2022 台北咖啡推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Coffee Recommendation
Last Updated on 2022-01-28 by Foodelicious
(2022.1 更新) 這篇 2022 台北咖啡店推薦懶人包 是我分區篩選出來的名單 , 參考名單僅限Foodelicious Review 過的台北咖啡店, 之後會陸續更新.
(2022.1 Update) This is the 2022 Taipei Coffee Shop Recommendation List by district. The list only limited to the coffee shops that Foodelicious Review. It will keep updating.
圖片來源: Unsplash
UPDATED: 2021/5/17
♛ The Newest Review Link 最新文章連結: ALL DAY ROASTING COMPANY 》這家台北不限時民生社區咖啡店常客滿
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Taipei Da’an District Coffee Shop
UCC Cafe – 敦南 SOGO旗艦店
UCC 敦南 SOGO 旗艦店是少見的挑高建築, 舒適空間加上專業店員解說咖啡, 相當適合喜歡喝單品咖啡的人, 這裡有提供三明治, 因此可以吃早午餐和下午茶.
UCC Dunnan SOGO Branch is UCC Flagship store at Taipei City. It has high ceiling with comfortable seats. With professional staffs, you can learn lots of knowledge about single origin coffees. They also offer sandwiches. So, people can enjoy both brunch and afternoon tea here.
► Food Review Link 詳細評論連結
店名: UCC Cafe 敦南 SOGO 店
地址: 台北市大安區敦化南路一段246號 B1 (敦南 SOGO) (Map)
捷運: 忠孝敦化捷運站 & 忠孝復興捷運站
Tel: 02-2752-4157
Shop Name: UCC Cafe Taipei – Flagship Store
Address:B1, No. 246, 1st Section, Dunnan South Road, Taipei City (Map)
MRT Station: Zhongxiao Dunhua & Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station
The Normal Coffee
咖啡店位於國父紀念館捷運站附近的仁愛路四段上, 第二家分店在敦北, 小巨蛋捷運附近, The Normal Coffee 海軍藍色門面十分顯眼, 室內座位是個人高腳椅, 而不是常見的咖啡店座位, 相對也比較安靜. 此外, 由於地段和高品質咖啡豆選擇, 份量並沒有一般咖啡店多, 但是屬於高品質咖啡, 有時候我在附近時, 會抽空去喝咖啡. Review 文章連結有娜姐獨家折扣!
The Normal Coffee is located near SYS Memorial Hall MRT Station. There is another store near Taipei Arena MRT station. Its navy blue front is quite attractive. The indoor seat is single seat instead of group seats. In another words, the environment is quiet. Due to the location and high quality coffee bean, the quantity might not be as much as expected. Special Promotion in the review article link.
► Food Review Link 詳細評論連結
店名: The Normal Coffee
地址: 台北市大安區仁愛路四段413號 (Map)
捷運: 國父紀念館捷運站
Tel: 02-2775-4066
Shop Name: The Normal Coffee
Address: No. 413, 4th section, Ren-Ai Road, Taipei City (Map)
MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
在 Instagram 查看這則貼文
Olivia Coffee Roaster
Olivia Coffee Roaster 與 The Normal Coffee 相當近, 座位以單人為主, , 這裡恰巧符合我個人喜歡的安靜環境, 我點的是 1 + 1 Expresso +Cappuccino, 我個人喜歡這款卡布奇諾的堅果香氣.
Olivia Coffee Roaster’s location is very near The Normal Coffee. It is mostly single seats.I ordered 1+1 Expresso + Cappuccino . I personally like the nutty flavor from the coffee.
► Food Review Link 詳細評論連結
店名: Olivia Coffee Roaster
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路346巷50號 (Map)
捷運: 國父紀念館捷運站
Tel: 02- 8771-3507
Shop Name: Olivia Coffee Roaster
Address: No. 50, 346th Lane, Guangfu South Road Taipei City (Map)
MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel:02- 8771-3507
Taipei Songshan District Coffee Shop
All Day Roasting Company
All Day Roasting Company 是知名民生社區咖啡廳之一, 也在我的不限時且有插頭的台北咖啡店推薦名單上. 最推薦招牌超費工拿鐵與Tiramisu.
All Day Roasting Company is one of the famous coffee shop at Mingshen Community. It is also at my Taipei Coffee Recommendation list. I would recommend their signature coffee and Tiramisu.
地址: 台北市松山區延壽街329號1樓 (Map)
捷運站: 南京三民捷運站
電話: 02-8787-4468
Restaurant: All Day Roasting Company
Address: No. 329, Yanshou Street, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Nanking Sanmin MRT station
Tel: 02-8787-4468
民生工寓位於民生東路巷弄內, 離中山國中捷運站有些距離, 算是松山區有名的咖啡店. 我點的是招牌黑糖拿鐵, 並不是隨意撒上薄薄的黑糖粉而已, 此外, 店家有與知名烘培店合作甜點, 我也相當推薦甜點.
The famous Coffee Essential is at Mingshen East Road, which is a bit far from Zhongshan Junior High MRT station. i ordered Brown Sugar Latte, which is quite different from the regular brown sugar in general. Also, the store cooperates with famous dessert shop. I recommended the dessert as well.
餐廳: 民生工寓
地址: 台北市松山區民生東路四段56巷1弄3號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山國中捷運站 or 松山機場捷運站
電話: 02-8712-1220
Restaurant: Coffee Essential
Address: No. 3, 1st Alley, 56th Lane, 4th Section, Mingshen East Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan Junior High School or Songshan Airport MRT station
Tel: 02-8712-1220
Taipei Beitou District Coffee Shop
豆咖啡有兩家店, 我是去北投店, 其實冰釀咖啡才是他們的招牌, 我點的是胭脂 北投(冰), 以往市面上的冰咖啡幾乎都是咖啡喝到最後會變淡, 豆咖啡因為有咖啡冰磚, 喝起來咖啡風味始終如一, 相當不錯. 北投店只有戶外座位, 離馬路有些距離, 這時再點個堅果鬆餅享受戶外也是不錯.
Bean Coffee has two branches. I visited Beitou Branch. Their Cold-brewed coffee is famous. But I ordered the Beitou Special Cafe Latte (Ice). Because of the coffee ice cube, the coffee flavor remains at the tastebuds from the beginning till the end. The store only has outside seats. I also ordered walnut waffle as well.
餐廳: 豆咖啡
地址: 台北市北投區豐年路一段49號 (MAP)
捷運站: 北投捷運站
電話: 02-2895-2348
Restaurant: Bean Cafe
Address: No. 49, 1st Section, Fengnian Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Beitou MRT station
Tel: 02-2895-2348
Taipei Neihu District Coffee Shop
小初芽 Little Sprout
初芽餐廳有天母初芽本店和內湖小初芽分店. 主打為早午餐, 咖啡豆則是用知名的Goodman Roaster 品牌, 坐在戶外喝咖啡是一件很舒適的事.
There are two Sprout restaurants. One is at Tianmu and Little Sprout is at Neihu. Their signature dishes are brunch. Their coffee bean is the famous Goodman Roaster brand. Sitting at the outdoor seat is quite comfortable.
店名: 小初芽 Little Sprout
地址: 台北市內湖區金湖路57號 (Map)
捷運站: 內湖捷運站
電話: 02-2794-9094
Restaurant: Little Sprout
Address: No. 57, Jinhu Road, Neihu District Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Neihu MRT station
Tel: 02-2794-9094
Taipei Zhongzheng District Coffee Shop
許多人想知道 台北咖啡廳推薦 , 我相信許多人都會說 Simple Kaffa 興波咖啡 2.0 , 因為不僅咖啡好喝,甜點也很出色.
Many people want to know Taipei Coffee Shop Recommendation. I believe that Simple Kaffa Coffee Shop would be lots of people’s recommendation list.
店名: Simple Kaffa Flagship 興波咖啡旗艦店
地址: 台北市中正區忠孝東路二段27號 (Map)
捷運站: 善導寺捷運站 or 忠孝新生捷運站
電話: 02-3322-1888
Restaurant: Simple Kaffa Flagship
Address: No. 27, 2nd Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Zhongzhen District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Shandao Temple MRT station or Zhongxiao Xinsheng MRT station
Tel: 02-3322-1888
Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation
📌台北區域美食推薦 Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide
連結 (Link): 台北信義區美食餐廳推薦 》Taipei Xinyi District Restaurants Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北信義安和美食推薦 》Restaurant Recommendation near Xinyi Anhe MRT station
連結 (Link): 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包 》 Dongmen Station & Yongkang Restaurants Guide
連結 (Link): 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes
連結 (Link): 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide