initially heard mixed reviews after its opening in 2022. So I waited a year before deciding to go. Some people may expect fine dining to feature luxurious ingredients, such as wagyu beef, caviar, scallops, etc.  However, the delicious level of the food matters more to me than expensive ingredients. In this case, the yellowfin tuna, oat milk chawanmushi, lamb, rice dish, and mocktail pairing were all enjoyable.
Remark: Most luxurious ingredients are at NTD $5000+10%/person. My tasting menu is NTD $3880+10%/person.


Does Ad Astra’s Nordic style show prominently in the dishes?
While you might see jars and bottles displayed at the entrance, the Nordic style, which includes fermentation and pickling, is subtly hidden within the dishes. Without the staff explaining the dishes and ingredients, it can be challenging to identify the multi-layered flavors.


The service at Ad Astra is very friendly
As many have mentioned, the service at Ad Astra is exceptionally friendly. It is definitely one of the Michelin one-star restaurants in Taipei with the friendliest service.


Hyper Seasonal Menu
Regarding the Hyper Seasonal Menu, it would be great if they could provide a printed menu for the day. Dining and trying to document the experience at the same time can be challenging.



Ad Astra 餐廳資訊

Ad Astra Information

店名: Ad Astra 餐廳
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路二段45巷23號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站(R11 & G14)


Restaurant: Ad Astra
Address: No. 23, 45th Lane , 2nd section Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei, Taiwan   (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Zhongshan Station (R11 & G14)
Tel: N/A


