嵩 SUNG 台北大安 》菜單除了脆皮炸雞還點哪些 (內有低消)

Last Updated on 2023-12-05 by Foodelicious

嵩 SUNG 台北大安2023 新開幕的台北餐酒館, 珊瑚橘色時尚洞穴空間設計令人記憶深刻, 文章裡有嵩 SUNG 台北大安 菜單 , 低消, 評價訂位等重點.
SUNG Bistro Taipei Da-An restaurant is a 2023 new Taipei Bistro. The coral orange color and its design is quite impressive. The article includes SUNG menu, minimum charge, review, and reservation… etc.


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嵩 SUNG 台北大安 訂位

SUNG Bistro Taipei Da-an Reservation

嵩 SUNG 餐酒館地址為台北市大安區延吉街131巷35號 離國父紀念館捷運站一號出口只有 5 分鐘路程. 餐廳外型設計非常亮眼, 用餐空間比預期地大, 座位區也分為4人座 , 也有長桌區 ,非常適合朋友聚餐. 嵩 SUNG 台北大安是用 inline 訂位 (Link) .
SUNG Bistro address is No. 35, 131th Lane,Yanji Street , Daan District, Taipei City. It is about 5 minutes walking distance from SYS Memorial Hall Metro station. The restaurant design is quite impressive. The dining area is larger than expected. The seating area has 4-people and long table area. It is quite suitable for friends’ gathering. You would need to reserve via inline (Link )

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

延伸閱讀: 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide


嵩 SUNG 台北大安 低消

SUNG Bistro Taipei Da-an Minimum Charge

嵩 SUNG 台北大安 低消是 NTD $500/人. 用餐時間限制是兩小時.
SUNG Bistro minimum charge is NTD $500/person. The dining hour is limited to 2 hours.


嵩 SUNG 台北大安 菜單

SUNG Bistro Menu

嵩 SUNG 台北大安菜單為單點, 也有提供調酒, 名符其實的台北餐酒館
SUNG Bistro menu is à la carte. They also offer cocktails. It is indeed a Taipei Bistro.

Menu Link: https://inline.app/booking/-NEtNQZKrBhDKgQRt11e:inline-live-1/-N_XVJqxvJ-8m_V88HLV?language=zh-tw



嵩 SUNG 台北大安 評論 ⭐

SUNG Bistro Review


Crispy Fried Chicken with Garlic Honey Sauce
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

我們有四人, 各自點自己的主餐與飲料外, 也點了這一道炸雞一起分享. 上桌時, 炸雞外層不會過於油亮. 先單吃咬一口時, 酥脆且爆汁. 雞肉的嫩度也令人滿意. 品味的過程中, 讓我想起之前在”Buttermilk Taipei”品嚐的美味炸雞,同樣是出乎預期的美味. 沾蒜末蜂蜜醬是另一種吃法, 我個人比較喜歡單吃不沾醬. 我會推薦點這一道菜餚.
With four people at the table, each of us ordered our main courses and drinks. We also decided to share this fried chicken dish. When it arrived, the outer layer of the fried chicken wasn’t overly shiny. Taking a bite, it was crispy and juicy. The tenderness of the chicken was satisfying. The taste reminded me of the delicious fried chicken I had at “Buttermilk Taipei” before, equally unexpectedly delightful. Dipping it in garlic honey sauce offers another flavor dimension, but personally, I prefer it without any sauce. I would recommend this dish.

延伸閱讀: Buttermilk Taipei 》Buttermilk 炸雞確實令人難忘




Italian Pinot Gris Spaghetti with Clams
Price: NTD $390
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

我曾在 “OZ Cafe & Bistro” 品嚐到一份令人滿意的白酒蛤蠣義大利麵. 看似最簡單的菜餚, 要做到滿意是最困難. 儘管這份義大利麵的價格相對較高 ( NTD $390 ), 但當我發現它特別使用灰皮諾白酒時,我迫不及待地點了來品嚐。 這一道份量的麵與蛤蠣都足夠, 每一口麵皆有誘人的微酒香與蒜香, 也間接襯托出蛤蠣的海鮮風味. 喜歡有微酒香的人可以考慮點.
I once tasted a satisfying white wine clam linguine at “OZ Cafe & Bistro.” Despite being one of the seemingly simplest dishes, achieving satisfaction is the most challenging. Although the price of this pasta is relatively high (NTD $390), when I discovered it specifically uses Pinot Grigio white wine, I couldn’t wait to order it and savor the experience. The portion of both pasta and clams is ample, with each bite featuring an enticing hint of wine and garlic, complementing the seafood flavor of the clams. It’s a great choice for those who enjoy a subtle wine flavor.

延伸閱讀: OZ Cafe & Bistro 》二訪吃 OZ 千層蛋糕與鹹派 (內有菜單)




French Orange Tiramisu
Price: NTD $220
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

那一個月剛好是我生日, 也有在 inline 訂位上註明預訂提拉米蘇作為生日蛋糕. 按照規定 (2023.11月) , 餐廳會 check 身份證看是不是生日月. 餐廳很貼心準備蠟燭與蛋糕免費 . 這一片提拉米蘇夠四人分享. 頗為厚實的可可粉賦予微苦. 蘭姆酒香氣倒是沒有明顯. 柑橘的微酸橙香是在入口後才呈現於味蕾. 我在台北最喜歡的 Tiramisu 依舊是 “All Day Roasting Company” 與 “Simple Kaffa Coffee 興波咖啡旗艦店”.
It happened to be my birthday month, so I reserve the Tiramisu as Birthday via inline. According to 2023.Nov policy, the restaurant will check the ID card to check if it is the birthday month in order to offer you candle and free cake. This Tiramisu is suitable for 4 people to share. The cocoa powder offers a few of bitterness. The rum aroma is not obvious. Hints of orange aroma and flavor come after the bite. My favorite Tiramisu are still at “All Day Roasting Company” and “Simple Kaffa Coffee”.

延伸閱讀:ALL DAY ROASTING COMPANY 》這家台北不限時民生社區咖啡店常客滿

延伸閱讀: Simple Kaffa Coffee 興波咖啡旗艦店 》咖啡愛好者都會推薦的台北咖啡店




French Black Truffle Risotto with Fried Prawns
Price: NTD $450
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

我朋友點的, 我吃了一隻炸蝦與一些松露燉飯. 主廚將燉飯烹調得不錯, 依舊有微硬米心, 松露醬也不吝嗇拌入, 賦予濃郁菌菇香. 炸蝦表現平平.
My friend ordered it. I ate one fried shrimp and a few bite of truffle risotto. There are lots of truffle sauces, therefore, the risotto taste is full of mushroom aroma and flavor. However, the fried shrimp tastes average.




French Black Truffle Risotto with Chicken Thigh
Price: NTD $385
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

我朋友點的. 雞腿外層皮酥脆, 雞肉嫩且不柴. 我只是覺得點另一道“法式黑松露油封鴨腿燉飯”應該會更有特色.
My friend ordered it. The chicken thigh skin is crispy and the meat is tender. However, I think that the other dish – French Black Truffle Risotto with Duck Confit would be more unique.



French Senna Shrimp Paste Spaghetti with Baharatu Iberian Pork
Price: NTD $680
Foodelicious: N/A

My friend ordered it.



Price: N/A
Foodelicious: N/A

My friend ordered it.


結論 Conclusion ⭐

我當初選 嵩 SUNG 台北大安餐廳並不是因為拍起來漂亮, 而是以下幾個原因:

✅ 低消合理:
每個人對餐費都有自己的標準, NTD $500 / 人是許多人的合理低消.
✅ 星期ㄧ與星期二都有營業 , 而且交通方便
嵩 SUNG 台北大安餐廳目前是每天都有營業 , 當時慶生要找星期二有營業的餐廳實在不容易. 餐廳就在台北東區的國父紀念館站捷運附近
✅ 單點西餐
因為朋友們跟我的中餐喜好不太ㄧ樣, 單點西餐比較能夠讓每個人滿足.
✅ 可以吃蛋糕甜點
有些餐廳沒有提供甜點, 也不讓客人內用甜點. 所以我會看甜點菜單, 再看可不可以點蠟燭 (自己帶或是餐廳準備).

I chose SUNG Bistro is not because of its beautiful restaurant. The reasons would be the following:

✅ Reasonable Minimum Charge:
Everyone has its own food spending standard. NTD $500/person is most people’s reasonable minimum charge.
✅ The restaurant operates during Monday and Tuesday. And it is closed to Metro Station.
SUNG Bistro operates everyday. It is not easy to find a restaurant to celebrate birthday on Tuesday. Also, the restaurant is located near SYS Memorial Hall Metro station.
✅ The restaurant offers a la carte dishes
Friends’ Chinese cuisine preference is different. So, a la carte western cuisine are suitable for everyone.
✅ You can also enjoy the cake dessert
Some restaurants do not offer dessert and do not let customers enjoy dessert. So, I will check the dessert menu and ask if I can bring candle to celebrate.


台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount




嵩 SUNG 台北大安 資訊

SUNG Bistro Taipei Da-an Information

店名: 嵩 SUNG 台北大安
地址: 台北市大安區延吉街131巷35號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站( BL 17)
電話: 02-8772-0358

inline: https://inline.app/booking/-NEtNQZKrBhDKgQRt11e:inline-live-1/-N_XVJqxvJ-8m_V88HLV?language=zh-tw

Restaurant: SUNG Bistro TAIPEI DA-AN
Address: No. 35, 131th Lane,Yanji Street , Daan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: SYS Memorial Hall Metro Station (BL17 )
Tel: 02-8772-0358




