TERRA 土然巧克力專門店 》 享用來自各國產區 Bean To Bar 的巧克力饗宴

Last Updated on 2021-04-26 by Foodelicious

觀察 2021 新開幕 Terra 土然巧克力專門店菜單, 發現這家並不是單純的台北溫州街下午茶餐廳, 而是店家藉由可可風味飲料與甜點來推廣巧克力 Bean to Bar 的概念.
After checking Terra Bean to Bar Chocolate menu, you would realize this is not a simple afternoon tea place at Taipei City. The store promotes Bean to Bar concept with chocolate beverages and desserts.


Terra 土然巧克力專門店 菜單 在文末 》Terra Bean to Bar Menu is at the end of Article

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Terra 土然巧克力專門店 訂位 & 低消

Terra Bean to Bar Reservation & Minimum Charge

目前 Terra 土然巧克力專門店不提供訂位, 但是可以先打電話預留甜點, 方式與 “Two Months Per Year “ 有些類似. Terra 土然巧克力專門店位於溫州街, 從台電大樓捷運站與大安森林公園捷運站走約 15 分鐘都可以抵達, 我則是先到永康商圈吃午餐.店面有室內座位也有戶外座位. 與店家私訊時有提到, 如果店裡太多人在候位, 用餐時間限時 90 分鐘. 低消則是一杯飲料/人.
Now Terra Bean to Bar store does not accept reservation. But, you can call to reserve desserts. This method is similar with “Two Months Per Year”. The store is located at Wenzhou Street. You can walk about 15 minutes from two MRT Stations – Tai power building and Da’an Park. I basically eat lunch at Yongkang restaurants. The store has indoor seats and outdoor seats. If there are too many people lining up, the limited dining time would be 90 minutes. The minimum charge is one drink/person.

延伸閱讀: 東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包 》 Dongmen Station & Yongkang Restaurants Guide

延伸閱讀: Two Months Per Year 》計畫 N 訪具有藝術美感的台北甜點蛋糕推薦


Bean to Bar 概念

Bean to Bar Concept

Terra 土然巧克力專門店是九日風老闆 Danny 新開幕的店面, 這次是要推廣巧克力 Bean to Bar 概念, 與 大稻埕 “COFE “ 想推廣的概念相似. 以白話文的方式來解釋, Bean to Bar 其實是一個製作過程, 可可豆 ( Cocoa Bean ) 是食材, 來自世界各地的巧克力產區,, 經過烘焙, 調溫到入模, 全程由台灣工廠做成巧克力片 ( Chocolate Bar ). Terra 土然巧克力專門店展示架旁置放培養皿, 讓客人試吃來自不同產區的巧克力. 我必須說, Terra 土然巧克力專門店就像巧克力博物館, 絕對是饕客會喜愛的一家店.
Terra store promotes Bean to Bar concept, which is similar with “COFE” store. Bean to Bar is actually a manufacturing process. Cocoa Bean is the ingredient, which is originated from world-wide. Taiwan factory is in charge with roasting, adjusting and molding the chocolate. Terra store places the trial-taste chocolate near the display. I have to say that Terra store is like a chocolate museum, which is worth visiting for foodies.


Terra 土然巧克力專門店 飲料

Terra Bean To Bar Beverage


Ice Cocoa Drink
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我只吃過氮氣馬鈴薯 ( 在 “非瓶餐酒館 ”), 這次在Terra 土然巧克力專門店喝到地則是冰氮氣巧克力, 每日有不同國別的巧克力可選擇, 這次我是選台灣巧克力, 這款飲料是用 on tap 機器, 有經過氮氣, 喝起來很滑順, 並不會有巧克力細顆粒, 整體以濃郁巧克力爲主, 有些許香料味, 重點是不會過甜, 並不是刻板印象裡的可可飲品.我個人推薦這款冰巧克力飲料.
I only tasted aerated potato at “Bottless Bistro”. This time at Terra store, I drank the ice aerated chocolate beverage. There are chocolates from different countries to select from. This time, I selected Taiwan chocolate. The drink comes from the on tap machine. With nitrogen process, the overall texture is smooth and silky. The thick chocolate dominates the flavor along with small amount of spices. The taste is not too sweet. This is not your typical Coco beverage.  I would definitely recommend this ice chocolate beverage.

延伸閱讀: Bottless 非瓶餐酒館 》無庸置疑是南京復興餐酒館推薦 (內含菜單)

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



Ice Cocoa Sparkling Drink
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

店員大致上解釋製作過程, 可可殼, 可可豆與可可肉冷泡水一個晚上, 再打進二氧化碳, 我上次喝 CO2 on tap 是在 “海倫咖啡 Helen Coffee”, 在櫃台看店員剛開始製作時, 發現氣泡似乎過於充沛且速度過快 (文末有影片), 實際可可飲品部分非常地少. 後來端上桌時, 氣泡呈現非常地少, 已經可以說是沒有, 到可以退貨的程度 (如圖二). 老實說, 我有些失望, 我本來期待可以像啤酒氣泡一樣地綿密, 整體喝起來微酸, 巧克力風味適量. 就喝一次嚐鮮ok. 後來老闆有解釋已經調整機器, 氣泡不會消失過快.
Last time I have sparkling drink with CO2 on tap was at “Helen Coffee”. I stood at the counter to watch. The sparkling/bubbles accelerates too fast from the tap with only small amount of beverage itself. After serving, I was disappointed with the tiny amount of bubbles/sparkling. I was expecting foam like beer foam?! The overall taste has small amount of acidity. There are only fair amount of chocolate flavor. I guess that it is okey to try it for one time. The owner mentioned that they adjusted the machine. So, the foams won’t disappear too fast.

延伸閱讀: 海倫咖啡 》台北車站週邊咖啡店推薦 | Taipei Main Station Coffee Shop


Terra 土然巧克力專門店 甜點

Terra Bean To Bar Dessert


Chocolate Mousse with Gin
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

甜點不定期更改, 有時也會與台北知名甜點店合作,  另外一家知名 “Yu Chocolatier 畬室”的甜點幾乎架構裡都有兩款以上的巧克力, Terra 土然巧克力專門店的甜點架構則都是單一產區的巧克力, 而且這款蛋糕是Terra 土然巧克力自己做的, 切開亮眼巧克力淋面, 裡面有 Nordes琴酒秘魯巧克力慕斯, 無酒味且有蜜餞風味, 布蕾 (Brulee) 綿密內餡奶香風味意外地搭不會被蓋住, 再搭配底部的巧克力脆餅增加口感, 整體不錯吃, 除了巧克力飲品外, 我也會推薦你們品嚐巧克力甜點.
Terra Bean to Bar Chocolate store sometimes change their desserts. They also cooperate with famous dessert shop. “Yu Chocolatier” always use 2 or above chocolates from different origins. However, Terra Bean to Bar store only use single origin chocolate to show its unique characters. This particular is designed and made by Terra Chocolate Shop. The particular dessert has Nordes Gin mixed with Peru Chocolate Mousse. There isn’t any alcohol aroma, but it has fair amount candied fruit flavor. The brûlée filling pairs well and still stands out with flan texture and flavor. Overall, besides chocolate beverages, I would suggest you to taste the chocolate dessert too.

延伸閱讀: Yu Chocolatier 畬室 》台北甜點推薦之頂級法式巧克力甜點


TERRA 土然巧克力專門店短秒影片


TERRA 土然巧克力專門店資訊

Terra Bean to Bar Store Information

餐廳:TERRA 土然巧克力專門店
地址: 台北市大安區溫州街7號 (Map)
捷運站: 台電大樓 捷運站 or 大安森林公園捷運站
電話: 02-2363-6355
FB: https://www.facebook.com/TERRA.BeanToBar/
Restaurant: Terra Bean to Bar Store
Address: No. 7, Wenzhou Street, Da’an District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Tai Power Building or Da’an Park MRT station
Tel: 02-2363-6355


TERRA 土然巧克力專門店 菜單 》Terra Bean to Bar Menu



