2019 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2019 Taipei New Restaurant & Cafe Guide
Last Updated on 2020-09-06 by Foodelicious
(2020.9 更新) 2019年台北新開幕餐廳懶人包陸續更新中,除了餐廳自己的Facebook粉絲頁外,消費者習慣看實際餐廳體驗文來查詢細節, 因此做了一個2019新開幕餐廳懶人包讓大家一目瞭然. 僅限Foodelicious Review過的餐廳與Cafes,之後會陸續更新!
There are many 2019 newly opened restaurants in Taipei. Even though the restaurant has its own Facebook fan page, most customers would prefer to read a blog post with real experience. Therefore, I made a “2019 new Restaurants & Cafes Guide” . The list only includes the restaurants and cafes that were reviewed by Foodelicious. This list will keep updating in the future.
UPDATED: 2020/9/7
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
📧 自媒體採訪, 文字邀約, 行銷合作, 請 Email 至 [email protected]
If interested in cooperation, please Email to [email protected]
【 廚藏室 Storeroom 】
廚藏室 Storeroom 是大安捷運站美食餐廳之一, 也是我看過極少媒體曝光的台北大安區餐酒館.
Storeroom Restaurant is one of the restaurants near Da’an MRT station. This is probably the most low-profile bistro at Da’an District, Taipei City.
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【 ABCD A Better Coffee & Doughnut 】
ABCD Doughnut (簡稱 ABCD 甜甜圈專賣店) 是近期最熱門台北甜甜圈推薦, 不僅造型討喜, 也不錯吃.
ABCD Donut is one of the most popular Taipei Donut Shop near Zhongshan MRT station. The design is impressive and the taste is delicious.
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【 CROM Taipei 】
2019年新開幕 CROM Taipei 菜單 相當具有話題性, 主要原因為餐廳義籍顧問 Christian Milone是義大利米其林一星餐廳的主廚.
2019 newly-opened CROM Taipei menu catches many foodies’ attention. The main reason would be the restaurant consultant is Christian Milone, the executive chef of Italy Michelin 1 Star restaurant.
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【 野驢小餐館 Wild Donkey 】
Wild Donkey Taipei 野驢小餐館是台北大安區餐酒館之一, 由華泰集團少東經營的野驢訂位依舊搶手.
Wild Donkey Restaurant is one of Taipei Bistros at Da’an District. As a 2019 newly-opened restaurant, its reservation is still popular.
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【 旨樂 】
旨樂握壽司專賣店是近期饕客們的台北壽司餐廳推薦之一, 令人驚訝的是旨樂價位並不高, 握壽司搭酒的餐酒館經營模式很適合餐酒初學者.
Sushi Sensation Restaurant is one of the Taipei Sushi Bar. Surprisingly, this restaurant’s price is not as high as expected.
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【 Little Creatures Taipei 】
Little Creatures Taipei 小天使精釀啤酒餐廳是少數台北大安區餐酒館之一, 其澳洲籍主廚 Kai 曾在 MUME 工作過, 招牌料理是 Fish & Chips.
Little Creatures Taipei Restaurant is one of the Taipei Bistros at Da’an District. The executive chef Kai worked at MUME before. Their signature dish is Fish & Chips.
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【 FirePlay Taipei 】
FirePlay 台北餐廳主廚Nick 曾在新加坡 Restaurant André, 台灣 RAW, 雪梨Firedoor, 日本神戶bb9等餐廳工作過
FirePlay ExecutiveChef Nick worked at Restaurant André, Taiwan RAW, Sydney Firedoor and Kobe bb9 restaurants.
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【 Alma 西班牙餐廳 】
Alma 餐廳的中譯是 “靈魂”. Alma 菜單由知名隱丹廚主廚 Daniel Negreira 設計與監督, 有不同類型的 Tapas 和正統西班牙料理.
Alma means Soul. Alma menu is designed and executed by famous Chef Daniel Negreira.
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【 Podium Taipei 】
Podium 餐廳的中譯是 “舞台”. Podium 主廚們 ( Chef Andy & Jackie) 曾在台北候布雄法式餐廳廚師團隊工作.
Both chefs worked at Taipei L’atelier de Joël Robuchon before.
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【 VJ 義法餐廳 】
VJ 義法餐廳位於松菸附近, 以歐陸菜餚為主
VJ Restaurant is located near Songshan Cultural Park. It has several European Cuisines.
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白天是 ACME Breakfast Club, 夜晚成為新開幕的 AFTERWORK by ACME 餐酒館, 讓饕客們多一個西門町晚餐美食餐廳選擇.
Here is ACME Breakfast Club by day, AFTERWORK by ACME Bistro & Bar by night.
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【 山男 Yamasan 】
山男餐廳 是一家具有現代風格的餐酒館, 主廚來自MUME廚師團隊
Yamasan restaurant is considered bistro. The owner/executive chef is from MUME Chef team.
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【 魂麵 】
魂麵餐廳是日本九州大分縣的老字號拉麵品牌 (對!又一家), 位於微風松高B2 美食街. 我點的是豚骨拉麵 (NTD $280). 端上桌時, 我整個傻眼, 所有食材幾乎都浸泡在湯裡, 視覺效果差, 麵太軟, 湯頭不夠出色, 肉要配湯才不會乾柴, 只有半熟蛋及格.我吃過許多台北日本拉麵店, 魂麵是讓我最失望的拉麵店.
Ku Ta Ramen Restaurant is located at Breeze Song Guo Branch Mall B2 Food Court. It is the oversea branch of Ramen Restaurant from Japan (Yep, Again!) . I selected “Ramen with Pork Broth (NTD $280)”. Besides all the ingredients are soaked inside the broth, the taste is just disappointing. The noodle is too soft. The broth is not good enough for NTD $280. The pork is dry unless pairing with the soup. Honestly, the half-boiled egg is the only ingredient that actually achieve my expectation. I eat too many Ramen Restaurants at Taipei. Ku Ta Ramen restaurant is the worst Ramen Restaurant at Taipei City.
【 NOTE – inhouse】
NOTE In House 餐廳是台北信義安和站美食餐廳之一, 也是知名 inhouse 餐飲集團旗下的一個平價品牌.
NOTE – inhouse restaurant is one of Xinyi Anhe restaurants. It offers price-friendly western cuisines and drinks.
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【 隱家拉麵 】
隱家拉麵是台北平價拉麵店之一, 我推薦他們的黃金雞湯拉麵
Kakurega Ramen is considered a price-friendly Taipei Ramen Shop. It is also one of the Shilin restaurants. I would recommend their Ramen with Chicken Broth.
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【 板前屋 】
台北南港板前屋全名為板前屋炭烤鰻魚飯, 不僅在我的台北鰻魚飯推薦餐廳名單裡, 也是饕客推薦的南港展覽館站美食.
Itamae-ya eel rice restaurant is one of the Nangang District restaurants. It is also on my Taipei Eel Rice recommendation list.
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【 雷咖哩 Les Currys 】
雷咖哩是一家創意咖哩飯餐廳, 以辛辣咖哩為主打, 愛吃辣的朋友都蠻喜歡這家餐廳.
Les Currys is a restaurant that offers creative curry rice. It is famous for its spicy curry. If you like spicy food, this curry restaurant is for you.
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【 野鴨小餐館 】
野鴨小餐館位於市民大道微風廣場附近, 主打輕食起司三明治與調飲.
Mallard Grilled Cheese Eatery is located near Civil Blvd Breeze Center. It offers Cheese Sandwiches and various drinks (including mocktail, craft beer…etc) .
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【 大阪香料咖哩 】
大阪香料咖哩是一家販售日式辛香風味的咖哩, 而非台灣人所熟悉的甜咖哩.
Osaka Spice Curry is a restaurant that offers curry with various spices instead of sweet Japanese curry.
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【 Saffron 46 Taipei 】
Saffron 46 ( 番紅花 46 餐廳 ) 是台北微風南山美食之一, 位於微風南山 46 F, 除了美食也有精彩調酒.
Saffron 46 is one of the restaurants at Taipei Breeze Nangshan. It is also one of the Indian Restaurants at Taipei Xinyi District. They also have great cocktail drinks.
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Hugh Lab 是一家只接受預約的甜點私廚, 每月提供一組甜點套餐, 如果愛吃甜點, 我個人蠻推薦這家甜點私廚.
Hugh Lab is a dessert private kitchen that only takes reservation. They offer monthly dessert set. If you like to eat dessert, I would definitely recommend this desert place.
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【 通庵熟成咖喱 Tongan Curry 】
大安區通庵熟成咖喱餐廳位於信義安和捷運站附近, 多層次的日本咖哩風味值得品嚐.
Tongan Curry is a aged curry restaurant near Xinyi Anhe MRT station. It is worth trying regarding its’ layers of Japanese curry flavors.
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【 Smith & Wollensky Taipei 】
Smith & Wollensky Taipei 位於微風南山 47 F, 以牛排料理為主,
Smith & Wollensky Taipei is located at Nanshan Breeze 46F. It mainly offers steak cuisine.
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【 The Ukai Taipei 】
The Ukai Taipei 位於微風南山 46 F, 分為 Ukai 日式割烹和 Ukai 鐵板燒兩區, 皆是無菜單料理.
The Ukai Taipei is located at Nanshan Breeze 46F. It is separated into 2 areas – Ukai Japanese Food and Ukai Teppanyaki. The Ukai Taipei only offers Omakase Menu /Carte Blanche
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【 波記冰室 】
波記冰室和波記茶餐廳是同一位老闆, 波記冰室以復古港式西餐為主.
Bo Kee Cafe and Bo Kee restaurant are owned by the same person. Bo Kee Cafe focuses on Express and Hong Kong Style Western Cuisine.
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【 饗受狄咖的私人廚房&滷肉飯 】
狄咖私人廚房以販售滷肉飯和台灣家常菜為主, 位於國父紀念館捷運站附近的巷弄內.
Ms. Dica’s Kitchen offers Braised Pork Rice and Taiwanese cuisine dishes. It is located near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station.
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【 麵屋千雲 】
麵屋千雲位於中山捷運站附近的林森北路巷弄內, 也是一個宵夜餐廳, 著名料理為招牌雞白湯.
Menya Chikumo Ramen is located near Zhongshan MRT station. It is also a midnight restaurant. The famous signature dish is chicken broth.
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【面線町 】
面線町 位於中山捷運站和雙連捷運站中間, 有小卷的海王子麵線系列相當受到歡迎
Vermicelli Shop (Mei-Xian-Ding) is located in between between Zhongshan MRT station Exit 4 and Shuanglian Exit 1. Its signature dish – Vermicelli with squid is quite famous!
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【ULV Restaurant & Bar 】
ULV Restaurant & Bar 位於忠孝復興捷運站和忠孝敦化捷運站中間, 餐飲界同溫層皆知主廚來自侯布雄法式餐廳.
ULV Restaurant & Bar is located in between Zhongxiao Fuxing and Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station. Its executive chef worked at Taiwan L’ATELIER de Joël Robuchon restaurant.
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【 盈 豚骨カレー咖哩飯專門 】
盈 豚骨カレー咖哩飯專門是一間只有七個座位的咖哩飯餐廳, 靠近忠孝敦化捷運站, 特色是用豚骨高湯所製作的咖哩.
Yin Curry Rice Restaurant is with only 7 seats. It is located near Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station. Its selling point is that the curry is made with stewed pork broth.
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【 江戶川鰻魚飯餐廳 】
江戶川鰻魚飯位於中山捷運站附近, 是日本的海外台灣分店, 價格算是合理.
Edogawa Eel Rice Restaurant Taipei Branch is near Zhongshan District. It is a oversea branch. The price is quite reasonable.
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【 和牛 47 】
和牛47 位於南山微風 47 樓, 可近距離看到台北 101, 結合和牛燒烤與懷石料理, 有專業侍酒師.
Wagyu 47 Restaurant is located at Breeze Nanshan 47th floor. The guest can see the Taipei 101 in close view. It also has professional sommelier.
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光の越後位於介於中山捷運站和雙連站的日本餐廳. 除了日本家常料理之外, 日本籍阿光師也將咖啡與甜點放進菜單, 氛圍比較像日本小酒館, 因為也有提供酒精飲料.
Hikarunoechigo Japanese Restaurant is one of the Japanese restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station. Besides classic Japanese cuisine, the Japanese chef also puts the coffee and dessert into the menu. The dining environment is a bit like Japanese bistro since they also offer alcohols.
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【 大河屋 】
大河屋位於微風南山5樓, 除了丼飯外也有串燒, 裝潢有日式居酒屋的感覺, 味噌湯和茶是All-you-can-drink, 這篇食記是關於揚烤星鰻丼飯套餐, 醬汁並不是普通的蒲燒醬.
Taigaya Japanese Restaurant is one of the Breeze Nanshan 5th floor Restaurants. Besides Rice bowl (aka Don), it also has grilled items. Miso soup and Tea are all-you-can-drink. This review is regarding their eel rice bowl. The sauce is uncommon but tasty.
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【 台北霸嗎拉麵 】
來自日本的霸嗎拉麵位於微風南山5樓, 採現場候位方式, 用餐時間排隊人潮不斷, 雖然是百貨公司裡的拉麵餐廳, 但意外地表現出色, 請注意霸嗎拉麵著名的是豚骨湯頭, 若無法接受濃郁且稍微油膩豚骨湯頭的人, 請勿嘗試, 這篇食記是關於炙燒豚肉味玉拉麵.霸嗎拉麵是我會推薦的信義區濃郁豚骨系拉麵.
Taipei Bari-Uma Ramen is originated from Hiroshima, Japan. It is located at Breeze Nanshan 5th Floor. The customers would need to line up to dine. Even though Bari-Uma Ramen is a department store restaurant, it tastes unexpectedly better. However, if you do not like thick and mild-oily pork broth, please do not try. This review is regarding the Ramen with thick sliced pork & egg. I would consider Bari-Uma Rumen as the recommended thick pork broth ramen at Xinyi District.
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