華山文創園區美食 》 一碗來 | Taipei Huashan Creative Park Restaurant

Last Updated on 2018-03-12 by Foodelicious

一碗來 ( Taiwan Mama )台北華山文創園區餐廳之一, 屬於忠孝新生捷運站美食, 餐廳內的藍色地板和室座位相當受歡迎.
Taiwan Mama Restaurant is one of the Taipei Huashan Creative Park Restaurants. It is located near Zhongxiao Xinshen MRT station. Its navy blue floor Japanese Room is very popular.


菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article

一碗來餐廳不難找, 先從忠孝新生捷運站一號出口出來, 往高架橋方向走, 即可抵達華山文創園區, 進入園區後往 “富錦樹咖啡華山店”ˊ旁的路走, “一碗來餐廳”會在左手邊, 從正門方向只是個裝潢時尚的餐廳, 但從側門看時,開放式藍色地板和室座位讓人驚艷, 我比較喜歡這種顏色俐落的裝潢 ( 例如: “The Normal Coffee” ). 坐在這裡用餐有種與城市隔絕的感覺, 相當不錯. 菜單上除了中式料理外, 也有茶,咖啡與甜點.
This restaurant is not difficult to find. First, walking toward the highway from No. 1 exit of Zhongxiao Xinshen MRT station. Then, walking toward the path next to “Fujin Tree Landmark”. Taiwan Mama restaurant would be at the left side of the path. Looking from the front door, it is just a restaurant with modern design. However, from the side door, you can see the blue floor Japanese Room. I always like the clear color, just like “The Normal Coffee”. I like sitting here to enjoy the comfortable dining moment. Besides Chinese cuisine, the menu also has tea, coffee and desserts.


招牌乾麵 (豬肉) 套餐

包括 招牌乾麵 (豬肉),虱目魚丸湯, 飲料
English Name: Pork Sliced Dry Noodle Set
Price: NTD $200


招牌乾麵 (豬肉)

English Name: Pork Sliced Dry Noodle
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

我決定分開 Review, 親切店員端上放著麵與湯的托盤, 廚師已事先拌好麵條, 自製醬汁均勻附著在每一條細麵上, 因此並沒有台灣常見的肉燥在這道料理, 迅速照完相後決定先吃麵, 麵條並不會過爛或是糾結在一起, 一夾起麵時, 飄出油蔥風味,香勁十足, 馬上讓人聯想到古早味, 整體風味與口感皆不錯, 菜單上寫“加量不加價”, 下次我如果再去會點麵加量 (150g) . 溏心蛋並沒有像 “麵屋牛一”具有迷人風味, 表現平平. 可惜的是豬肉切片,由於是油脂較低豬後腿肉, 吃起來較乾, 也許是因為老闆講究健康而選擇瘦肉.
I decide to review separately. The soup and dry noodle are placed at the tray. The chef already mixed the sauce and noodle at the kitchen. There isn’t the classic braised pork on the noodle. The noodle is delicious with shallot aroma and flavor. When eating this noodle, it brings back the memories of classic Taiwanese noodle. Generally speaking, I would recommend the noodle itself. I would suggest to add more quantity of the noodle (150g) with free charge. However, the half-boiled egg is not as good as “Chicken Broth Beef Ramen House”. Also, the sliced pork is a bit dry since it has less fats. I assume that the owner likes healthy food.



English Name: Milkfish Ball Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

一碗來餐廳的食材皆有履歷,虱目魚丸來自知名的安永鮮物品牌, 湯裡雖然只有一顆虱目魚丸, 但比我想像中地大, 而且有Q 彈口感, 高湯精華被白蘿蔔吸收, 有白胡椒與芹菜末香氣, 我蠻愛這碗湯.
Every ingredient have its own resume, which means the customer would know where the ingredient comes from or originated from. The milkfish ball soup is from the famous Anyong Fresh Company. Even though the soup only has one milkfish ball, but it is larger than expected. Also it is delicious. The daikon absorbs the essence of the broth, it also has white pepper and leeks flavor. I love this soup for sure.



English Name: Oolong Tea
Price: Extra + $NTD 100
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

套餐搭配飲料選擇有三種 – 仙草茶, 洛神花茶, 古早味茶. 菜單上寫若選別的茶款, 只折抵 NTD $30, 我選擇補差價點了凍頂烏龍茶多付 NTD $100. 因為茶可以回沖, 建議大概回沖三次即可. 因此吃完麵坐在完美空間喝茶等天黑也是一種享受.
There are three drink options come with the set: herb jelly, roselle tea, classic black tea. The menu stated if select other tea, they can only offer NTD $30 discount. I chose Oolong Tea for extra NTD $100. The customer can refill the tea continually. I would suggest only to refill three times. Sitting there to enjoy the tea is quite enjoyable.



延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide





Restaurant Name 店名: 一碗來 Taiwan Mama Restaurant
Address: Central 4D, 1st Section, Ba-de Road, Taipei City (Huashan Creative Park) 台北市中正區八德路一段1號中4D (華山園區) (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Taiwanmama2017/
官網連結: https://goo.gl/QE9BBT
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Xinshen MRT station 忠孝新生捷運站
電話:02- 3322-4949
營業時間: Check Facebook





