UCC 敦南 SOGO 》在台北東區享受咖啡早午餐和下午茶

Last Updated on 2021-09-03 by Foodelicious

(2021. 9 更新) UCC 咖啡敦南 SOGO 分店全名是 COFFEE LOVER’s PLANET, 這一家UCC 海外旗艦店也是我的台北大安區單品咖啡店推薦之一.
(2021. 9 Update) UCC Coffee Shop’s whole name is “COFFEE LOVER’s PLANET”. UCC Dunnan SOGO branch is the oversea flagship coffee shop.


UCC 敦南菜單連結 在文末 UCC Menu Link is at the end of article

延伸閱讀: 台北咖啡推薦 (分區) 》 Taipei Coffee Recommendation


UCC 敦南店 交通

UCC Dunnan Traffic

UCC 咖啡店位於敦南 SOGO 地下一樓, 可從忠孝復興捷運12號出口往敦南 SOGO 側門走, 非百貨公司營業時間可從側門旁的階梯到地下一樓, UCC 咖啡店在 “Sarabeth 敦南店“ 旁邊. 若是開車, 敦南 SOGO 停車場於早上 8 點開放, 讓想吃早午餐的人來說相當方便.
UCC Coffee Shop is located at the B1 of Dunnan SOGO Department store. The nearest exit would be No. 12 of Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station. You can enter the coffee shop from the side door of the department stores. UCC Coffee shop is located next to “Sarabeth Dunnan Branch”. If looking for parking space, the department store parking lot is opened from 8am in the morning.



關於 UCC 敦南店

About UCC Dunnan

UCC 集團旗下的 COFFEE LOVER’s PLANET 有兩家, 分別在 敦南 SOGO 百貨公司和新竹SOGO 百貨, 敦南店有著比 “在欉紅 ( Red on Tree ) “更挑高的空間, 展示空間有許多咖啡豆與販售咖啡器具, 也有專業人士講解咖啡以便挑選想要喝的咖啡. 咖啡店中島則放置虹吸, 手沖, 法式瀘壓壺, 冰滴, 義大利濃縮咖啡機, 模擬機器手沖和氣泡飲. 很久以前有到 UCC 敦南 SOGO 店, 當時對單品咖啡不是很了解, 那時一訪只點了簡單的義式拿鐵, 這次去實踐大學上咖啡課, 課程內容包括拜訪這家 UCC Cafe.
There are two COFFEE LOVER’s PLANET in Taiwan. One is at Dunnan SOGO department store, and the other one is at Hsinchu SOGO Department Store. As the UCC Flagship store, it has higher ceiling than “Red on Tree”. There are many different coffee beans from different origins. The staffs are also friendly and professional. They would introduce the coffee beans and assist you to select coffee. There are seven types of brewing coffee methods – DRIPMASTER、ESPRESSO、SIPHON、POUROVER、FRENCHPRESS、WATERDRIP、COLDBREW. When I first visited this coffees shop long time ago, I only ordered Latte. However, since this is parts of the Shih Chien University coffee class.


降級後 UCC 敦南店內用

Coffee Lover’s Planet Dine-In after Level 3

There is social distancing and Partition.


Coffee Lover’s Planet 咖啡

Coffee Lover’s Planet Coffee

SMILE 咖啡六選 (Ice)

6 Types of Ice Brewed Coffee (Ice)
Price: NTD $320/6 units
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

冰釀咖啡六選包括最知名的巴拿馬翡翠莊園 (藝妓), 瓜地馬拉碧雅莊園, 衣索比亞耶加雪夫, 哥斯大黎加特雷斯里奧斯曲捷豹, 巴西聖塔露西亞莊園, 印度尼西亞黃金曼特寧. 店員已將每款有獨特風味的咖啡擺好在預定的位置, 就跟 “金色三麥精釀啤酒吧 SUNMAI BAR”的 Beer Flight Set 一樣排好, 比較特別的是 UCC 將咖啡簡短介紹印在紙上, 建議照順序從左喝到右, 將巴拿馬翡翠莊園 (藝妓)留到最後喝. 通常市面上的台北咖啡店 (例如: “Tzubi Coffee”) 都是只有熱沖單一單品咖啡, UCC 賣的則是六款單品冰咖啡, 光是這一點我就覺得很值得點, 較適合兩人分享.
There are six single origin of coffee beans – Brazil Santa Lucia, Guatemala Finca La Bella, Indonesia Golden Mandheling, Costa Rica Tre Rios Jaguar Reserve, Ethiopia Yirgachefe G1 Idido, and Panama Esmeralda Estate (Geisha) . Each coffee is placed in order just like “Sunmai Bar” Beef Flight Set. The most interesting part would be that UCC cafe print the coffee character on the paper. I would suggest to drink the Geisha at the end. I would suggest people order this coffee set since most Taipei Coffee Shops (such as “Tzubi Coffee” ) only offer one type of single origin hot coffee.

延伸閱讀: 台北東區忠孝敦化捷運站咖啡店 》 Tzubi Coffee

延伸閱讀: SUNMAI BAR 》金色三麥精釀啤酒吧 | 下班後的品酌小確辛


肯亞 AA 單品咖啡 (Ice)

Kenya AA Single Origin Ice Coffee (Ice)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我認為 UCC 咖啡店最適合初學單品咖啡者, 因為木盤上除了會有已煮好的咖啡外, 也會附上剛磨好的咖啡粉, 再附上一張紙卡敘述肯亞AA咖啡的特色, 由於咖啡溫度偏低, 唯獨黑醋栗風味較為明顯.
UCC Coffee shop is suitable for people who start learning about single origin coffee. Besides the coffee on the plate, they also place the coffee powder and an introduction card of coffee beans. As this Kenya AA, it has fair amount of black currant flavor.


瓜地馬拉碧雅莊園單品咖啡 (熱)

Guatemala (Finca la Bella) Single Origin Hot Coffee (Hot)
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這款咖啡比較適合慢慢品嚐, 少許水果風味被存在感強烈的咖啡酸度蓋過, 但有時反而是水果風味蓋住酸度, 整體相當有特色.
This coffee is suitable for drinking slowly. Sometimes, the acidity would cover small amount of the fruity flavor. Sometimes, it is another way around. This coffee has quite an interesting character.


果實咖啡 (熱)

Fruits Blend Coffee (Hot)
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這是一款由混合咖啡豆組合而成, 包括衣索比亞和宏都拉斯咖啡豆, 我必須承認有強烈莓果香氣得咖啡並不是我的首選, 恰巧這款咖啡就是覆盆子風味居多.
This coffee is combined with mixed coffee beans, which includes Ethiopia and
Honduras coffee beans. I would admit that strong berry flavor is not my top choice. And this Fruits blend coffee has fair amount of raspberry flavor.


印尼黃金曼特寧 (熱)

Indonesia Gold Mandheling
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這應該算是 Coffee Lover’s Planet 最基本的美式咖啡, 這次是點輕食而贈送的美式咖啡. 我個人覺得以附贈標準是不錯喝, 可是如果是照平常價格, 我個人會建議點平常喝不太到的精品咖啡.
This is the basic coffee in Coffee Lover’s Planet. This time, this coffee is free if ordering their light food.  It tastes quite good if it is promotion. However, if the price is regular price, I would suggest to order something else.


拿鐵 (熱)

Latte (Hot)
Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: N/A

My friend ordered this coffee.

Coffee Lover’s Planet 輕食


Prosciutto di Parma, Mozzarella Cheese and Couscous Pascade
Price: NTD $300
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這款輕食的全名是生火腿莫札瑞拉起司併北非小米帕斯卡德 ,  整體還算表現平平, 我個人覺得以 NTD $300 來說, 份量偏少, 建議到 Coffee Lover’s Planet 還是不要點輕食吧
Overall, the taste is average. With the price of NTD $300, the quantity is less than expected. I would suggest not to eat light food here.


Price: N/A
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

當天拜訪 UCC Cafe 是實踐大學咖啡課程內容之一, 因此店家做成像外燴一樣將三明治放置於桌上像 Buffet 一樣任客人拿, 吃的時候水分多的酪梨已滲透三明治導致有軟爛口感, 比較可惜.
Since this visit is parts of coffee class, UCC cafes prepare the sandwiches as catering. However, the avocado sandwiches tastes a bit soggy.


Coffee Lover’s Planet Short Video





Coffee Lover’s Planet 資訊

餐廳: UCC Cafe 敦南 SOGO 店
地址: 台北市大安區敦化南路一段246號 B1 (敦南 SOGO) (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站 & 忠孝復興捷運站
電話: 02-2752-4157
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Restaurant: UCC Cafe SOGO Dunnan Branch
Address: B1, No. 246, 1st Section, Dunnan South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Dunhua & Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station
Tel: 02-2752-4157
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm


UCC Taipei Menu 》

Menu Link: https://www.coffee-lovers-planet.com.tw/menu.html
