Taipei Michelin One Star 》大三元菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜 )

Last Updated on 2023-10-01 by Foodelicious

台北大三元酒樓菜單有經典粵式桌菜與港點 . 文章裡是有預訂桌菜.
Taipei Three Coins Restaurant is one of the Taipei Michelin Selected Restaurants. It has classic Cantonese cuisine and Dim Sum. This article includes the reserved-only dishes.

大三元酒樓菜單 在文末 》Three Coins Menu is at the end of Article

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About Three Coins Reservation

大三元酒樓位於西門捷運站四號與台大醫院捷運站一號出口的中間, 地址為台北中正區衡陽路 46 號, 皆需要約5分鐘的路程.最近大三元酒樓重新裝潢新開幕, 步入餐廳後發現一樓是包廂, 二樓則是有一些2 ~ 4 人散客座位 ( 圖一), 並不會像 “金獅大酒樓”如此擁擠. 大三元酒樓訂位有兩種方式 , 網路訂位 EZ Table ( ) 或是打電話訂位 (02-2381-7180 ).
Three Coins restaurant is located in between Xinmen MRT Exit 4 and NTU Hospital Exit 1. Both needs 5 minutes walking. The address is No. 46, Hengyang Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City. Three coins restaurant are re-opened due to recent remodeling. First floor is private dining room. 2nd Floor is 2 ~ 4 people seating area (Pic 1). It is not as crowded as “Golden Lion Dim Sum”. There are two ways to reserve Three Coins – EZ Table ( ) or call to reserve (02-2381-7180 ).

延伸閱讀: 金獅大酒樓 》台北西門港式飲茶點心 | Taipei Ximending Restaurant



Three Coins Restaurant Parking

大三元酒樓附近停車場沒有預期地多 (圖一), 許多人都是停大三元餐廳對面的台灣聯通衡陽停車場, 或是到遠一點的中山堂地下停車場.
There isn’t much parking lots as expected (See Pic 1)



About Three Coins Private Dining Room

大三元酒樓有大中小小包廂任挑選, 很適合家庭聚餐, 包廂低消部分需直接詢問餐廳. 這次用餐是大三元酒樓 與 法國在臺協會商務處 (Business France) 聯合籌辦的新年媒體餐敘 – 大三元香檳餐酒會. 我們這次到神秘的七樓大包廂 (圖二) , 一桌估計可坐 14 位左右.
There are many options of private dining room size, which are suitable for family gathering. You would need to the staff regarding the minimum charge of each room. This time, I attended the media dining event that is hosted by The French Trade Commission Business and Three Coins Restaurant. This event is also a Champagne Pairing Dining Event. We dined at the 7th floor, which can sit about 14 guests.




Three Coins Champagne Pairing Menu

✅ 菜色皆需在訂位時預訂
✅ 當天用餐採 “按位上菜 (一人一份) ”
✅ 文章內容會從最推薦的菜餚開始寫, 搭的酒單則是在第二部分.

Please ask the restaurant about the price of the Champagne Pairing Menu or the single dish price
✅ All dishes must be reserved in advance.
✅ Due to the COVID 19, the serving becomes one dish per person instead of the large table dishes.
✅ The article would start with my favorite dishes. The Champagnes are at the 2nd part.



Three Coins Private Dining Room Menu Dishes Rank List



Chicken Broth with Abalone and Egg White in Clay Pot
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

此道煲湯不在大三元酒樓單點菜單內, 需詢問餐廳價格與提前預訂,湯的顏色與 “雞窩雞湯” 一樣皆是鵝黃色, 濃郁雞湯香氣撲鼻, 餐廳提到食材採用黃土雞與雞爪熬煮 8 小時, 意外地是大三元並沒有加金華火腿, 適量膠質依舊讓嘴唇和味蕾留下雞湯風味. 另一個亮點是花雕蒸蛋白, 吃起來極像豆花般絲滑, 頓時讓鮑魚成為這一道菜餚的配角. 我個人推薦這一道料理.
The broth is not on the menu and needs to be reserved in advance. The broth color is as golden as “G-Woo Restaurant chicken broth”. The broth aroma is thick. The staff mentioned that they stewed with Taiwanese free-range chicken and chicken feet for 8 hours. The surprising part is that they didn’t stew with hams. There are still enough collagens to leave the long-lasting chicken soup flavor. Another surprisingly part would be the steamed egg white. It tastes as smooth as the tofu pudding. I would definitely recommend this dish.

延伸閱讀: 台北雞湯推薦 》在雞窩餐廳享用濃郁型雞湯 | G-Woo Restaurant



Fried Grouper in the Typhoon Shelter Style
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

此道菜餚不在大三元酒樓單點菜單內. 避風塘海鮮是經典粵菜, 每吃下一口魚, 佈滿蒜蓉的油炸星斑外層口感酥脆, 搭配魚肉的香辣蒜蓉風味吃起來並不會過嗆, 不僅開胃讓人想繼續吃, 搭配麵或飯食也不錯, 我們則是搭鵝肉粥, 如果有點麵與粥之類, 我個人推薦這一道避風塘星斑來搭配.
This dish is not at the menu. Fried seafood in the Typhoon Shelter Style is classic cantonese dish. You would taste the crispy appearance from the fish. The meat tastes quite delicious with fair amount of spicy and garlic flavor. It is perfect pairing with the rice or Porridge.



Dim Sum – Turnip Pastry
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我不確定大三元酒樓是不是跟 ”晶華軒“ 一樣有港式點心師傅, 許多台灣人對蘿蔔絲酥餅的外觀印象皆是白色表層加上些許白芝麻 , 大三元酒樓的蘿蔔絲酥餅看起來像炸銀絲捲是金黃色, 外層酥脆討喜, 蘿蔔絲內餡不苦偏香甜 (很重要) , 我個人很愛吃這道港式點心!
I am not sure if Three Coins restaurant have Dim Sum chef as “Silks House”. Many people would consider turnip pastry is white appearance with white sesame. The fried turnip pastry is golden color. The appearance is crispy and delightful. The turnip filling is not bitter, instead, it is quite sweet (quite important!). I personally like this dim sum!

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》晶華軒菜單除了西施泡飯還推薦點什麼



Traditional Almond Tea
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

號稱古法應該是大三元酒樓廚師團隊自己研磨, 超濃稠口感加上濃郁杏仁香, 比“頤宮”的杏仁茶好喝太多. 推薦兩人點一碗試喝看看.
The name has “Traditional” in the name. I assumed that they grind the almond themselves. The thick texture along with great almond aroma. It tastes way better than “Le Palais”.


秘制脆皮鵝 – 片皮鵝

Deep-Fried Crispy Goose – Slices
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

此道菜餚不在大三元酒樓單點菜單內, 師傅俐落地將脆皮鵝分切, 大三元酒樓總經理則是提到他們幾乎找遍台灣的鵝種, 精挑細選終於決定採用嘉義的白鵝品種. 厚切片皮鵝視覺上比例完美- 接近 1:1. 完全不像刻板印象裡的台式鵝種比例. 這道脆皮鵝咬的時候會有ㄎㄠˇ的酥脆聲響, 請記得這一道菜餚偏油脂多,  我建議多人可以點這一道料理
This dish is not at the Three Coins Restaurant yet. Three Coins Restaurant General Manager Chris mentioned that they found the perfect goose at Chiayi, Taiwan. The slice appearance is perfect with 50% fats and 50% slim meat. The goose skin is crispy. The meats is tender  with fair amount of goose oils. I would recommend group can order this dish.


秘制脆皮鵝 – 捲餅

Deep-Fried Crispy Goose – Rolls
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

無奈病情影響, 這道是餐廳員工協助捲好, 每人一捲. 我還是比較習慣像 “香宮”一樣自己捲 , 全麥餅皮並不會過於濕軟, 也不錯吃.
Each person get one roll. I am still used to put the roll together by myself, just like at “Shang Palace”. The wheat sheet is not too moist. Overall, it tastes good.

延伸閱讀: Shang Palace 》在台北香宮除了烤鴨還推薦點什麼


秘制脆皮鵝 – 生滾鵝架粥

Deep-Fried Crispy Goose – Porridge
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

鵝肉粥份量頗多, 帶骨鵝肉不減魅力, 粥吃起來微有鹹度, 並不會像白粥般無趣. 之後再加上避風塘星斑的蒜酥會讓這道粥升級 (圖2).
There are fair amount of porridge. The goose meats are still delicious. It brings small amount of salty flavor. It would upgrade the flavor with garlic pieces from the Fried Grouper dish (pic 2).



Dim Sum – Cantonese Layers Steamed Pastry
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

港式千層糕是經典港式點心, 大三元酒樓的三元千層糕的美感設計則是發想於麻將, 椰蓉奶黃內餡完全深得我心.
This pastry is a classic dim sum. The display design is just like Mahjong. The coconut flavor and custard filling are my favorite.



Deep-Fried Crispy Goose – Stir-Fried Watercress with goose oil
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這道炒青菜特別強調是用秘制脆皮鵝的鵝汁, 完全就是把整隻鵝發揮得淋漓盡致, 若是有點烤鵝, 我會建議也點鵝汁炒豆苗, 也許有人一餐裡就是要有青菜.
This dish focus on the goose oil as secret ingredient. If you order the crispy goose, I would suggest to order this dish as well. Some customers like to have greens among their dishes.



Dim Sum – Steamed Prawn Pastry
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

大三元蝦餃價格較低. 晶瑩剔透有彈性的外皮包裹著內餡, 蝦內餡不錯吃. 米其林三星的 “頤宮蝦餃皇”的內餡除了蝦之外, 也有筍絲與少許龍蝦肉. 雖然比較貴, 我個人比較喜歡頤宮的蝦餃皇.
Le Palais” steamed prawn pastry has shrimp, bamboo and tiny amount of lobster meats. And of course Le Palais is much more expensive. Three Coins steamed prawn pastry is cheaper. The shrimp filling is tasty too. However, I would prefer the “Le Palais” expensive version.

延伸閱讀: 頤宮 Le Palais 》Taipei Michelin 3 Stars Restaurant | 君品酒店台北米其林三星餐廳榮耀



Honey BBQ Pork
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

大三元的蜜汁叉燒並沒有像 “晶華軒” 有微焦痕跡, 雖然瘦肉比例看起來偏多, 但是口感偏軟嫩, 特製蜜汁滋潤著舌尖卻不會死甜. 我個人比較期待大三元的知名叉燒酥.
Three Coins BBQ pork doesn’t have hints of burns as the “Silks House Taipei BBQ pork”. Even though there are fair amount of slim meats, the texture is still tender. It is not overall too sweet. However, I would wish to have their BBQ Pastry instead.

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》晶華軒菜單除了西施泡飯還推薦點什麼



Three Coins Champagne Pairing Menu

粵菜搭配法國香檳菜單由專業侍酒師顧問 David Hsiao 與 大三元酒樓總經理 Charles 設計
✅ 大三元酒樓 Charles 是法國香檳區官方組織法國香檳襟彰會(Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne) 裡的一員 , 組織理念為推廣法國各式各樣的香檳.
✅ 七道菜餚搭配七款不同香檳.

This pairing menu is designed by Sommelier David Hsiao and Three Coins Restaurant GM Charles.
✅ Charles is the member of Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne. Its concept is to promote various Champagne
✅ 7 Champagnes pair with 7 dishes.


Andre Clouet “Rose No. 5” Brut Rose, NV

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

此款粉紅香檳搭配蜜汁嫩叉燒. Champagne Andre Clouet 為小型獨立香檳酒莊, 主要由黑皮諾釀造, 氣泡細緻, 伴隨著熟透蔓越梅與草莓等紅色水果香氣入口, 結構完整且尾韻比預期地長.
This particular Brut Rose pairs with the BBQ pork. This champagne is made with mainly Pinot Noir. The sparkling is smooth, however not long lasting. You can sense the rich ripe strawberry and raspberry flavor. The flavor is also long-lasting on the tastebuds.


Piper-Heidsieck “Essentiel” Blanc de Blancs, Brut 2017

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

此款白中白香檳搭配是金湯蛋白鮑, 許多台灣人可能不知道 Piper-Heidsieck 香檳品牌, 但是大部分的人都知道瑪麗蓮夢露在典禮宴會上提到 “我穿的是 Chanel No. 5, 我喝的是 Piper-Heidsieck 香檳“. 這款香檳是 100% Chardonnay 製造, 品酌之前有嗅到青蘋果香氣, 主要風味是烤杏仁與烤布里歐風味, 酸度偏高卻有細緻滑順的酒體.
This Blanc de Blancs pairs with Chicken Soup with Abalone and Egg White in Clay Pot. Many Taiwanese may not know about Piper-Heidsieck brand champagne. However, many of us might remember Marilyn Monroe mentioned that “I wear Chanel No.5 and I drink Piper-Heidsieck Champagne.” This Blanc de Blancs is made with 100% Chardonnay. Before tasting, I would sense the green apple aroma. The mainly flavor is toasty and tasted almond flavor. The acidity level is light along with smooth wine body.


Laurent Perrier Cuvee Rose Brut

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這款粉紅香檳是搭配秘制脆皮鵝. Laurent Perrier 香檳品牌可以稱為世界知名, 在台灣我們甚至直接翻譯為 “羅蘭香檳酒莊”. 顏色偏橙紅, 有覆盆子與黑莓風味, 酒體偏飽滿, 網路上提到這款粉紅香檳是用浸皮粹取 (saignee) 的方法釀造而成.
This pink champagne is to pair with crispy goose. Laurent Perrier Champagne is a world-wide famous brand. The color is orange-pink color. The major flavors are raspberry and black berry. It also tasted quite structural and round as well. The champagne is going through “saigneé” process which means that the grape skins are left in contact with the juice for three days.


Bellecart-Salmon, Brut Reserve

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

這款香檳搭配鵝汁炒豆苗. 此款香檳由 30% Chardonnay, 35% Pinot Noir, 與35% Pinot Meunier. 氣泡偏細緻且悠長, 品酌時可感受到這款香檳的花香與洋梨風味, 這款是我當天最愛的香檳.
This champagne is to pair with stir-fried watercress with goose oil. The champagne is made with 30% Chardonnay, 35% Pinot Noir and 35% Pinot Meunier. The small bubbles are long lasting. You can sense the abundant floral aroma along with pear flavor. This is my champagne of the day.



Charles Dufour, Bulles de Comptoir #8 Stilleben

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

This champagne is to pair with the steamed prawn pastry.



Malard, Grand Cru, Blanc de Noirs Brut

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這款黑中白搭配避風塘星斑. 100% Pinot Noir 以黑李風味為主導, 酒體結構佳.
This Blanc de Noirs is to pair with “Fried Grouper in the Typhoon Shelter Style”. The flavor is dominated by Plum flavor.



Champagne George Laval Garennes Doux

Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

此款甜香檳是搭配三元千層糕. Doux 的翻譯是含糖量最高的香檳. 這款小農香檳是由100% Pinot Meunie釀造而成, 泡沫細緻, 除了柑橘與水梨風味外, 最特殊的是這款香檳的花蜜風味. 這款是我當天第二喜歡的香檳款式.
This Champagne is to pair with the Cantonese Layers Steamed Pastry. Doux means the sugar percentage is high. This grower champagne is made with 100% Pinot Meunie. The bubbles are smooth. Besides the citrus and pear flavor, there are also floral honey flavor as well. This is my 2nd favorite Champagne of the day.

2023 米其林餐廳列表 2023 Michelin Restaurant List

延伸閱讀👉 臺灣米其林指南 2023 》2023 Taiwan Michelin Guide ( Google Map)

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Three Coins Restaurant Information

餐廳: 大三元酒樓
地址: 台北市中正區衡陽路46號 (Map)
捷運站: 西門捷運站 or 台大醫院捷運站
電話: 02-2381-7180
Restaurant: Three Coins Restaurant
Address: No. 46, Hengyang Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinmen MRT station or NTU Hospital
Tel: 02-2381-7180


大三元 菜單 》Three Coins Menu




