台北大安區義大利麵餐廳 》Truffles Living | 推薦給鍾愛古董傢俱裝潢的人
Last Updated on 2018-08-30 by Foodelicious
舒服生活 (Truffles Living) 是台北信義安和捷運站餐廳之一, 與新開幕舒服氣息 (Truffles Aroma) 是姐妹店, 屬於古董傢俱裝潢複合餐廳, 同時也全天候提供餐點, 咖啡與調酒.
Truffles Living is one of the restaurants near Xinyi Anhe MRT station. It is related with the newly-opened restaurant – Truffles Aroma. Its antique design is done of the selling points of this restaurant. Also, Truffles Living offers foods, coffees, and cocktails all day.
舒服生活 (Truffles Living) 菜單在文末 Truffles Living Menu is at the end of the article
Truffles Living 餐廳和 “星高湯廚房” 皆位於信義安和捷運站附近的文昌街, 從餐廳外觀看來是低調傢俱行, 餐廳內部則是復古裝潢搭配著古董傢俱的用餐環境, 地下一樓有更多古董擺設, 我將這家複合式餐廳繞了一圈, 發現除了有大人系的酒吧外, 也有少女系的乾燥花裝潢, 讓我更為驚訝的是一人座牆邊居然有插座, 感覺設計類似 “Peekaboo Coffee 彼咖舖咖啡”, 詢問之下, 發現 Truffles Living 餐廳也是一家不限時咖啡店.
Truffles Living Restaurant is located near “Soupstar The Kitchen” at Wenchang Street. From the outdoor, you would think that it is a low profile furniture store. However, its indoor design is quite surprising. The first floor dining environment and B1 are surrounded by antique. After walking around the restaurant, I discovered the bar and dried flower. The most surprising part would be the wall sockets near the 1-person seat. This type of particular design is similar with “Peekaboo Coffee “. Truffles Living turns out to be one of the coffee shop with unlimited time policy.
松露牛肝菌義大利麵 (限量)
Porcini & Truffle Pasta
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
菜單上提到飯麵餐點均附可樂一杯, 亦可折抵飲品30元 (不含酒精與精品咖啡). 難免看到限量兩個字就想點, 於是我點了松露牛肝菌義大利麵. 粉色花瓣圍繞著餐盤, 主廚將巴薩米克醋當作裝飾畫在料理上, 再以亮黑松露醬作為最後點綴, 擺盤相當的女性化.
The menu stated that one coke drink comes with the main course. If ordering other drinks instead, you can get only NTD $30 discount. I ordered the limited quantity dish – Porcini & Truffle Pasta. The pink petals are placed around the plate. The chef uses Balsamic sauce as decoration to draw on this cuisine. At the end, the black truffle sauce is placed on the top. The overall impression of this dish is quite feminine.
Truffles Living 這道料理本身並沒有多餘的醬汁, 義大利麵煮得並不軟爛, 麵的口感算是不錯. 細看之下, 配料裡有其他新鮮菇類和小玉米筍, 一口是軟嫩口感, 另一口是清脆口感. 可惜的是身為主角的乾燥牛肝菌相當硬, 以 NTD $380 的價格, 我知道不可能要求天母 “IL MERCATO TAIPEI“義大利進口牛肝菌切片的等級, 但是連吃幾片牛肝菌皆是過硬, 較為可惜. 至於飲料部份, 店家則是提供玻璃瓶裝可樂.
This dish doesn’t have extra sauce. And the pasta texture is right on the spot. There are also baby corns and other fresh mushrooms as well. However, the dried Porcini’s texture is very hard. I know that with NTD $380, you can not ask for “IL MERCATO” tender texture Italian imported Porcini. But sadly, almost every bite of the Porcini is difficult to chew. As for the drink, the restaurant offers glass bottle coke.
Brown Sugar Latte
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
菜單上除了有普通咖啡和手沖咖啡外, 也有調酒, 葡萄酒和威士忌, 可以說相當豐富的飲料Menu. Truffles Living 的黑糖拿鐵微甜, 咖啡香氣較弱, 整體喝起來中規中矩, 我心目中的第一名黑糖咖啡依舊是松江南京的”貝拉卡咖啡”. 至於價格方面, 店家考量應該是翻桌率低, 因此這杯咖啡的價格才會高達 NTD $200.
Besides regular coffee and pour-over coffee, Truffle Livings also offer cocktail, wine and whiskey. Its brown sugar latte is average with hints of sweet and weak coffee aroma. My No. 1 Brown Sugar Latte is still “Beraka Coffee”. The coffee price is higher than expected though.
延伸閱讀: 貝拉卡咖啡 》松江南京捷運站咖啡店 | Beraka Coffee
店名: 舒服生活 (Truffles Living)
地址: 台北市大安區文昌街66號 (Map)
捷運: 信義安和捷運站
營業時間: 以臉書為主
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrufflesLiving/
Restaurant Name: Truffles Living Restaurant
Address: No.66,Wenchang Street, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Xinyi Anhe MRT Station
Tel: 02-2708-8961
Operation Hour: Check Facebook
MENU LINK: https://www.facebook.com/TrufflesLiving/menu/