ST. FEUILLIEN’ SAISON 》比利時聖富勒農夫啤酒 | Belgian Beer
Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious
這罐ST. FEUILLIEN’ SAISON (比利時聖富勒農夫啤酒) 是在酒展試喝到, 是跟之前在7-11 買的GRAND KIRIN 精釀啤酒 Cloud Saison一樣系列的精釀啤酒.
I tasted “ST. FEUILLIEN’ SAISON” at the wine show. It is the same type as as Grand Kirin Saison that I purchased at 7-11.
Product Name 產品名稱: ST. FEUILLIEN’ SAISON 比利時聖富勒農夫啤酒
Country of Origin 原產地: Belgian 比利時
Foodelicious 美味程度 : 🎉 🎉🎉
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Channel 試飲地點: 食品展 Event
Price: 試飲 Trial Taste
Total ml 總容量: 330ml
ABV 酒精濃度: 6.5 %
Bottle Bar Code: N/A
進口商: 羅勒國際實業有限公司
雖然只有一小杯試喝杯, 大致上可以品嚐到結構與特色. 倒出酒體琥珀色搭配澎鬆泡沫, Saison屬於未經過濾的啤酒, 透徹度較為混濁, 光是聞起來就有濃烈的啤酒花香味和柑橘香氣, 雖然喝起來輕盈順口, 苦味似乎被微辛辣風味蓋住, 喝了第二杯試飲杯才感受到中度的苦味, 收尾乾淨俐落. 基本上來說, 這是一瓶非常適合夏天暢飲的啤酒.
Even though there is only one small cup, the structure and other traces are still easy to detect. Pouring out the amber color beer body, it has fluffy foam. Saison is one of the unfiltered beer, therefore, the beer body isn’t clear. The aroma has hops pairing with citric aromas. Even though the taste is crisp, but the bitterness seemed to be covered by the spice flavor. After tasting the second trial cup, the fair amount of bitterness appears and the end is dry.General speaking, ST. FEUILLIEN’ SAISON is perfect for summer.
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延伸閱讀2: 野餐酒 》PICNIC WINE GUIDE 哪些酒比較適合帶去野餐?
警語: 飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康 <- 菸酒管理法規定要寫的!