IBY 2014 BIG BLEND CUVEE 》奧地利紅葡萄酒 | Austria Red Wine

Last Updated on 2017-07-30 by Foodelicious

很多人對奧地利葡萄酒的認知尚停留在白酒跟貴腐酒, 這次在酒展有試喝到IBY 2014 BIG BLEND CUVEE, 也就是混釀的奧地利紅葡萄酒.
Most people can think of White Wine and Nobel Wine when they think of Austria winery. I tried IBY 2014 BIG BLEND CUVEE , which is the blended wine, at the wine show.


Product Name 產品名稱: IBY 2014 BIG BLEND CUVEE 伊比酒莊葡萄酒

🗺 Country of Origin 原產地: Austria 奧地利
Foodelicious 美味程度 : 🎉 🎉🎉
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📍 Channel 試飲地點: 食品展 Event
💰  Price: 試飲 Trial Taste
⚖ Total ml 總容量: 750ml
🍷 ABV 酒精濃度: 13 %
🏷 Bottle Bar Code: 9120018516131
進口商: 英商興華拓展股份有限公司

IBY 2014 BIG BLEND CUVEE 是三種紅葡萄品種混釀 – Zweigelt, Blaufränkisch 和 Merlot. 若是奧地利單一Zweigelt品種, 酒體較為輕盈且有櫻桃風味, Blaufränkisch 是奧地利種植面積第二大的紅葡萄品種, 特色跟Merlot相似, 皆有點辛香料風味.
IBY 2014 BIG BLEND CUVEE is blended with Zweigelt, Blaufränkisch and Merlot. As for Zweigelt itself, the wine body is light with cherry flavor. As for Blaufränkisch, which is the second large grape cultivation of Austria, it is similar with Merlot spice flavor.


酒體成亮紫紅色, 聞起來時有著櫻桃果香氣, 較特別的是喝起來竟然有著貴腐酒的甜味, 就跟喝白蘭地一樣感覺不出來酒精濃度, 單寧並不會緊澀, Merlot的特色幾乎沒有感覺到, 只能說喝混釀葡萄酒每口都是驚喜.
The wine body is light violet color. The note is cherry fruity aroma. When taking the first taste, the Nobel Wine sweetness appears. You might not able to detect the 14% ABV just like you are drinking Brandy. The tannin is not dry. You can barely sense the Merlot flavor, which is the spice flavor. I can only say every taste of blended wine is surprising.



由於甜味明顯, 感覺已經有點像甜點酒, 較適合吃完主餐後搭配的酒.
Due to the overwhelmed sweetness, it feels almost like dessert wine. It would be better to drink this wine after main course without pairing.


** 此款酒不在以下連結 **
延伸閱讀2: 野餐酒 PICNIC WINE GUIDE 】哪些酒比較適合帶去野餐?



警語: 飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康 <- 菸酒管理法規定要寫的!


