Taiwan Tamsui Travel 》淡水美食與淡水景點旅行懶人包

Last Updated on 2023-08-21 by Foodelicious

(2023.8 更新) 許多人對淡水美食淡水老街有興趣, 也有許多人到淡水一日遊看煙火與夕陽. 這篇文章持續更新中.
(2023.8 Update) Many people are interested in Tamsui Food and Tamsui old street. Many people would plan to have a Tamsui One Day trip as well. This article will keep updating.


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前言 Preference 

目前這篇文章沒有常見的淡水老街美食- 例如阿給, 魚丸 與黑店排骨, 因為我之前吃的時候, 我還沒開始寫部落格文章 ( 網站: https://globalfoodelicious.com ), 老實說, 我這篇懶人包應該是眾多部落客最弱且最少內容, 所以我另外附上 “從我家頂樓看淡水”的照片, 希望可以幫這篇文章加分😃.

✅ 淡水景點: 漁人碼頭, 雲門舞集 …etc.
✅ 淡水美食: 冰品, 甜點 …etc.
✅ 從我家頂樓看淡水

This article doesn’t have the usual local Tamsui classic food & snack. Honestly, my guide is probably not the best article since there is fewer sightseeing sites. So, I added a few extra pictures that are taken from my Tamsui home building top floor.

This article would include
✅ Tamsui Sightseeing
✅ Tamsui Food
✅ Tamsui View From The Top Floor


淡水景點 Tamsui Sightseeing


地址: 新北市淡水區中正路一段6巷36號 (Map)
a.淡水捷運站轉搭 836公車 在滬尾砲台(雲門劇場)站下車
b.淡水捷運站轉搭 紅 26 公車在滬尾砲台下車, 再走上坡就可以到
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cloudgate/

我跟家人只有到雲門劇場戶外, 可看到朱銘大師的作品 (如圖), 這裡適合拍照.

Cloud Gate

Address: No. 36, 1st Section, Zhongzhen Road, Tamsui District, New Taipei City. (Map)
Traffic :
Take Bus 836 to “Cloud Gate” Stop
Take Bus Red 26 to “Hobe Fort” Stop. You will need to walk uphill.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cloudgate/

My family and I only visit outdoors. This place is great place for photos.


星巴克 – 雲門舞集市集

地址: 新北市淡水區中正路一段6巷32-1號 (Map)
a.淡水捷運站轉搭 836公車 在滬尾砲台(雲門劇場)站下車
b.淡水捷運站轉搭 紅 26 公車在滬尾砲台下車, 再走上坡就可以到

這家星巴克戶外座位區很受歡迎, 建議一早就先過來坐戶外喝咖啡, 通常中午過後就有太多人潮, 這裡也很適合拍照.

Starbucks – Cloud Gate Branch

Address: No. 32-1, 6th lane, 1st section, Zhongzheng Road, Tamsui District, New Taipei City (Map)
Take Bus 836 to “Cloud Gate” Stop
Take Bus Red 26 to “Hobe Fort” Stop. You will need to walk uphill.

This Starbucks ourdoor seating area is quite popular. I would suggest to visit here in the morning to have a nice coffee outside. It is quite suitable for photo shooting.



地址: 新北市淡水區中正路一段6巷30號 (Map)
a.淡水捷運站轉搭 836公車 在滬尾砲台(雲門劇場)站下車
b.淡水捷運站轉搭 紅 26 公車在滬尾砲台下車, 再走上坡就可以到
Website: https://newtaipei.travel/zh-tw/attractions/detail/110786

淡水的木造日式老宅, 外觀非常適合拍照, 免費景點, 不能穿鞋進去, 只能穿他們提供的拖鞋 (如圖)


Japanese Memorial House

Address: No. 30, 6th Lane, 1st Section, Zhongzheng Road, Tamsui District, New Taipei City (Map)
Take Bus 836 to “Cloud Gate” Stop
Take Bus Red 26 to “Hobe Fort” Stop. You will need to walk uphill.

Website: https://newtaipei.travel/zh-tw/attractions/detail/110786

This is a Japanese style house building. The appearance is quite suitable for photo shooting. It is free. But, you cannot wear shoes. Instead, you can only wear their slippers.



地址: 新北市淡水區中正路一段6巷32號 (Map)
交通: 淡水捷運站轉搭 紅 26 公車在滬尾砲台下車, 跟著 Google Map 就可以到
Website: https://www.facebook.com/tgccgolfcom/

我跟家人只是進去看台灣高爾夫俱樂部的戶外, 我們沒有打高爾夫球.

Tamsui Golf Club

Address: No. 32, 6th lane, 1st section, Zhongzhen Road, Tamsui District, New Taipei City (Map)
Traffic: Take Bus Red 26 to “Hobe Fort” Stop. Just follow the google map.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/tgccgolfcom/

My family and I just visited the outdoor only. We didn’t play golf.



地址: 新北市淡水區中正路一段2-1號 (Map)
交通: 淡水捷運站轉搭 紅 26 公車在滬尾砲台下車,
Website: https://www.goldentulip-fabhotel.com.tw

我跟家人也是路過欣賞新開幕飯店的裝潢, 拍照很美!

Golden Tulip Hotel

Address: No. 2-1, 1st Section, Zhongzhen Road, Tamsui District, New Taipei City (Map)
Take Bus Red 26 to “Hobe Fort” Stop. Just follow the google map.
Website: https://www.goldentulip-fabhotel.com.tw

My family and I just visit here to see its new indoor design. It is great place to take pictures too.



Tamsui Riverside

許多人都會選擇從淡水捷運站沿著淡水河散步, 通常都只走到紅毛城
Many people chose to walk from Tamsui MRT station along the river. Usually they would stop at Fort San Domingo.



Tamsui Sunset

請記得淡水不適合看日出, 但是非常適合在淡水河邊觀賞夕陽.
Please remember that Tamsui is not for sunrise. But, it is perfect for watching the sunset.



交通: 淡水捷運站出站後, 搭紅 26 公車至最後一站
Website: https://www.taiwan.net.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0001091&id=7888

白天與晚上皆非常適合拍照, 週末人潮眾多.


Tamsui Fisherman’s Wharf

Traffic: Exit MRT station. You can take Bus Red 26 until the last stop.

Website: https://www.taiwan.net.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0001091&id=7888

Both Day and Night are suitable for photo shooting. There are lots of people during weekends.


淡水美食 Tamsui Food 

星月 Hoshizuki

2023.2.23 已恢復營業. 我完全沒有想到在淡水可以吃到水準不錯的日式家常料理, 好吃的程度就是如果星月開在雙連or中山站附近, 應該可以開很久.
Reopen on 2023.2.23Hoshizuki Japanese Restaurant offers Japanese Family cuisine. This restaurant needs to reserve since it is quite popular.

餐廳: 星月日本餐廳
地址: 新北市淡水區英專路139號 (Map)
電話: 0989-987-543

Restaurant: Hoshizuki Japanese Restaurant
Address: No.139, Yingzhuan Road, Tamsui, New Taipei City (Map)
Tel: 0989-987-543

二訪 2nd Visit


Asahi HuuHu Kakigori Shaved Iced Shop

朝日夫婦至今依舊是觀光客淡水吃冰推薦的店家之一, 也是少數可以一邊吃冰一邊看淡水河景的地點,
Asahi HuuHu Kakigori Shaved Iced Shop is one of the must-go iced dessert shop at Tamsui District. The customers can eat the shaved ice and see the Tamsui riverside view.
 Food Review Link 詳細評論連結

餐廳: 朝日夫婦
地址: 新北市淡水區中正路233-3號 (Map)
電話: N/A

Restaurant: Asahi HuuHu Kakigori Shaved Iced Shop
Address: No. 233-3. Zhongzheng Road, Tamsui District, New Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Tamsui MRT station
Tel: N/A



淡水老街美食 Tamsui Old Street Food 

地址: 新北市淡水區中正路1號 (Map)
交通: 淡水捷運站出站後, 步行即可到達


Tamsui Old Street

Address: No.1, Zhongzhen Road, Tamsui District, New Taipei City (Map)
Traffic: Exit from Tamsui MRT station. You can just follow the people to the Old Street.

There are many drinks and snacks.



Howhow Cantonese Rice Rolls

地址: 新北市淡水區中正路8巷2-1號  (Map)
Address: No. 2-1 , Zhongzheng Road, Dansui District, New Taipei City (Map)

我跟朋友點了 “臘腸蛋腸粉”, 請記得加辣, 整體不錯吃, 滑嫩腸粉皮讓人印象深刻.
My friend and I ordered “Sausage Cantonese Rice Rolls with Egg”. Please remember to add spicy sauce. Overall, it is quite good. The smooth rice roll sheets is not easy to forget.



Oba Fried Hot Dog

地址: N/A
Address: N/A

我跟朋友各點一支原味炸熱狗, 有莫札瑞拉起司與德式香腸,類似美國的炸熱狗, 可自行加蜂蜜芥末與蕃茄醬. 吃起來偏普通
My friend and I each ordered Original Flavor of Fried Hot Dog. It has Mozzarella Cheese and German sausage. It is similar with American Fried Hot Dog. You can add the honey mustard and ketchup. It tastes average.



Red Bean Cafe

地址: 新北市淡水區公明街80號 (Map)
Address: No. 80, Gon-ming Street, Dansui District, New Taipei City (Map)

我跟朋友都點奶油餅, 內餡是沒有紅豆, 非常不錯吃.
My friend and I both custard pastry. The filling doesn’t have red bean. It is quite delicious.



Tamsui View From the Top Floor from my home




