WINE-derful 酒窖餐廳 》 台北民生東路餐酒館美食 | 多款葡萄酒搭美食首選

Last Updated on 2020-01-21 by Foodelicious

WINE-derful 葡萄酒餐廳台北可租專業酒窖的地方之一, 歸類於台北中山區適合辦品酒會或是部門聚會的餐廳. 這次榮幸地可品嘗到他們的料理與酒.
People can rent a wine cellar space at WINE-derful Restaurant in Taipei City. It is also suitable for trial wine taste event. I have the opportunity to try out their dishes and wines.

WINE-derful 菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


餐廳位於民生東路上, 從中山國中捷運站或是行天宮捷運站皆可步行抵達, 餐廳室外裝潢以葡萄產地為主題, 顯眼的石頭裝潢讓人放慢腳步, 尤其夜晚的霓虹燈招牌更受到往來車輛駕駛的矚目. WINE-derful 酒窖餐廳的一樓販售多款烘培產品, 葡萄酒牆更是高雅. 沿著樓梯到地下一樓用餐區, 先看到在酒吧旁的倒掛葡萄酒杯裝潢, B1 佔地頗大, 除了長桌區和小圓桌區外, 也有仿葡萄園區裝潢的半開放式包廂, 隱密封閉式包廂與 “ Duchamp Bistro” 一樣用布簾隔開, 也相對可拉開布簾組成可容納最少 30 人的大包廂.
The restaurant is located at Mingshen East Road. It is located in between Zhongshan Junior High School and Xiantian Temple MRT station. The stone decoration on the outside building attracts many bystanders. The neon light sign at night also get many drivers’ attentions. You can see a wine glass collection decoration after walking down the stairs. The dining area is enormous, includes small round tables, long tables..etc. There are also large private dining rooms with only curtains to separate each room, just like at “Duchamp Bistro”.



久仰 WINE-derful 葡萄酒餐廳的酒窖, 酒窖24 小時皆保持著 16 ~ 18度低溫, 濕度保持在 60 ~ 80 度左右, 溫濕控酒窖的專業程度相當高, 鵝卵石鋪滿酒窖走道, 頓時有種在國外酒窖的感覺. 這裡除了餐廳專屬酒款外, 客人則可租酒窖空間放置自己採購的酒款, 租酒窖空間的客人皆需自備鎖頭.
I have heard about WINE-derful’s professional wine cellar, which has the temperature control and humidity control. The temperature is kept in between 16 ~ 18C. The humidity control is about 60% ~ 80%. The most interesting part would be the pebbles on the path, which is similar with country side wine cellar in the winery. People can rent a space for their own wine collection, however, they would need to prepare their own locks.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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Summer Theme Set
Price: NTD $1600 + 10%
備註: 主廚套餐只限平日晚上,週末午餐, 週末晚餐提供
Remark: The Summer Theme Set is only provided on weekday night, weekend lunch and weekend dinner.




Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

一人一個佐餐麵包, 並不像其他西式餐廳 (例如 “La Mole Taipei” ) 提供 2 ~ 3 款麵包. 看似堅硬的外表, 麵包卻吃起來意外地酥, 將金黃色橙香奶油抹在麵包中央, 在享受柳橙般清新風味的同時, 才突然想起 WINE-derful 本身也是烘培坊, 難怪麵包相對地美味.
Unlike “La Mole Taipei”, everyone will get only one type of bread instead of many types. The appearance looks quite hard but it actually tastes very crispy. Spread the orange flavor butter in between, the taste is quite refreshing and full of tangerine flavor. Overall, it is very delicious and out of expectation.



Seared Scallop Honey Port Wine Reduction with Red Wine Poached Apple
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

原本應該是香煎鵝肝佐紅酒燉蘋果, 食材短缺而改成干貝. 北海道生食級干貝外層微焦, 切開後與 “小後苑 Backyard Jr. “ 的干貝一樣有軟嫩口感,我個人相當喜歡干貝的簡單海鮮風味, 沾上蘋果甜醬後則是稍微蓋住干貝的經典風味.  一旁小方塊白酒凍與淺綠色山葵讓擺盤更為精彩.
Due to the shortage of ingredients, seared Foie Gras changes to seared Scallop. The Hokkaido scallop is pan seared perfectly. The crispy appearance along with tender texture is as perfect as “Backyard Jr.”. Dipping the scallop into the sweet apple sauce would cover a bit of seafood flavor. The white wine jelly and green mustard sauce upgrades the plate display.



Watermelon Salad with Goat Cheese and Balsamic Reduction
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

多數人對沙拉的刻板印象就是生菜加番茄與醬之類, 很少以水果為主題, 西瓜是最適合代表夏天的水果, 有籽西瓜切塊整齊放置在黑盤上, 清爽的西瓜口感加上濃郁綿密的美國製羊奶起司, 原本以為不搭的組合卻不違和, 適量芝麻葉作為最後裝飾, 也同時中和了口中乳酪香氣, 這就是所謂的夏天沙拉代表作.
Most people think of salad as lettuce, tomato, and maybe salad dressing. There aren’t many chefs would consider fruit as the main character in a salad dish. Watermelon is the best summer fruit image. Wine-derful restaurant chef places watermelon cube on the black plate along with strong flavor goat cheese. I have to admit that it sounds like a strange combination, but it tastes well pairing together. The fair amount of arugula can balanced out the thick cheese flavor. It is overall a creative and delicious dish.



Green Pea with Crab Meat
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

店員端上仲夏般的青綠色濃湯, 與 “50/50 Cuisine Française” 的橘紅色湯色形呈強烈對比. 湯中央放著並不是想像中的紅白相間蟹肉, 而是稍做調味的微鹹蟹肉絲, 最妙的是那四點黑色的巴薩米克醋, 在碗豆湯的沙沙口感中可隱約感受到醋勁.
The green thick soup is exactly the opposite color of “50/50 Cuisine Française”’s orange thick soup. It is not the typical crab meat, which is red and white, in the middle of the bowl. The crab meats are flavored and a bit salty.



Herb Grilled Kavalan Pork Chop with Apple Confit, Roasted Potato, and Shallot Apple
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

與台北小巨蛋附近的 “Munchies Cafe” 一樣是採用葛瑪蘭豬排, 唯一不同是主廚將骨頭與肉分開以確保烹飪恰到好處, 光是視覺上, 豬排擺設就已是完美餐盤設計. 主廚並沒有將豬排肉預切, 因此可鎖住最完美的肉汁, 朋友協助切開豬排時, 油脂與粉嫩肉質造就最美好的口感,疊起的蘋果切片口感和甜度跟漬水蜜桃一樣脆與甜., 這款料理是我與朋友公認當天最美味, 相當推薦這一道料理.
Wine-derful restaurant uses the same ingredient as “Munchiese Cafe”, which is Kavalan Pork Chop. The only difference is that Wine-deful chef separates the bones and the meat. Gladly, the meat isn’t pre-cut. The juicy and tenderness are all locked inside the meat, which makes this dish very delicious. The sliced apple is as sweet and crispy as the peach. My friend and I consider this dish as the dish of the day. I strongly recommend this dish.


美國 Prime 肋眼牛排佐鯷魚香料醬

Rib Eye Steak with Anchovy Herb Butter, Truffle Mashed Potato, Cream of Spinach
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這道料理除了主角牛排外, 也有奶油菠菜. 鑄鐵平底鍋保溫讓奶油菠菜口感不會過膩. 10oz 美國牛排與 “am Daily 餐廳“的牛排是一樣厚度, 而不是像“A CUT Steakhouse” 的厚牛排. 因為是放置在熱盤上, 主廚建議牛排五分熟, 切開後入口, 有些部位油脂不多, 並沒有想像地嫩, 可搭配上方的鯷魚香料奶油醬, 除了特殊香氣外, 也同時增加了圓潤口感, 我跟朋友相當愛這道菜餚的馬鈴薯泥, 稍用松露調味, 不再是單一澱粉味.
Besides the steak, this dish also has Creamy Spinach. The temperature of the iron pot keeps the spinach less oily. The 10 oz US steak is as thin as “am Daily Restaurant”, and not as large as the steak at “A CUT Steakhouse”. The chef suggests medium-rare since it is placed on the hot plate. The fats are not evenly spread, which is normal. It would be better to pair with the anchovy herb butter on the top while eating the slim meat.  The truffle mashed potato also increases the creamy taste of the steak.



English Name: Dessert and Drink
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

當日甜點是麵包布丁 (Bread Pudding), 我鮮少在餐廳看到麵包布丁甜點, 我猜是因為賣相較為樸素, 但是 WINE-derful 主廚將 Bread Pudding 重新包裝, 淺色方正甜點放置在白盤上, 淺綠色青蘋果與哈密瓜切片作為裝飾, 扎實的白色奶油讓我一度認為是蛋白霜 .麵包布丁吃起來跟磅蛋糕口感相似, 裡面的經典蘋果果乾帶給甜點經典的甜度, 也有不同口感. 飲料部分則是只有常見的紅茶與咖啡選項.
The dessert is bread pudding. I couldn’t recall any restaurant consider bread pudding as dessert. The main reason might be  the appearance. But, the chef does a make-over on the appearance. Small cubes of bread pudding are placed differently with sliced green apple and honeydew as decoration. I was mistaken the firm cream as Meringue. The bread pudding tastes like pound cake, which is buttery. The dried apple inside brings more sweets and different texture to this particular dessert. The drink options are only black tea or coffee.



McManis Chardonnay, USA 2016
ABV: 13.5%
Price: $250/glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

此款白酒是餐廳推薦來搭配干貝, 此款來自美國的夏多內白酒以西洋梨風味最為明顯, 經典鳳梨風味在入口後察覺到, 礦物質風味加以點綴,酸度多過於甜度, 酒體屬於中度飽滿型, 單喝較不適合愛喝甜白酒的人.
This particular USA Chardonnay is meant to pair with the scallops. The pear flavor is strong among others. The tastebuds can also sense the pineapple flavor with hints of mineral. There are more acidity than sweetness. The wine body is medium. However, this wine is not suitable for people who only drink sweet white wine.



Cantine Leonardo Da Vinci Chianti DOCG, Italy 2014
ABV: 13%
Price: $250/glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這款來自義大利紅酒是 Merlot (10% ) 與 Sangiovese (90%) 混調, 餐廳推薦此款紅酒搭配牛排與豬排. 充沛莓果香在尚未入口即可嗅覺到, 紅寶石般酒體適中, 酸度高刺激味蕾, 單寧相對稍微柔和, 尾韻強, 建議搭餐會較適合, 不太適合初飲者單喝.
This wine is blended with 10% Merlot and 90% Sangiovese. The restaurant recommend this wine to pair with steak and the Kavalan pork chop. The berry aroma is sensed strongly. The ruby color wine body is medium. The acidity is higher but the tennis is a bit tender. The flavor last longer than expected.



Le Chat Noir Pinot Noir, France 2016
Price: $250/glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

酒標也是影響客人點酒的選項之一, 尤其是少數女生. 神秘全黑酒瓶上有著討喜的黑貓酒標, 來自法國的血紅色黑皮諾酒有濃烈黑莓氣味, 辛香料風味也很明顯, 溫和單寧但酸度偏高, 也是一款對初飲者較不適合的人.
The wine label is also essential factor for wine selection, especially for some females. The black cat wine label are at the dark black bottle. The dark bloody color of the wine has strong black berries flavor. The spices flavor is also obvious. Tender tannin but with high acidity is not suitable for first-time drinker.


延伸閱讀: 台北公司部門聚餐餐廳推薦 》Company Dining Restaurants Guide

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♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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店名: WINE-derful葡萄酒主題餐廳
地址: 台北市中山區民生東路三段27號 (MAP)
捷運: 中山國中捷運站或行天宮捷運站
營業時間: 以臉書為主
Restaurant Name: WINE-derful Restaurant
Address: No. 27, 3rd Section, Mingshen East Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station or Xingtian Temple MRT station
Tel: 02-2518-2122
Operation Hour: Check Facebook

MENU Link:

Summer Theme Set Menu




