Verde Taipei 》2019 米其林餐盤餐廳之蔬食饗宴
Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious
(2019.11 已結束營業) Verde Taipei 是2019 米其林餐盤餐廳之一, 也是少數有 Fine Dining 等級的台北素食餐廳.
(2019. 11 Closed ) Verde Taipei is one of the 2019 Michelin Plate restaurants. It is one of a few Fine Dining Vegetarian Restaurants at Taipei City.
文末有 Verde 當天客座菜單和平常菜單. Both Guest Chef Menu and Regular Menu are at the end of article
Verde Taipei 餐廳交通
Verde Taipei Traffic
Verde 餐廳最靠近國父紀念館捷運站二號出口, 位於仁愛路四段與延吉街路口, 附近停車場只有地下停車場和路邊停車. 建議搭 Taxi 或是大眾運輸工具. Verde Taipei 跟 “WINE-derful 酒窖餐廳”一樣用餐區位於地下一樓, 行動不方便者若要坐電梯, 需要先與餐廳聯絡, 店員會帶客人至大樓電梯搭乘. 其他客人可以直接走樓梯至地下一樓. 地下一樓裝潢綠色搭配沈穩藍灰褐色, Verde 餐廳有一間隱密大包廂, 適合家庭聚餐, 另一間則是開放式小包廂,
The closest MRT station would be SYS Memorial Hall Exit 2. Verde restaurant is located at the crossway of Renai Road and Yinji Road. Same as “WINE-derful Restaurant“, Verde Taipei is located at B1. If you wish to take the building elevator, you would need to tell the restaurant prior arriving. Others can just walk down the stairs to arrive the restaurant. The green color, blue, gray, brown are four main interior design colors. There is one large private dining room and one half-opened dining room. It is suitable for family gathering.
延伸閱讀: WINE-derful 酒窖餐廳 》 台北民生東路餐酒館美食 | 多款葡萄酒搭美食首選
關於 Verde 時尚蔬食餐廳
About Verde Taipei
網路上關於 Verde 時尚蔬食餐廳資訊幾乎都是 Verde 餐廳是中華賓士集團董事長開的, 我個人覺得那不是重點, 老饕們在乎的是廚師團隊. Verde 餐廳顧問是 “隱丹廚”主廚/老闆 Daniel Negreira, 與經驗豐富的 Vincent 主廚搭檔, Verde 時尚蔬食餐廳也有自己的甜點主廚. Verde酒單酒款相當多, 而且是以最近流行的自然酒為主, 也有不定期的客座活動. 這次很榮幸受邀參加法籍米其林二星名廚 William Mahi 客座的7/19 ~ 7/20 六手蔬菜聯彈餐宴.
Most news regarding Verde restaurant is the owner, who is the CEO of sole distributor of Benz Group. However, the customers care more about the chef team. Daniel Negreira, owner/chef of “Hidden by DN”, is the restaurant consultant. As Chef Daniel’s partner, Chef Vincent is also quite experienced. Verde restaurant has their own pastry chef. The wine list is long and dominates by Natural Wines. I was invited to 7/19 ~ 7/20 Guest Chef William Mahi’s event.
♛ 2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List
延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)
7/19 ~ 7/20 Verde六手蔬菜聯彈餐宴 – 晚餐
7/19 ~ 7/20 Verde Guest Chef Dinner Set
Price: NTD $2688/person
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
麵包 & 奶油
Bread & Butter
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
每一家餐廳都應該要有一個讓人印象深刻且四季都在菜單上的料理, 如果 “Logy” 讓人記憶深刻的是牛澄清湯茶碗蒸, 那 Verde 則是胡蘿蔔抹醬. 迷你造型十分討喜. 我原本以為這款抹醬會有濃郁胡蘿蔔味道, 實際上吃起來奶油風味比重較高, 非常適合搭配麵包.
Every restaurant should have its signature dish and on the menu regularly. If “Logy”’s signature dish is steamed egg with beef broth, Verde signature dish would be the butter with mini carrot shape and flavor. There are more butter flavor than the carrot flavor. It pairs great with the bread.
延伸閱讀: Logy Taipei 》台北米其林一星 logy 餐廳美食
Verde 小點
Amuse Bouche
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
與 “168 牛排館” 一樣皆有三款小點. 最左邊的炙燒起司與微甜芒果意外地搭配無違和 ,芒果甜味比起司風味多一些. 置中看似單一小番茄造型其實是六種不同品種蕃茄製作而成, 咬的時候多汁程度會讓人錯認這只是一顆小番茄.
There are three mini appetizers, just like at “168 Steak House”. On the left side, it is the grilled cheese and mango. Hints of sweet fruity flavor pairs quite well with the cheese. As in the middle, the mini tomato has 6 different types of juicy tomatoes.
延伸閱讀: 168 Steak House Taipei New Chapter 》168 牛排館 2019 新主廚新菜單
60 Elements
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
Verde 廚師團隊將小黃瓜和寒天結合成為如同果凍般的表層, 各種不同的蔬食 (例如蘆筍,白花椰菜與其他台灣蔬果) 不經意地置放於每個角落, 對我來說, 這道菜餚可以說是設計感十足的創意沙拉.
Verde combines Kanten and cucumbers together to make the jelly appearance. Each different type of vegetables , such as asparagus, white cauliflower, and other vegetables, are spread at this dish. To me, this is more like a creative salad dish.
西班牙傳統烤蔬菜與 “鯷魚”
Escalibada with “Anchovies”
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
Verde 餐飲顧問為“隱丹廚”主廚/老闆 Daniel Negreira, 果然不負眾望有西班牙主廚西班牙風格的傳統烤蔬菜 (Escalibada) 在這次菜單. 小洋蔥內有烤茄子, 甜椒和洋蔥, 我個人蠻喜歡這道料理的風味, 突破素食就是清淡的刻板印象. 也許是因為 Verde 餐廳定位是 Fine Dining, 菜餚造型非常具有時尚感, 一旁的擬鯷魚則是茄子薄片浸泡在橄欖油裡, 如同真的油漬鯷魚罐頭.
Since the consultant is the owner of “Hidden by DN”, the Spanish cuisine is on the menu as expected. Escalibada, which is a traditional Spanish cuisine, has grilled eggplants, bell pepper and onions. This dish successfully states that Vegetarian cuisine doesn’t have to be light all the time. Since Verde is categorized as Fine Dining, the image of this dish is more fashionable. The canned anchovies are actually eggplants soaked into the olive oil.
延伸閱讀: Hidden by DN 隱丹廚 》 信義安和捷運站美食推薦 | Taipei Spanish Restaurant
A simple, but not that simple avocado
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
酪梨在台灣西餐西式料理通常都是配角部分, 例如 “Sprout 初芽”的LGBT三明治裡的適量酪梨醬, 或是 “EGGY 什麼是蛋澳式早午餐” 鮭魚酪梨醬歐姆蛋上的一抹酪梨醬. 很少像 Verde 餐廳將酪梨直接升級為主角. 台南酪梨醬填滿手指酪梨外殼, 挖起醬放入口裡, 原本以為只是普通新鮮酪梨醬, 但是味蕾明顯可以察覺到小茴香的辛香刺激感, 最特別的是 Verde 將橄欖油作成像魚卵的感覺, 整體不但具有創意也相當美味. 這是我當天No. 2 喜歡的菜餚.
Avocado is usually not a major ingredient in a dish at Taiwan Western Cuisine restaurants, such as “Sprout” avocado sauce at LGBT sandwiches and “Eggy Brunch” ‘ s salmon omelet avocado sauce. However, Verde uses avocado from Taiwan as the main ingredient in this dish. The cumin offers hints of stimulation to the tastebuds. The other interesting thing is that Verde uses olive oil to make into the shape of roe. This dish is beautiful and delicious at the same time. This is my No.2 dish of the day.
延伸閱讀: Sprout 初芽 》 天母新光三越週邊美食推薦 | Tianmu Sandwiches
延伸閱讀: EGGY 什麼是蛋澳式早午餐 》台北民生社區早午餐 | Taipei Brunch
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
皇宮菜 (Ceylon Spinach) 包覆著用菇類內餡, 放置到少量絲瓜湯裡, 雖然是絲瓜湯, 但並不是像 “The Ukai Taipei” 一樣的清爽絲瓜湯, 因為有羅勒油的加持, 絲瓜湯口感偏濃, 但整體吃下來還是以菇類風味為主.
The chef uses Ceylon Spinach as a wrap. The filling is made with various mushrooms. The finished dish is placed on the top of the loofa soup. Because of the basil oil, the loofa soup is not as refreshing as the loofa soup at “The Ukai Taipei”. This dish is dominated by mushroom flavor.
延伸閱讀: The Ukai Taipei 》在微風南山 46 樓美食餐廳品嚐日式割烹料理
Mushroom Tartare
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這道3D立體造型大概是我那天吃到覺得最有創意造型的菜餚, 內餡是多種菇類 – 野菇, 牛肝菌, 黑松露 – 製成, 吃起來比上一道綠意內餡更加濃郁, 再用菠菜包覆著像壽桃般, 用油封菇和帕瑪森起司作為裝飾讓這道料理充滿菇意.
This dish visual image is the most creative dish of the day. The filling is made with mushroom,porcini and black truffles. The spinach wrapped the filling together tightly. The chef uses mini mushroom confit and parmesan cheese as decoration as well. The mushroom flavor is stronger than the previous dish.
Aromatic Pumpkin Rice Noodle
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這道料理有兩層, 最上方是炸米粉, 口感如同 “ T+ T 餐酒館” 的麵線般酥脆, 炒米粉搭配黃澄澄的南瓜泥帶有些甜香, 蠻難得在西式餐廳吃到具有台式家鄉味的南瓜炒米粉.
There are two layers. The top layer would be the fried rice noodle. The texture is similar with the rice noodle that I tasted at “T+T Bistro”. As for the stir-fried rice noodle, it is a bit sweet because of the pumpkin sauce at the bottom. It is interesting to eat a traditional Taiwanese cuisine at a Western Cuisine restaurant.
延伸閱讀: T+T 餐酒館 》台北餐酒館推薦 | Taipei Bistro Recommendation
52 度放牧雞蛋
The 52 Degree Egg
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這道是客座主廚 William Mahi 餐廳的招牌料理. 店員採用 Table Service 小心翼翼地將溫泉蛋放到馬鈴薯慕斯上, 文末影片有更多細節. 獨特夏季黑松露香氣與綿密馬鈴薯慕斯澱粉香, 再搭配半熟蛋, 完全一拍即合. 這款是我當天最喜歡的料理.
This dis is one of the signature dishes at Guest Chef William Mahi’s restaurant. The staff offers table service to place the half-boiled egg at the middle of the potato mousse along with sliced black truffles. There are more details at the video down below. The unique black truffle aroma pairs quite well with the starch flavor from the potato mousse. The half-egg is considered a surprising element at this dish. This is my No.1 Dish of the day.
Truffle Ravioli
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
若喜歡吃香菇的人應該會很喜歡 Verde 餐廳的料理,牛肝菌泡泡搭配黑松露內餡 , 這道也是充滿經典菇類風味.
If you like mushroom, you would like the dishes at Verde Restaurant. Along with the porcini foam, the ravioli filling is black truffle, which has the classic mushroom flavor.
Candied Skewer, “As on a Night Market”
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
一串意想不到的糖葫蘆呈現在眼前, 我從小到大都沒吃過糖葫蘆, 沒想到這次在Verde 餐廳吃到. Verde 餐廳做了一些變化, 除了金箔外, 內餡則是有馬告鳳梨, 馬告雖然有點突兀, 鳳梨香氣與番茄酸度結合在一起相當有趣.
It was surprising to see candied skewer at Verde Restaurant. I am a Taiwanese and I never try the candied skewer. Verde restaurant upgrades this snack with golden foils. The filling has makauy with pineapple. The acidity from the tomato and pineapple fruity flavor is a interesting combination.
咖啡, 百里香, 檸檬
Coffee, Thyme & Lemon
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
Verde 餐廳有自己的甜點師傅, 迷你咖啡凍置中, 一款是濃郁咖啡冰淇淋, 另一款是清新檸檬冰淇淋. 這款甜點很適合在夏天品嚐.
Verde restaurant has its own pastry chef. One is coffee ice cream, and the other one is refreshing ice cream. It is perfect for summer.
Black Bean Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
不同於其他西式餐廳, Verde 提供的飲料品項內有養生黑豆茶, 非常特別.
Different from other Western cuisine, Verde offers healthy black bean tea.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
♛ About Me | Front Page
餐廳: Verde Taipei
地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路四段401號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站
電話: 02-2775-1011
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Restaurant: Verde Taipei
Address: No. 401, 4th Section, Ren-ai Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2775-1011
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm
客座菜單 》Guest Chef Menu
平常菜單 》Regular Menu