Taipei Bistro

DiVino Taipei 》適合朋友小酌聚餐的台北義大利餐酒館 ( 內有菜單 )

DiVino Taipei 》適合朋友小酌聚餐的台北義大利餐酒館 ( 內有菜單 )
DiVino Taipei 是知名的台北餐酒館, 也是適合小酌的信義安和美食之一, DiVino Taipei 菜單與酒單也曾得過紅蝦評鑑的 1 酒杯之榮耀. DiVino Taipei is a famous Taipei Bistro, which is located near Xinyi Anhe MRT station. Divino restaurant also has earned...

Taipei Bistro 》搬家後訂位困難的草頭西餐酒館值得再訪

Taipei Bistro  》搬家後訂位困難的草頭西餐酒館值得再訪
(2021.10 更新) 搬家後重新開幕的 草頭西餐酒館 是2021 台北新開幕餐廳美食 , 多數饕客都知道草頭西訂位困難, 草頭西菜單與酒單也不定期更換, 依舊是我的台北餐酒館推薦之一. ( 2021. 10 Update ) After moving and reopening, Catouxi Bistro becomes one of the 2021 Taipei new restaur...

Le Duet Kitchen and Bar 》台北信義區餐酒館 (內有新菜單)

Le Duet Kitchen and Bar 》台北信義區餐酒館 (內有新菜單)
Le Duet Kitchen and Bar 是台北信義區美食餐廳之一, 也是少數有 Fusion 風格的台北餐酒館, 近期 Le Duet 菜單從單點菜餚改為套餐. Le Duet Kitchen and Bar is one of the Xinyi District Restaurants. It is a Taipei Fusion Bistro. Recently, Le Duet m...

Backyard Jr. Taipei 》小後苑信義菜單 2021 開始提供晚餐套餐

Backyard Jr. Taipei 》小後苑信義菜單 2021 開始提供晚餐套餐
小後苑信義店 是市政府站美食餐廳 , 也是威士忌選擇眾多的台北餐酒館, 這篇文章也會提到信義店與小後苑大直店的差別, 這次小後苑 2021 秋冬菜單推出晚餐套餐. Backyard Jr. Xinyi is one of the Taipei City Hall MRT restaurants. It is also a Taipei Bistro with many Whisky selecti...

Vice Versa 餐廳 》六人在這家台北餐酒館點什麼 (內有菜單)

Vice Versa 餐廳 》六人在這家台北餐酒館點什麼 (內有菜單)
(2022.2 更新) Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen 之前是白天賣咖啡甜點, 現在只有晚上營業, 成為台北餐酒館 , 這家台北廈門街歐風老宅餐廳也是古亭美食之一. (2022.2 Update) Vice Versa Wineshop & Kitchen is Taipei Bistro by night. It is also one of the ...

Salotto 19 食酒客廳 》菜單沒有 Pizza

Salotto 19 食酒客廳 》菜單沒有 Pizza
(2022.1 更新) Salotto 19 餐廳 是台北餐酒館之一, 也是 Antico Forno 老烤箱的姐妹店, Salotto 19 菜單卻沒有 Pizza , 皆是單點下酒菜菜餚. (Update 2022.1 ) Salotto 19 Bistro is one of the Taipei Bistros. It is also the 2nd restaurant of Antic...