Taipei Healthy Soba 》二月半蕎麥麵 | 讓我來告訴你這家為何如此受歡迎
Last Updated on 2018-11-28 by Foodelicious
二月半そば 蕎麦麺 (簡稱二月半蕎麥麵)是許多人心目中的台北中山區美食推薦名單內, 雖然二月半蕎麥麵可訂位, 但還是成為中山捷運站的排隊餐廳之一.
Taipei Healthy Soba Restaurant is on my Taipei Zhongshan District Restaurants recommendation list. It is hard to imagine this soba restaurant has customer lining up during dining time.
二月半蕎麥麵菜單在文末 Taipei Healthy Soba Menu is at the end of article
二月半蕎麥麵離中山捷運站四號出口很近, 附近餐廳有“大師兄銷魂麵舖” 和 “瑪黑家居選物下午茶” , 恰巧的是剛好在我上次去的”Hana Bi 居酒屋”旁邊. 我抵達餐廳時才剛開始營業, 陸續有相當多人登記等候入座, 這家餐廳裝潢比 “日式洋麵館 麵日和 Men Biyori ” 更具有日本風情.
Taipei Healthy Soba Restaurant is closed to Zhongshan MRT station Exit 4. The nearby restaurants include “Master Spicy Noodle Shop” and “Marais Taipei”. And it is right next to “Hana Bi restaurant” that I visited before. There are quite a few people lining up. The indoor design is similar with “Men Biyori Japanese Restaurant.
延伸閱讀: 其他中山捷運站餐廳 》Other Restaurants near Zhongshan MRT station
延伸閱讀: 其他日本料理餐廳 》Other Japanese Restaurant
讓我來告訴你二月半蕎麥麵為何如此受歡迎, 第一, 菜單洋洋灑灑很多頁, 與我併桌的客人提到每道料理精采美味, 甚至還有季節限定菜單. 並不會只有生魚片,握壽司或是像 “金子半之助” 只有炸物天丼, 也讓許多老中少年紀不同年齡階層的客人甘心排隊. 第二受歡迎的原因是店員雖然年長但非常親切, 對待常來的客人和初訪客人服務心態都一樣, 也不會像 “雅苑粵菜港式飲茶餐廳”店員急躁, 入座點菜完後, 店員端上蕎麥茶與蕎麥麵沾醬,蔥和哇沙米, 我上次喝到蕎麥茶是在民生社區的”金舌頭食集”, 這款熱蕎麥茶如預期醇厚.我要先說我其實很少吃蕎麥麵, 少到應該是一年一次吧, 所以我無法告知這家蕎麥麵與其他家有何不同.
Let me tell you why this restaurant is popular. First, there are many dishes on the menu. Other customers mention that every dish is delicious and worth ordering, unlike some restaurants only offer sushi, sashimi or Fried Tempura like “Tendo-JP restaurant”. There are even seasonal menu. Second, the staffs are very friendly, unlike “Ya Yuen Cantonese Restaurant”. After seating, the staff would serve the hot buckwheat tea along with green onion and wasabi. Last time I tried the buckwheat tea is at “Origins Foodies”. Both tea are not bitter.
蝦天婦羅蕎麥麵 (沾麵)
Shrimp Tempura with Buckwheat Soba Noodle
Price: NTD $300
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
蝦天婦羅蕎麥麵沾麵算是二月半蕎麥麵招牌料理之一, 蕎麥麵視覺上就像薄片Pizza , 攤平放在竹簍盤, 不糾結與偏硬的麵體架構更是基本功, 先單吃一口蕎麥麵, 並沒有市面上有些蕎麥風味吃起來像澱粉味, 二月半蕎麥麵本身有著獨特麥香, 店員解釋蕎麥麵是自家揉麵製作. 夾起少許麵放入沾醬, 再連帶著鰹魚露醬油風味入口, 品嚐到的是柴魚海鮮味, 腦海中浮現的是日本風情.
Shrimp Tempura with Buckwheat Soba noodle is one of this restaurant’s signature dishes. Honestly, the visual image looks like thin crust pizza on the bamboo plate. The buckwheat soba is great since it is not twisted and with hard texture. I tasted without the dip sauce at the beginning. The flavor is its original wheat flavor instead of simple starch flavor. The staff mentions that they made the soba themselves. With the dip sauce, the soba becomes much more flavorful with seafood flavor, similar with bonito flake flavor.
天婦羅因為是現炸, 較晚端上桌, 份量且品項多, 視覺上是澎湃, 呈現的細膩程度比 “KICHI 吉天婦羅“高, 麵衣薄卻相當酥脆, 最值得一提的是炸蝦天婦羅, 蝦肉是新鮮半熟軟嫩, 而非像市面上是全熟偏硬, 魚肉也不會支離破碎, 最後驚喜的是店員呈上煮蕎麥麵的湯, 可倒入沾醬杯中, 變成了熱湯. 我蠻推這道蕎麥麵, 但前提是你不常跑日本.
Since the tempura is fried upon order, it is served later. I am surprised to see the quantity is large along with many items. Its fried texture is thin but yet crispy and smooth, just like “Kichi Tempura”. The most unexpected part would be the shrimp itself is half-boiled instead fully fried, which is great! The soup that cook the soba is served at last. You can pour the soba soup into the dip sauce to become a delicious soup with seafood flavor. I would recommend this buckwheat soba to people who do not travel to Japan a lot.
餐廳: 二月半蕎麥麵
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路二段20巷1-1號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站
電話: 02-2563-8008
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Restaurant:Taipei Healthy Soba Restaurant
Address: No. 1-1 , 20th Lane, 2nd Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan MRT Station
Tel: 02-2563-8008
Operation Hour: Check Facebook